What are your fears or phobias?

What are your fears or phobias?

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Spiders, heights, and dolls are my big ones.

I think spiders are cool in documentaries and things but one up close, even a small one, makes my heart race. Though I did manage to kill one the size of a silver dollar once. Once.

Heights are a thing that I have no control over. At my middle school there was a small 2 foot ledge that I could not jump from. xD It was too much for me much to my friend's confusion. xD

Dolls are so creepy to me. I watched Child's Play when I was waaaaaay too young to do so and it kind of ruined them for me. Also my mom had a life-sized doll from her childhood that she wanted to make look like me...She didn't mean it in a creepy way, she just treasures both me and and doll a lot and likes craft projects. Knowing this didn't stop the nightmares of that thing coming to life and dumping me in a pit of dolls. And the day when my grandma died, my mom bought me a doll baby to try and help break the news to me. Without even being told yet that Grandma had passed, I threw the doll to the ground and demanded to see Grandma. So much trauma in my life is caused by dolls. xD I'm sorry society, I don't buy into your Baby Alives and Barbies.
Spiders. Those bastards scare the bejesus outta me. It's the only thing that's ever put me in the hospital. *shivers*

And clowns. Don't know why. They give me the creeps. Always have. My mother says I've been scared of them since infancy.
Man, I really don't get why people are scared of spiders. Is it the legs? Are you all secretly jealous of their numerous, shapely legs?
My overall worst fear is failure. I hate letting people down, and failing anything, whether it be failing to fulfill a duty or failing a test, I hate failure. <_>
My fear of spiders comes from two traumatic events in my childhood. I'm pretty sure I could be cured of this through therapy. Totally working on this, though. Half the time, I'm able to channel my fright into a violent reaction that leads to the arachnid's death instead of a panic attack.

Heights, too. Although, more specifically, I don't like my feet not being on the ground. >>; Even getting on a step stool makes me nervous.

Being unprepared. For any emergency, big or small. I'm completely okay with the dozens of first-aid kits and functional weapons we have around here. Hopefully we'll have even more survival equipment so we can be that much more assured.

I'm also agoraphobic on some level. It's always keeping me indoors. There are social situations and environments that come off as too uncomfortable or dangerous for me to want to go near them. Riding buses, going to a public park, reading in the library, standing in line to get fast food--I don't feel safe anywhere unless I've memorized an escape route that's guaranteed to work so I can dodge anxiety attacks. (Unless my boo is with me, then I'll go pretty much anywhere without fear. He's my pillar of stability everywhere I go. <3 T_T)

I'm timid and have lots of phobias, honestly. My anxiety controls my life. Or, at least, it tries to. I'm improving with time, that's the important part to remember.
I hate spiders, with a burning passion. If one gets on me, I'll usually flail, then hunt it down. I even shot a spider once. It was small, but it completely and totally deserves the .45 shell it earned.

CBRN: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear weapons. The thought of these scares me to no end. Especially knowing what I know about the old Soviet WMD stockpile.
A fear of one day waking up and realizing that no one would have cared if I didn't.
I get stupid-scared around needles or wasps/hornets. Everything else is meh.
My absolute biggest fear is of centipedes, which sounds irrational until you wake up with a giant one crawling on you in the middle of the night. Can't even handle seeing them in movies/on tv/ random pictures. Have a heart attack every time.

And zambies, thank you older brother for all the traumatizing childhood memories of vicious zombie movies. Getting better with that one though, can handle watching The Walking Dead but I still have nightmares if I sleep right after.

Also high on the list, looking at a mirror in the dark. Don't know why but I avoid that shit like the plague.
There are better diagnosis for many of mine but if you purely want the phobias... From wikipedia's list:

Agoraphobia, Cleithrophobia, Gelotophobia, Glossophobia, Nyctophobia, Scriptophobia, Sociophobia.

Most of them can be summed up under the diagnosis of Avoidant Personality Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia.

I also am nervous around most mammals smaller than a small dog/cat and most arthropods. If I had a choice between handling a hamster and being in a cage with a cheetah, I would choose the cheetah. I have experienced both in my lifetime and was much more comfortable with the cheetah.


Also, fear of falling off an edge. Basically any other height situation I am fine.
- Afraid of getting lost (and constantly thinks I'm going the wrong way when I'm going the right way so I end up going the wrong way in the end o_o)
-Afraid of heights (To the degree I can't stand on a chair.)
-Afraid of Spiders (Slept on an uncomfortable couch for four days cause a spider disappeared underneath my bed >_>)
-Afraid of Strangers (Has a hard time even calling people in case the wrong person answers or I call the wrong number by mistake. Opening the door for strangers or answering the phone without knowing the number is also scary. Having a stranger, no matter how nice they are, coming up to me, even if they're just going to ask for the way, scares the heck out of me o_o STRANGER DANGER! I can handle strangers if it is in a professional setting though. So cashiers in a store or people delivering stuff to my door isn't scary.)

But my biggest fear is food. Or rather, it's swallowing food. It's a phobia that comes after a trauma, usually from suffocating on food (which I did) though I've heard it can come from watching someone suffocate too. Not only does phagophobia make it hard, and some times impossible, to swallow solid food, it can also border into PTSD for some sufferers. (Cause trauma's a bitch)

Personally I'm a rather lucky sufferer o_o Most people can't get over it on their own (as far as I have noticed on online forums) and needs psychologists to help them when it starts, but I were somehow able to get over the worst part on my own (maybe it was because I was so young? (Started somewhere around 9-11) I dun know). But just like with pretty much everyone with this phobia, I do relapse... A lot. Some months I eat a lot, other months I live mainly on yogurt. Usually I am in the middle though, some things can be eaten with ease while other stuff never work. It seems like I have started to relapse more and more the older I get, which isn't a good sign >_>

There are lots of smaller phobias that has come with it, like I have trouble eating with other people because watching them eat makes me think they will suffocate. Especially seeing children eat is uncomfortable and I feel too sick to eat if I watch them eat. If someone starts coughing while eating, I become paranoid and can't continue eating myself. Watching people eat on TV is almost worst, cause I don't know what the maker of the movie has decided for the scene. Even if I ask someone whom has watched the movie if anyone will suffocate and they say no, I still have a hard time watching those scenes.

Once I even ran out crying when we had gone to the cinema with the school to learn about the human body and a scene came in which we saw a girl eat a tomato and then we got to see it in her mouth and follow its way through her throat. It was uncomfortable >_> (I would probably take it better today. At the time I was only 11.) Watching stuff where people are drowning or suffocating by anything (food, strangulation, whatever.) makes me feel sick, so I tend to leave the room if such scenes shows up. (Or turn down the volume for a minute while looking at something else. It depends on if I watch with other people or by myself.)
I have a minor case of this thing called trypophobia..it's basically an irrational fear of holes. I know, I know, don't judge me. >_< If you look it up you'll see a whole lot of pictures on it but for me it's really when I see a bunch of holes on human skin. If you look it up you'll know what I mean.
I have a phobia of tiny death boxes...er, I mean, elevators. They make me really claustrophobic due to the small space. Also I am also acutely aware of the long fall to my death if the cable carting around the doom box were to snap. I know that many have safety gear to prevent most of this, but damn, they're just overall mind numbingly terrifying in my opinion.

Also, boats. Fuck boats. They are merely nausea inducing vessels that navigate churning waters and threaten to throw people over to their watery graves.
Man, I really don't get why people are scared of spiders. Is it the legs? Are you all secretly jealous of their numerous, shapely legs?
Hospital. Loss of limb. Possible death if left untreated. All of that was made possible by the bite of ONE of those leggy bastards. If I had waited to go the ER four hours later, I'd have lost my leg at the knee. Six hours, I would have lost my leg at the hip. Can't speak for anybody else, but this is where my fear stems from. As it was, I was wrapped in bubble wrap, with an IV and bound to a bed for 8 days. Because of one spider bite.
Hospital. Loss of limb. Possible death if left untreated. All of that was made possible by the bite of ONE of those leggy bastards. If I had waited to go the ER four hours later, I'd have lost my leg at the knee. Six hours, I would have lost my leg at the hip. Can't speak for anybody else, but this is where my fear stems from. As it was, I was wrapped in bubble wrap, with an IV and bound to a bed for 8 days. Because of one spider bite.
Oh yeah, bites I'm terrified of. I'd rather be stabbed in the gut than get a nibble from a brown recluse. But I can appreciate tarantulas and house spiders and all the little buddies who take out mosquitoes, as well as the majesty of the orb spider I had in my yard once whose whole purpose was to curb the flying insect population and make nice-looking webs.
Huh, I had a friend who had emetophobia. I still feel bad about when I convinced her to go to the church fair with me and she ended up throwing up. :(

It's actually a much more common fear than people think.
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