What a lovely night in France~ (CLOSED)

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The woman watched intently, not meaning to perv, but she could not help her natural urges in regards to physical attraction. A faint smile spread across her lips, before she stood herself up and walked over to Taylor. "I think we can start training here, it will be good to warm up a little." Eisner knelt down before the man, her expressionless face could not e perfect due to her eyes, how they shimmered somewhat to express concern.

"I wish to see you warm again, er... What's your name again? I don't believe I got it in the first place, but anyways..." Her sigh released some mist, further showing the coldness of the room.
What was it about this woman that suddenly felt so warm despite her cold nature? This wasn't the first time tonight she showed concern for him (though in her own way) despite previously wanting to brutally murder him. Maybe she isn't as hollow as I thought her to be. Taylor thought to himself as he looked away in embarrassment.

"Taylor.. what do you have in mind?" Taylor tried to keep his tone of voice as uninterested as possible though it was hard to, knowing how much embarrassed he was and how much he craved warmth.
"I wish to do a little running on the spot, as well as some sit ups and pull ups. The bar running across the ceiling here will suffice for chin ups." Evidently not joking, Eisner had stood up and was now jogging on the spot, luckily her underwear was very restrictive and didn't allow any sort of fantasies to come true during such an act of exercise. Her eyes were locked onto him, as her dress flailed up and down, the only loose piece of clothing upon her form.

"Come on, you'll freeze if you sit around doing nothing. There's no better way to warm up than this." Within a pinch, the woman then reached up as high as she could and jumped, to grasp the bar running across the ceiling. She evidently had incredible strength, pulling herself up with ease as she got her chin over the top, still gazing at Taylor from above.
She's looking straight at you, don't be stupid. Taylor thought to himself as he slowly rose to his shaky feet, his eyes being occupied by anything else but the assassin so that he wouldn't get branded with the nickname of a perv or even worse - get killed. Alas, even knowing all of that didn't help as during the jog his curious eyes couldn't help but occasionally glance at the assassin's well shaped form.

After a minute or so of running in one spot, Taylor would jump up, grasping the bar firmly and pull himself up with much ease just as Eisner did. He would then loosen his hands and hang lower before he would repeat the same motion over and over for a couple of times, slowly starting to feel the warmth starting to spread through his chilly body.
"Faster, Taylor, the warmth is only beginning to surface!" Eisner spoke with a louder tone of voice, while her French accent got in the way, it was enough to echo within the shed they were now residing within. The woman pulled herself up at a rate of one and a half seconds, a blistering time considering she had been doing this pace for a little while now. Once done, she jumped down, and began doing some stretches, her long body being exposed to the very limits of which she'd allow.

After a little while, it seemed, she was as warm as was comfortable, and she dumped herself down on the ground, arms upon her knees as she caught her breath, lightly. "In this world, you have to be able to push beyond what you think is right and wrong-- it is a means to survive."
Taylor couldn't help but faintly smirk at the woman's accent, finding the way she spoke to be quite amusing. As Taylor didn't want to be beat by a woman in this sort of stuff, especially not this one he upped his pace the moment he saw that she was pushing herself to go faster. A light burn was slowly starting to spread through his muscles, becoming even more evident with every following pull up.

Moments after the assassin had came off the ceiling Taylor would do so as well and follow her down onto the ground, sitting in the opposite direction next to her so that he would be facing her. "Why are you telling me that?" Taylor asked curiously as he arched his eyebrow in the same manner.
"What's a master who does not speak? A slaver, and I'm far from that." Eisner spoke clearly, as she gazed toward him with a dangerous glare. Even in a lack of clothing, she managed to pull off those looks which made grown men tremble. A sigh escaped her lips, as the rain seemed to intensify, the storm far from over, though the woman did not mind it at all. Her sun kissed skin was enough to make one wonder where she was from.

"Now, we should rest. It would be good to be on the move first thing tomorrow; rain or not. I'd rather risk hypothermia than be hunted down by the savages which are my 'work colleagues'." With that, Eisner laid herself down, folding her jacket in a way that the damp and wet parts, namely the outside of the garment, were away from the dry, inner parts, of which she'd use as a pillow. Lacking any sort of blanket yet not minding such a thing, she kept her eyes open, looking at Taylor almost expectedly. "It's funny though, I'm considered the nicest of the bunch; perhaps rotten apples aren't so bad after all." The comment seemed to be more aimed at herself than the man, but alas, she began to drift off.
Taylor was in the process of doing sit ups when he caught her lethal, murderous glance which didn't fail to strike terror deep into his bones. "N-No.. of c-course n-not.." Taylor stuttered out nervously, under the fear of the female assassin. Damn it.. she is scary in so many different ways.. Taylor sighed as he resumed doing sit ups, trying his best to keep his look away from the frightening woman.

Nicest of the bunch?! I wonder what the worst one must be like.. this is insane. I'll just wait for her to fall asleep before I take off.. this'll be my best, maybe even my only chance. After finishing the last set of sit ups he was gonna do Taylor moved back into the corner he previously was and he curled up, finally feeling the full effect of being warm.

After a couple of minutes the whole shed went completely silent, the only noise that Taylor could register were the gentle thuds the raindrops would make against the shed's wooden rooftop. Despite feeling huge exhaustion something kept Taylor away from falling asleep. Maybe it was the fear for his own life, the mention of Eisner's colleagues or the fact that his body had cooled off completely and he was cold once again.

Any sort of noise that would come from the outdoor would make him jump anxiously, pushing him a step closer to the edge. Damn it.. I need to pull it together or else I'll lose it. Taylor thought to himself as he sighed deeply, his gaze falling onto the assassin who was peacefully asleep. There was something about the way she slept which made him smile without realizing so.

For someone who is so damn scary she is actually quite adorable.. as long as she isn't killing anyone. Taylor kept his silver eyes on Eisner for a couple of more seconds, before he ended up finally falling asleep. His plan was never realized as he ended up oversleeping the whole night cause of the exhaustion that this horrible night brought to him.
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Eisner had a troubled sleep, with a recurring dream which forced her to starkly wake herself in the morning. The way the sun littered the shed was awe inspiring, as the woman say herself up and gazed over to where Taylor was sleeping. She was surprised the sun hadn't woken him, the time being roughly 8:30am, as it was directly over his form. A good thing, as it also spilled over his clothes; they seemed to be only damp rather than soaking. The assassin had been in the shade, and as such, was breathing out mist.

She jumped to her feet, quickly placing her clothes in the sun as she dumped the almost transparent dress with the garments. Now simply in her underwear, she crossed her arms, her foot tapping gently on the concrete floor while she waited; either her clothes were going to dry much more, or Taylor was to wake to see her like this; a situation she honestly didn't want to go through. Eisner thought about it, the blush on her cheeks, the squirming of her form as the male's eyes connected with it. Shaking it off slightly, the assassin sat herself down within a chair she didn't notice last night.

With her legs crossed as her arms remained under her reasonable bust, the woman waited as patiently as one who waited for a once in a lifetime event to occur. Her eyes remained locked on her clothes, but soon they laid upon Taylor, who seemed to be... Musing a bit...
Even though Taylor had went through a horrific night, one filled with something nobody would ever in their lifetime wish to go through, during his sleep none of it came to him. Taylor would soon feel a great disappointment to realize that the dream which he was having, about him being back home with his friends, was in fact only a dream and then the realization of previous night would come.

"Mmm.." Taylor mumbled out sleepily as his brow furrowed, the bright sun rays finally getting to him and becoming annoying to deal with. "Damn it.." Taylor sighed as his eyelids slowly slid up, revealing the sleepy silver eyes which were irritated by the bright piercing light which shun right into them.

He blocked out the light by placing a hand in the sun's way, his eyes taking some time to adjust to the dim lighting though once they did they landed directly onto the assassin's large bust. "S-S-S-Sorry! I didn't know you were-..!" Taylor exclaimed panickly as he looked away in haste, his cheeks lighting up like a wildfire. "I-I'm so s-sorry!"
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A sigh emanated from Eisner's vocals, as she shook her head. "It's understandable, I wasn't able to cover myself therefore you're in no strife. Keep acting like this and I will have to kill you out of pity." Having a slightly cheery tone to her voice, the woman chuckled softly, as if killing him was a joke. Regardless, she stood up again and stood next to where he was.

"You should get your clothes on. They're dry from what I can see, unless they need to be flipped over. I haven't touched them, nor do I want to." Eisner closed her eyes for a moment, before she rubbed them and yawned, stretching upwards with her toes on end. This was shaping up to already be one odd day.
"N-No need for t-that!" Taylor once again stuttered out nervously only to realize that he was acting just in the way she didn't want him to. "I-I mean..!" He would once again repeat the same mistake, sighing in defeat as he heard footsteps coming over his way. She isn't really gonna kill me, is she? Taylor asked himself as he tried his best to resist looking at Eisner for two reasons - one being that she probably had her deathly glare put up for him and second that she would most likely kill him (if she already wasn't going to) if he looked at her again, this time knowing that she was close to naked. If his shy nature wasn't obvious enough just by the way he was acting, the fierce blush on his cheeks would be a dead giveaway.

"G-Got it.." Taylor mumbled out shyly, nodding obediently as he kept his head pointed in the other direction, not wanting to look at her nor did he want her to see the raging blush his cheeks held. Feeling slight discomfort and embarrassment as he rose to his feet, Taylor kept his look towards the numerous planks and boards that were leaned against the wall. He took a step forward, not looking where he was going which caused him to trip over one rogue tool that was on the ground and fall into Eisner. His body pressed up against hers forcefully as his hands wrapped around her neck to help him maintain balance so he wouldn't fall over.

Phew.. Taylor thought to himself before he realized what he had done. "I... I.." Taylor mumbled out as he jumped away from her, his back ending right up against the wall.
Eisner almost screamed as he fell onto her, only to look at him with starkly wide eyes, as if she were ready to end his life. After a few breaths, she found herself calming, a gentleness now forming over her radically aggressive demeanour. "... Don't let that happen again." Was her simple reply, although there was a soft tick in her right eye which meant all hell could've broken loose in that second. Eisner sighed, before she turned her own clothes over, the sunlight really making her toned body stand out. One could almost swear she had the body of a gymnast, but her slightly larger bust prevented this from being the case.

The woman soon found herself yawning, stretching once more to the sky, twisting left and right with her back to the man. "We will leave this little place once our clothes are dry. We have a few miles to cover, so it's best to start as soon as possible. Remember to turn your clothes over, Taylor." Her voice from behind seemed very civilised, but her expression was as sour as a lemon. This woman didn't really like reminding people of things, it seemed.
Taylor's body was frozen against the wall as he blankly stared directly into Eisner's bloodthirsty eyes, scared out of his mind as he thought of all the possible things she could do to him to make him regret what he has unintentionally done. Despite her letting him off the hook with just a warning for the second time this morning, Taylor couldn't help but just stand there completely baffled, his heart pounding against his ribcage at a fast pace as though it wanted to burst out and run away. "N-Never again.. I-I'm so sorry.." Taylor mumbled out in the lowest tone of voice possible to him.

Once Eisner had redirected her attention to her clothes Taylor couldn't help but take another peek to observe the attractive curves the assassin's body held. It didn't take long before the woman managed to strike a reaction from Taylor which only made the crimson blush on his cheeks burst into an even brighter color. The moment it happened in was when she was stretching and twisting her whole body left and right which gave him an even better view of her whole body.

"G-Got it.. I'll get to it immediately.." Taylor replied in what seemed a normal tone of voice though he only hoped that the woman wouldn't turn around and notice the bright color on his face or even worse the bulge that was sticking out of his underwear. Much to Taylor's disappointment his clothes weren't completely dry, making him turn them over and leave them exposed to the sun.
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