What are your fears or phobias?

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What are your fears or phobias?

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Daughter of Hecate
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Mostly everyone has something that they are afraid of, and if you don't then congratulations!

Normally I don't go into much depth about the things I am absolutely terrified of, but why not? I'm bored and have nothing better to do so let me tell you a little something about myself. When I was younger we had several balloons inside the car, and while we were driving home one of them popped right next to my ear. The noise was so sudden and such a shock that I have been terrified of balloons ever since. I think I am more terrified of the loud noise over the balloon, but I am not sure. All I know is that I get extremely uncomfortable whenever I'm near balloons. Judging by this I guess I have either Acousticophobia (the fear of noise) or Globophobia (the fear of balloons.) Minor things that I would say that I am scared of but not to the point of being phobic about it are spiders, being alone, and death.

Do you have a phobia? If you do, have you ever attempted to overcome your fears? Did you already overcome them and how?

I look forward to seeing your resposnes! ^ v ^

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(Spider-Man is awesome though).

Also, failure. :C
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I've honestly never had a proper phobia. I'm one of those annoying people who lives off adrenaline and doesn't get spooked by much.

I refuse to eat on planes. Idk what the phobia for that is called. The idea of eating on a plane makes me actually throw up and gets me shaky. On ten hour flights I usually get servely dehydrated because the idea of eating or drinking when flying scares me. I can eat foods that I've brought on with me and are dry. But even that makes me nervous.
????? I don't understand my psych.
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Hot objects would be an oddball one for me. Specifically hot objects near my head. So curling irons are a no, even flat irons I get nervous around. It's only certain people that I will let straighten my hair, I despise letting anyone curl it (it's not like the curls will stay anyways. Thick hair).
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I don't have the Fear of Heights, I love being high up. One of my favorite things!

I have the Fear of Falling. I hate the feeling of falling.
Somewhat Claustrophobic. If I can't move my arms or legs because of tight spaces, I start getting bothered.

Centipedes and Millipedes. FUCK THEM.
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I've honestly never had a proper phobia. I'm one of those annoying people who lives off adrenaline and doesn't get spooked by much.

I refuse to eat on planes. Idk what the phobia for that is called. The idea of eating on a plane makes me actually throw up and gets me shaky. On ten hour flights I usually get servely dehydrated because the idea of eating or drinking when flying scares me. I can eat foods that I've brought on with me and are dry. But even that makes me nervous.
????? I don't understand my psych.
Hot objects would be an oddball one for me. Specifically hot objects near my head. So curling irons are a no, even flat irons I get nervous around. It's only certain people that I will let straighten my hair, I despise letting anyone curl it (it's not like the curls will stay anyways. Thick hair).
I was going to list a bunch of sites that lists a whole bunch of phobias but for some reason I can't hyperlink anything. Those are some pretty strange fears, though I can understand the hot objects being near the head ordeal. My mom accidentally burnt me with a curling iron once. xD
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I was going to list a bunch of sites that lists a whole bunch of phobias but for some reason I can't hyperlink anything. Those are some pretty strange fears, though I can understand the hot objects being near the head ordeal. My mom accidentally burnt me with a curling iron once. xD
That's what happened to me. They burned my head and one time my aunt burned my ear. ever since I get really nervous about hot objects. Strange coming from someone who enjoys baking.
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Strange coming from someone who enjoys baking.

I feel that. I love flying so much! Nobody seems to believe me when I say that because they only hear horror stories about me and the food. XD.
I am not afraid of the dark, but what could be inside it. I had a doll that would randomly make sounds at night when I was a child(It was one of those talking dolls). If I heard it at all during the night, I wouldn't sleep in my room.
I am not afraid of a single bird, but of the whole group. I had nectar in one of those bird pens, and I had about 20 on my arms, shoulders, head, and back of my neck. They didn't hurt me, but all of the flapping around my head was very disorienting. Not being able to see them and what they were doing made me quite nervous.
Aaand I'm sure there's another, but I can not think of it.
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I'm fortunate enough to not suffer from any phobia. It often surprises me how common they actually are.
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I fear myself and what I might do if I ever lost control of myself.
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Not sure if this is a phobia or not, but there are definitely things about it that make me feel fearful.


I've been sick for the past week after a vomiting fit late late Sunday night. Missed a whole week of work.

I fear losing control of my own body when it comes to vomiting. That helplessness of 'it's coming now better make sure I don't choke' really gets to me. It's why for hours I'll pace the bathroom or lay perfectly still and awake in bed telling myself I'm fine.
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My own power, should I gain too much of it. This includes money, influence, or authority. I dislike the idea of me having too much, though I dislike the idea of others having too much as well.

Aside from that? Crossed zombies.
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Flying, Heights and Pain.
The thought of flying makes me near sick and I can't control myself. I have an opporunity to go to Germany next year, but I can't even think about it or I will get physically ill. My entire family thinks I'm an idiot. But meh.

And then one not listed that gets me like something terrible and as soon as I mention it, I won't be coming back to this thread because someone will always share a picture of it.

It's a fear of holes where they shouldn't be. Mainly in the human body. I can't handle it. I discovered that I have that phobia when someone decided to share a photoshopped picture of a female breast on facebook that was littered with holes. They used a image of a plant to do it, but I can't remember the plant and I'm not going to search for it. Nope.. Just thinking about it makes me want to get sick and curl up in a ball.
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Fear of crowded/tight spaces, I might have a phobia to germs. I feel like there was something else but I forget
For the longest time, I've had this fear of parasites. Nasty little worms getting into places they shoudn't be is something that bothers me a ridiculous amount. I guess extreme heights as well, but I could probably get over it with a bit of skydiving. I'm only paranoid in the dark after watching a particularly visual horror movie, because at that time my mind is on hyper mode and thinking up all kinds of crazy things that could be hiding there.
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Hospitals make me mildly uncomfortable. Maybe not a phobia fully, but I avoid them when I can.
I'm afraid of spiders under certain conditions. If I'm wearing thick gloves like when I do work in the garden or DIY, then I have no fear of them. I can pretty much wander to within an inch of something like a harvest spider, the horrible gangly, scurrying things which grow to fairly large sizes (or large enough for me!) probably as I know I can just squash them if I wanted, although I never have. However if I'm not wearing gloves I'd run the bloody hell away from them, shrieking like a cheerleader.
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