What Was Missing (Devious Bunny and XWhySoSeriousX)

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Okay, the mood was way better. But she was still on edge, not because he ate people to live but because...she was actually trusting him. Had she gone insane, had some alien taken over her body and gave her the ability to trust myserious characters only found in Twlight books. Then she froze her thoughts thinking to herself.

What if he could read her thoughts, she stared at him for a second before she inferred (hopefully) that he couldn't read them. Ophelia eyes the mysterious vampire and but her lower lip before smiling and laughing softly at what he had to say. Of course she was hoping that the whole "Turn on you" joke was his dark sense of humor but deep down she knew that he was upmost capable of doing just that.

"Well I have a million questions to ask you but I think it would be better if we got to busniess first. Maybe we could air out all of the questions over an Italian dinner..." A vampire liking Italian food, well first off she believed that vampires tastebuds were dead so that they could only drink blood but she guessed not. Maybe it was his only taste to feeling human, maybe he only tasted cardboard when eating human food but did it anyways to still feel...alive.

Jeez if that's the case I feel bad, he's such a great guy but can't even live without murdering someone...but maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, just because I take psych classes doesn't mean I'm a people whisperer, well in this case vampire whisperer.

She chuckled softly at her comment then quickly covered it with coughing. Then she looked down at the map that had been mad still wondering what use she had. Why hadn't he just taken her necklace, cause without it she'd be useless to his cause. Ophelia felt herself sigh inwardly bumming herself out before she looked back up him realizing something. Ophelia walked around the table to where he was and stepped in closer completely closing the space between them.

"I fell in love with your brown orbs and now that I think about it they aren't yours are they...I mean vampires have the red glowing eye thing don't they?" She chuckled holding her mouth over her hand then looked back up at him walking back around the table with a dramatic sigh and shrug. "I can't believe that you built our new friendship on lies...it, it just breaks my little heart" she placed her hand on her chest and wiped away a fake tear before looking back down on the map placing her finger over the small circles before the one placed over Montreal, Canada caused the pendant to glow softly letting her see something that took her breath away causing her to pull her finger away from the map with haste. The glow died out slowy and she looked up at Sal with her heavy breaths, it was a moment of silence before she began to laugh and ran back over to him grabbing his hand in hers completely ignoring the cold chill that his hands gave off with the slightest touch.

"S-Sal! I saw it again...except this time I got to see the full library and a little flash of a river...but, then the river....it was a gorgeous blue then became a dark red..." She dropped his hands recalling the memory and breathed in deeply as she once against tried to bring the puzzle together.
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