(Western Fantasy) Bulhit Town

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((Its fine XD I have church until noon and can't respond either till then.))
Theo looked at brad like he had three heads. who the heck was that? And why did brad punch himself. Theo would've laughed if it were some random person he didn't know.
And that ending startled him a bit.
"Okayyy... I'm coming along anyway. It mentions me on the note. Lou can join if she wants." Theo said.
Lou, flustered by what had just happened would speak up in a calming voice, she'd worked around enough people to see when they where worried. 'Well, thankyou for the invite,' she'd grin playfully at Brad, her lips curling enough to let her clean white teeth shine through. She had noted his innocence, an innocence that seemed to be lacking from the town recently, the streets where heaving with vulgar men who would treat most woman as their entertainment.
'I suppose we should be on our way, I cant say there is any reason I should stay,' shed gesture towards the empty tables that scatter the floor across her tavern 'and it has been a while since I've gone on any little adventures.' She'd allow the kind smile to remain upon her lips, shooting a hand down and behind the bar, fingers darting into the tops of three glasses and bringing them down onto the solid oak surface in front of them before returning for a bottle, the bottle was old, it was dirtied by a thick layer of dust. She'd unscrew the cap, allowing the bottle to heave its contents into the three glasses before settling it on the bar. 'This is on me,' shed wrap a hand around one of the glasses, moving it up, the warm taste of the whiskey would prance across her lips warming her as it falls. 'This was given to me by my father, who had it given to him by an imp who had brewed it in the west... Now seems the acceptable time to open it...'
She'd slouch onto the bar, eyes flashing up to them both searching for an indication of what next.
The great black coat of the horse shinned and glistened as it stepped into the light of day. The rider,however, shield her eyes from the shinning light with her right forearm. She was a nighttime sort of person but never one use to the light of each day. She looked around in all direction to only see people flood around her and her horse cheering and yelling her name as if she has something so great that it might have changed history. She looked at everyone and sighed. Her head bowed down while her arm dropped so her hand could grab the black reins. Everyone around her were forced back while Maggie, her horse lifted her two front legs and stood on her back ones and yelled. As soon as Maggie dropped back down to her front legs she bolted off and out of the swarming crowd. A child looking about the age ten was knocked down and suffered from minor bruising but what did she care.

"Goo girl." Rebecca mumbled as she was now safe from the hands of a million greedy people. She arrived at a old and shabby looking home. She mounted off her horse and let it run free in the fields behind the house before she entered and was greeted by a mess of roasting blood. She was a bit unsettled but she continued forward with her firearm drawn and her guard 100% on. She entered the family room and looked around to only find a rotting corpse of what use to be her Mother. The stench was unbearable so she quickly darted out of the room and felt tears streaming down her flushed red cheeks. Without question she walked out of the home and collapsed to the ground taking in everything that flipped around on her. Dust got into her eyes as she pounded her fist against the dirt road and she screamed in painful agony. A bullet was sent lodging into her heart and she didn't know what she could do to survive such critical damage.
who was missing a hand and
who had branches growing out his shoulders rode toward the woman on a grey muscly mule. "Do you need help miss?" The man asked seriously. The boy stared at the bloody house with a emotionless look and pupils that were a lighter blue then his irises.
"I'm fine...Jus get out of here." Rebecca mumbled, not loud enough for him to hear her exact words. Tears fell onto the pale backs of her hands as she stayed hunched over the ground with her fingers burying in the unhealthy soil. She sniffled a few times and feared of opening her eyes to that same sight of death. She only found one body where are the other four? She wanted to know what happened her but didn't as well. Maggie came running to Rebecca's aid as the horse snorted at the stranger beside her. Rebecca felt the cold snout of Maggie brush against her cheek of tears. Maggie tried lifting her head but she refused to make such a commitment in trying. Without much more to do, Maggie sat beside her ruthless rider and watched her cry for the first time in years.

Rebecca looked at Maggie and took her head into her hands before looking into those big brown eyes and sniffled once more. The tears have turned into scars on her cheeks and her nose was a bit red. Rebecca moved closer over to Maggie and kissed her head saying "Good girl." Before she turned her attention onto the man. She believed he was just another worthless fan of hers and came by to ask for something of hers to rub in people's faces and earn respect. She glared at him with her eye of death and turned her head away before grumbling. "What do you want from me?" She asked.
Brad chuckles I never planned on drinking, but if this guy is as bad as he sounds, than what the hell. Brad takes a swig of his drink, but spits it out due to his taste. He coughs multiple times before saying Nevermind... I'll just stick with my drink. Brad pulls out a metal flask that contains green fluid inside. It has a moving sketch on the side that tells how much is left. Brad downs the last of this drink and the flask seemingly refills itself with the fluid. He sighs with delight as a sweet scent forms around him that had been slowly wearing off. He offers a drink to Theo and Lou, saying Not only does it taste good, but it makes a delightful smell that lots of people who aren't suspicious or trying to kill you enjoy.
Lou would quickly send her hand before her tightened lips, holding back a laugh as the last of the whiskey trickled down her throat. She'd finally allow a gentle chuckle to escape from her mouth. 'You're not one for whiskey, hmm?' her voice a beautful feather tickling at their ears.
She'd bow her head lightly to brad as he offers the drink, ' I probably shouldn't, this letter could always be a trap and I'd like to have my wits about me'.

She'd grasp at her skirt, bundling the material in her hand at one side and pinning it up at her waist, allowing her legs to move freely as she strides round the bar to meet them.

'Perhaps we should go.'
Very well, I'm fine with this decision, but are you ready to go, Theo? Brad turns to look at the part elf child, waiting for his response. (hint, hint)
(Hope you dont mind me joining in. ;3) A girl sat in a hole, big enough for a full grown adult and maybe a small dog. She peered out of the small entance that only a small snake or worm could enter through and spotted a few people. They were wearing cloaks and carried guns, but they were hidden under their sleeves. The only reason she saw them was because they were directly above her. One glanced down at the hole and looked back before turning his head back to the hole and beginning to peer back at her. She quickly began to be covered in black before shrinking down and becoming a snake. She slithered away from the opening and waited. She was an outcast from her town for the fact that she could tranform into common animals. It took a lot of energy to transform once, so she would stay one form for a long while before she could do it again. She shook her tail fiercely and a rattling noise emmited from the hole. The man began to walk away, the other following. She slithered out of the hole, after looking if someone was looking, and went through a small hole in a building, seeing a woman, a small elf and a man with a mask. Before she thought she could be spotted she went to a dark place to watch the three.
Brad hears slithering as he waits for a response because of his heightened hearing, but thinks nothing of it as he absentmindedly casts aside any thoughts of the sound being a threat.
((iwaku wouldn't load on my kindle XP i had to use a school computer))
Theo didn't drink, so he turned down the offer. "i don't think i'll need it. i have a few tricks up my sleeve.
he waited a few seconds before continuing. "yeah, i think we should go. before something else happens."
he saw something out of the corner of his eye, but turned back. he didn't want to distract from his currently planned adventure. Theo opened the door for the others.
She tilted her head slightly, still tired from transforming. She tasted the air with her forked tounge, still staring intently.
Lou would walk calmly along side the two, he bare feet treading silently across the cold scuffed wood. Reaching the door she'd drop one leg behind the other and allow her head to tilt forwards in a respectful bow in the direction of the young boy as he pulls it towards them.
'thank you.'
She'd move on forwards, toes wandering and exploring the stones beneath her as she goes, the brisk, fresh wind beating softly against her face. she'd quickly move her hand behind the door grabbing at a leather harness that she throws up and over her head allowing it to slip down to rest quite comfortably at her shoulders, two long and beaten blades sit behind her now, the edges sandwiched by strips of leather so as to protect her from accidents. This is held into place at the middle of her back, one edge behind her ear, the other behind her legs, the grip across her spine. she'd smile innocently to them both.

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The man gave a worried look at the Rebecca's death stare and glanced at bloody house. His companion pulled over and whispered something in his ear, seeming to calm him down. "Well, a person collapsing out of a house that looks like someone exploded in tends to be a cause for concern in my opinion. We were also looking for directions to a place called Bulhit town. I'm Flint and my buddy here's name is Celtic, we're dimen-er... travelers." The boy named Celtic waved cheerfully in Rebecca's general direction.
She followed them, keeping out of sight from anyone who may shoot a rattle snake. She was slowly regaining energy and slithering was slowing down the regain a bit.
Her tail shook a bit, causing a small rattle.
She stopped quickly and raised up a bit, surprised. "Ahh!!" She yelled, in her slightly soft voice, as her tail rattled even more out of fear.
Theo stepped back, then fell on his butt, clambering back, sword still pointed at her.
"What *gasp* in the world *gasp* are you?" He shouldn't really have been surprised, but he'd had bad experiences with snakes, even if he did know the cures.
She contemplated what to answer with. Should she truthfully answer or make something ridiculous up? She sighed. "I am a shape-shifter." She responded with, reluctantly. She figured there was no way anyone would believe anything but that. "I am stuck as a rattle snake at the moment. I hope you do not mind." She stared at the sword. "You'd better put that away before you hurt yourself, young elf." She was only able to tell what he was through smell. She tasted the air quite often when she was a snake.
Lou would look down to the snake, her eyes narrowing and the delicate smile soon fading from her lips leaving them straight and still.
'Oh no dear one, of course we don't mind, slithering around eavesdropping on business that is not your own is a perfectly excusable mistake...' Her tone at this moment would be hinting with sarcasm 'people around these parts have been killed for less than that. It would do you well to remain a little more discrete next time' Her voice firm, yet somewhat kind.
Lou was not one to intend personal offence but she'd been in Bulhit long enough now to know its dangers and flaws.
Her hand would droop down to settle on the neck of Theo, fingers curling into the material at the back of his collar and gathering it before tugging him up and back onto his feet.
She'd chuckle sweetly to the boy before returning her eyes to the shapeshifter.
'What business do you have with us?'
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