My hair is naturally pretty straight~ so I don't usually have a need to straighten it unless I want that flat ironed look~ which I don't xD because its too flat for me x)
When I want my hair curly~ I just leave it in braids for a while~ it get its all wavy and windblown and I don't even need to use a curler. (Normally, people would use a large barrel curler to get the wispy curl look and the smaller barrel for the twirled/twist curls).
Occasionally (once a year or so) for some cousin's party or a wedding or something like that in the summer, my cousins will curl my hair into barrel curls (twisting in because out looks terrible on me xD) And those look pretty cute~ just too much to worry about all day because they're getting uncurled or the ribbons are tangled or they're bouncing all over like a distraction~~ but they're worth it >> once in a while, that is because they make me look ADORABLE <3 xD
And then, there's DYING <3 OMG this is my favourite part ^^
I use henna dye~ which pretty much, depending on which kind you use, can do one of two things. If you use the darker one, it practically makes your hair pitch black, but gives it a golden tinge in sunlight/light/etc. If you use the other one (the lighter one I guess, it's the one that smells better! xD), it makes your hair black, but not AS black and gives your hair a dark red tinge. But this is all only if your hair is DARK ^^ See, henna dye is pretty much dark red/ brownish dye. But when it gets on dark hair, it makes darker. Light hair ~ will become orange or red depending on your shade. I have medium brown to dark brown with some lighter strands~ so I end up with darker brown hair with coppery red streaks. Then~ when I wash it out, after a while, the darker brown fades away and leaves me with my normal brown and new copper highlights <3 which are awesome ^^
Well, last summer, I went a little nuts and dyed my hair blue. Now it was a really pretty electric blue and I had gotten through the main portions of my hair and was leaving streaks for some BRIGHT YELLOW <3 but daddy totally made me wash it out till it came out and there wasn't any left. I had darker brown~purplish hair for a while, but IT WAS WORTH IT XD
This summer, I wanna go GREEN. Not like icky forest green, but like that deep, primary color green. Pure green <3 Like grass or leaves. And I want to see how it looks. Just for fun. Maybe with red or yellow streaks. You know, the wash out eventually hair dye. It's more like hair gel. xD
If I ever DYEDYE like real temp dye my hair, I'd dye it blonde just for fun. Because I wonder what I would look like with blonde hair you know <3 Eyebrows and all ;] Blonde xD
~_~ And that concludes my massive hair post xD I feel so silly ^^
Make a thread about hairstyles too! I'll go even crazier!