What is your most LAZY moment?

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Yes, this thread is to brag about the most laziest thing you have ever done! >:D

...my lazy moments usually involve watching the same channel on the tv for hours, cause I dun wanna walk across the room and go get the remote. c____c
Mine, is getting up in the morning an hour before I have to get ready for work, and laying down on the floor for half an hour staring at the ceiling instead of doing push ups and crunches like I planned.
Getting my sibling to grab something for me, and it being not even two feet away. I was sick. Yeah. I was sick. You believe me right?
being a staff in an online forum for roleplaying, but never really doing anything.
Hnnn, when I get migraines, I pretty much convince myself not to get up for anything. I don't go eat, etc. Just lay in a dark room c_c
Fucking the admin doesn't make you one!

...or does it?

*rapes asmo*
Not here, the other side.

However, seeing as Asmo got raped, some good came from this misunderstanding never the less. Hmm, to the misconceptions thread...
Getting up early to see something during a vacation, only to decide to go back to sleep for 3 more hours.
I will go and swim and then dry off. I'll fall asleep, wake up ENTIRELY sunburned, and just flip myself over so that my back matches atleast. Then I'll fall asleep.
Well I joined Iwaku once.

Seriously though if I wasn't here I'd have a PhD and fifty babies all over the city or something.
Wanting to play a different game, but not feeling like getting up to change the disc or switch to HD. >_<'
Quickly, we have to ban Darkness so he invades his country with a small army of hysterical toddlers!

Ahem, anyway, I taught my dog to fetch my handbag so that I don't have to find it myself. It wasn't easy but she's better at finding it than I am. o_o;
Nah, not surprised, Darkness is able to be nice.

My lazy moment is wanting to delete this thread..... but being too tired to.
I would say that this thread is made for me and my type of people, but that's just making an obvious statement.

My laziest moment... there are only thousands of them to pick. ;)

I haven't showered for a month. I haven't brushed my teeth for two, maybe three. I didn't bother to cut my hair even after it was longer than Michael Jackson's list of arrest. I didn't bother to eat because I was too busy slacking away. I didn't bother to read any of your fan fics because you didn't read mine... wait, that last one wasn't lazy. Yeah, it was. Me being too lazy to read them was the other reason. :P

Oh, and I'm too lazy to wash my dishes, get my own food, and clean my room. My mum does ALL that for me.

True story. Sad one, too.