In particular, my favorite Wushu additions:
-Wushu Coup de Grace rule (the player whose dice roll reduces the threat rating to zero gets the option to make a mod post describing how that particular threat ended).
-Structured Chargen: There are variations. I think the last one I used was 1Profession-related, 1 Socialization-related, 1 Combat-related, 1 Miscellaneous, and then the weakness. Ranked in whichever order the player considers fitting, though GMs sometimes declare limits like "no combat traits above rank 3" if he wants to make sure physical combat isn't a breeze or that the players use some of their other traits before the game ends. Example:
Name: AsmoAngelDude
Motivation: To bring Iwaku into a new Golden Age by any means.
6 Leader of the People
AngelDude has a combination of powerful natural charisma, a way with words, and quick-witted cunning. (Social Ability)
5 Angel
He has wings, superhuman strength and stamina as well as resistance to disease. (Though it could easily be his Combat Trait, I count this as Misc)
3 Ugly Pretty Fighting
On the battlefield, AngelDude is a paradox. A vision of unearthly grace leaving hellish destruction even as he shouts depressing conclusions about the nature of conflict and loss.(Combat Trait. I didn't feel like thinking of a snappy name.)
1 The Vision All-Consuming
Sometimes sacrifices must be made. And for his grand vision, AngelDude will risk anything and everything. (The Weakness. Must roll a 1 for any post contradicting this).
Note:Traits don't have to have snappy titles, it's just fun to do.