WES New Berkshire



Original poster

  • The year is 15,608AD, humanity spread far and wide, as well as encountered numerous civilizations, made relationships, friendships and wars with them. Space, even this galaxy, however is far from explored, many a stone left unturned. The exploration of space is as dangerous and profitable as ever. Since it is too bulky, risky and too expensive to send a lone FTL equipped probe into unknown horizons, many a pioneer has set out to chart the new horizons first hand. Some stepped forward to lay claim to new habitable planets, others to hunt for ancient artifacts of civilizations long gone, while others try to seek themselves out. Much a similar task fell upon WES New Berkshire, a flexible, multitask ship, best defined as a cruiser or a battlecruiser, although with vastly extended utility and self-sustainment. Built to be fully independent of any supply lines and with capability to support even if need be - generations spanning exploration. The ship has part enlisted military's crew and part civilian crew of their own qualifications.

  • To make a character, fill out the details below:
    Name: - Self-Explanatory
    Age: - what's the approximate age in Earth years
    Race: - human, alien, etc, see FAQ tab
    Gender: - Self-explanatory
    Background info: - upbringing, education, career, relations, allegiances, etc. You can make them as intricate or mysterious as you desire. If you are to define personality, bear in mind that true character's personality will always reflect in the RP more than in definition.
    Appearance: - can be a picture, physical description or both to give best context, what you put is down to you.


    To assist with what your character could be, I post the command structure of the military, utility and misc part of the ship. I don't expect to fill all stations, but keep in mind these are available positions. Remember there's plenty of civilian roles to be taken as well. Be it scientific staff, maintenence, shopkeep, barkeep, chefs, religious representatives, actors, entertainers, etc, think of New Berkshire as a space-faring town, that's main role is to keep everyone from boredom, hunger, keep people healthy and safe as well as resolving any possible crime that may or may not occur.

    WES New Berkshire Command Structure:
    High command:
    -WES New Berkshire actual - Aristride Tanis
    -XO - Otto White

    Secondary Command:
    -Cruise Missile Command
    -Combat "Aircraft" Group (CAG) Command
    -Chief of Engineering
    -Bridge Defense Chief

    Tertiary Stations:
    -Fighter Group
    -Corvette Group
    -Boarding Group
    -Auxiliary Group
    -Damage Control
    -Reactor Control
    -Power Systems
    -Magnetosphere Control
    -Engine Control
    -Jump Control
    -Life Support
    -Atmospherics Control
    -Waste Management
    -Civil Affairs
    -Close Defense
    -Fire Control
    -Chief Medical Officer - Akina Roszu
    -Ore Processing


    Cook - Taiki Haru

  • Is there any expected role play experience level?
    Not any more than the garden variety - if you can write at least two coherent paragraphs, you're good to go.
    Is there a character limit?
    No, so long as you can control the characters you made, I've no issue with numerous characters.
    How frequently are we allowed to post?
    As much as you can keep up with, really. I expect a minimum of a post a day, I personally have a job and other RL stuff to do, so it's not until weekends that I can post more than once or twice. Likewise it's not a big deal to me if you guys miss a day here and there, I really won't be keeping track, but don't blame if anyone assumes your character to become braindead and sets their hair on fire.
    Is my character restricted to being military personnel?
    No, not at all, you can be either military or civilian, of low or higher rank. I don't restrict this on who can be higher up in ranks or lower, because the point is to role play, rather than divide anyone into ranks. It's prolly expected of me to be the WES New Berkshire actual, especially because I intend for the most part to lead the narrative and the roleplay through IC, rather than through disembodied exposition.
    Can we have a background related to WES New Berkshire?
    It's a Brand New ship, as such she has very little history, certainly nothing of note yet, thus bear in mind in that case your character probably was either a transfer crew that stayed as part of proper complement or was station keeping until being relieved by an appropriate officer.
    Can I role play my characters as siblings/partners/etc?
    Yes, if it helps you role play, by all means.
    Is romance/comedy/other aspects forbidden?
    No, while in my experience romance is the slowest of all types, I do not have the issue with it or any other aspects, I expect characters to be "human", so be it comedy, tragedy, romance, anything that exists in our own life to be as present in this role play as anywhere else, real or not. Only thing I'm going to gripe with is smut, in which case, I urge the players to carry that out on their PMs/Skype/Discord/etc and carry on with regular roleplay in the thread. That way nobody slows down the actual timeline.
    What's combat like?
    Any PvP are going to be in-roleplay style, so you guys will have to agree on the result, or tag me to be the referee that will write the consequences of taken actions.
    Event types of combat is entirely voluntary to get yourselves involves in, which depending on your character's role may be more or less important to enact. This type of combat should involve dice combat, but it will be more roleplay-like and follow a narrative.
    What races are we allowed to choose?
    You can choose just about any race you like, if you use your own made up race, note that it will be a minor power in the universe and that background-wise their territory/fleet/manpower quantities will be no match to any superpower race. I will make a lore thread in the future, but for now you may use the link in the references tab for a background on Cael Geni and Humanity. The other two races are basically Sins of a Solar Empire's Advent and Vasari, although I will provide further elaboration in the near future.

  • This is a list of things that I'd prefer not to see:
    Taking RP personally - I generally trust none of you to be like that, but on occasion I encounter people who take IC RP on a personal level. It's usually found with newest of the roleplayers, which I welcome regardless, I just want them to know that if anyone's being a dick to their character, doesn't mean at all, that anyone's actually being a dick to them. It's roleplay. Play is the operative word.
    Disproportionate characters - by this I don't mean physical appearance, I mean diese wunderkinder which are generals by the age of 12. Or anything else staggeringly ridiculous. While this may work for an independent oligarchy character, in other words, Oligarchy nepotism making the mockery out of their own military, I'm not likely to approve such a character without a special circumstance to validate it. Why? Because the military is hard. Regardless of how "genious" your character is, IRL even the most genious people can't get adound the brick wall of requirements. Physical performance, combat training, discipline and ability to sustain highly stressful, both mentally and physically takes away years of training, not to mention that a promotion is warranted for years of dedicated service, not because someone shows promise. Yes, it may take twelve weeks to bake a grunt, but it takes years and a lot of drop outs until a good, motivated NCO is found. Child soldiers exist IRL however and its a fucking sad thing to witness that.

  • Lore thread, with a character repository, Fleet Status, etc is to be announced, for now I link the original idea thread that should answer deeper lore questions and assist in character creation.

    INTEREST CHECK Space crew based sci fi interest check
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  • Name: Aristride Tanis
    Role: WES New Berkshire actual
    Age: 52
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Admiral Aristride Tanis, originating from Inner System world called Gallia, was the commander of a hot fusion reactor equipped battleship WES Chivalry, until being lately reassigned to the much smaller (by comparison), WES New Berkshire. A veteran of numerous conflicts, most prominently against Saibar, he's a battle hardened and scarred commissioned officer. Reputed for staying calm under stress and duress, even in most desperate situations, his calm and professional tone often was like a life line of clarity and concentration to his subordinates. Often times he'd have to act as a mediator or a representative on the battlefield, his stern yet fair attitude helping him resolve most disputes. As luck would have it, his reassignment saved his life - WES Chivalry shortly after his departure rebelled and in a duel with it's sister ship WES Bushido destroyed one another by using their cutting beam cannons, resulting in perhaps the biggest battle debris field, that was ripped by supernovae-like shock of their failed hot fusion reactors. Other than his career, he's been a married man for twenty years now and a father of three children.
    If you'd think of William Adama or Admiral Hackett from Mass Effect, you wouldn't be wrong in his appearance. Fit and up to the physical challenges of military rigors, although his age begins to show in his complexion and hairline.

  • Name: Valeria "Valkyrie" Konstantinova
    Role: Boardship Team Leader
    Age: 28
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Valeria grew on Earth, on the isolated ethnostate city of Novyi Varyagi. Like everyone else in the city, she learned how to use axe and rifle from her youngest days. Like everyone else, growing up there she learned to hunt, build boats and homes, dig wells, dig trenches and field tactics. And just as everyone else, she enlisted, to be a Marine, in order to contribute to her family name and make her own saga of valor. She's the first in her family to be a Commissioned Officer. Unlike the typical Varyag, she's abrasive and with a short patience, backed up by her broad shoulders and 6ft11in height, but that's perhaps the effects of being in constant active duty for ten years now. Like with any marine, trying to win against her in hand to hand is not something anyone should attempt.

    Close to this, but taller, broader shoulders and albino, no facial tattoos, but has the tattoo that's the insignia of her Corps on the upper right arm. There's a massive gash on the right side of her cheek and jaw.

  • Name: Sylvia "Exorcist" Tyson
    Role: Fighter Squadron Leader
    Age: 23
    Race: Human
    Gender: Female
    Background: Sylvia Tyson was born on the edge system worlds, on a planet called Praggia. The planet's primary business is mining and refining, being relatively wealthy by comparison, also making the planetary atmosphere rich with cobalt dust, that makes locals' hair naturally blue. She enlisted the fighter squadrons in order to move into the core systems, but over time she started digging the fleet life, that was always on the move. Her specialty is being a bomber pilot, earning the nickname of "exorcist" for having a good intuition for launching ordnance in a way that makes it a lot less susceptible for interception.

    Mostly this, she stands 5ft8in tall, athletic build, like a fighter pilot should be.
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@Ego Hey I'm working on my CS but won't get it done until tomorrow, could I claim the XO spot in the meantime?
Name: Otto White
Role: XO (if that's alright)
Age: 36
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Otto White was born on Titan to a mother that died bringing him into the world and a father who never was known, his earliest memories were of the orphanage for sons and daughters of the many miners that died on the resource rich moon and with neither his father anywhere to be found and nothing known about his mother other then the name she gave the boy it was assumed he was also the child of a miner but as he grew that seemed less and less like the case. By age four Otto was already a head above the other children and able to do much more in the physical sense then his peers, run, lift, hit and react better then anyone his age group, by the time he was six he could compete with children as old as twelve. It was becoming apparent that Otto was not the child of a lowly miner but instead carried genes of someone bred for one thing, war. Fortunately

Otto nor the other orphans really paid any attention to these facts, blissfully unaware until tragedy struck.
At age nine Otto and several other orphans chose to sneak away from the orphanage after hours to explore, by now Otto looked a good four or five years older then he really was and was easily able to fool anyone curious passers as he pretended to be a teen at the orphanage taking some of the younger kids to see around the mining station with the Matron's permission but a mining station attracts all sorts of unsavory individuals and much to Otto's detriment one such individual noticed him. When he and the other children were distracted several individuals surrounded them before launching a well coordinated ambush, using a stun baton on Otto while simply gabbing the others, Otto was powerless to stop them as he was rendered unconscious by the baton and by the time he had awoken he was in a very small, dark cramped cell with out enough room to hunch in, slavers had taken him. In the dark of the cell Otto couldn't tell how long it had been since he was taken, he was fed as three times a day a slat opened letting in a very small amount of light before food was dropped in and any waste was washed away by a torrent of water that flooded the cell once every day before some type of heating element dried him and the room. Otto wasn't the smartest out of his peers but he wasn't stupid by any means and did his best to keep track of the time since he first woke up in the cell and if he had to guess he spent forty days in the cell before he finally saw the doors open.

Forty days of silence and darkness took a toll on the nine year old Otto's mind and when the doors to his cell opened and he was greeted by harsh starlight he didn't believe it at first but them men who hauled him out told him it was very real indeed, grabbed and hauled forward to a small podium that he was forced to stand on and auctioneer started speaking in an odd dialect that Otto could make sense of and while his eyes adjusted to the harsh light of this new planet he began to notice several people in the bidding audience weren't human which drove a fear into his heart as he was always told tales of aliens as monsters by the matron of the orphanage. He had little time to think on this fear before the auctioneer started to ask for bids, Otto still couldn't understand the man's words but the way hands started going up told him enough but soon the bidders fell to two, a older human and a alien. Otto stared at the human with pleading eyes, to Otto anything would be better then going with a xeno but he would learn better soon.

In the end the Human outbid the xeno, Otto was taken and loaded into the man's ship and put again in a cell but luckily one he could stand straight up in and actually have light to see, it was a quick trip to wherever his new master was from and his new life began and a painful life it would be. Otto was roughly treated, branded with his master's initials onto his back, an A and Z, and soon Otto found out that his master was not looking for work slaves but fighters to fight in gladiator style duels to the death. The next eight years of his life was spent fighting, everything was fighting and death. You put a child in a savage environment and he will inevitably take on the traits of said environment, Otto being nine when he was first taken would of precluded him from being part in the fights, after all why send a child to die when you can train them? Otto of course didn't look like any child so he was thrown into the fire so to speak as soon as his feet touched soil.

For eight years Otto fought, human, alien, machine, animal and anything else his master or those invited to watch the fights could think of or bring. Sometimes he had to fight with no weapons or against pairs or even triple teams but Otto over came all one way or another using anything he could, from the highest tech projectile weapons all the way down to the lowly rocks that called the area home. Of course Otto didn't make it through this experience without injury as scars litter his body with the most visible being the two on his face but the worst sitting just under his left arm along his torso wear a battle ax of a human champion tore into him as Otto dug the man's eyes out with his thumbs. Each year that passed made Otto deadlier and more skilled in the art of battle but taking a more grievous toll on his mental health.

Otto's master had made sure that Otto was kept in a good state physically, given the best food and drink along with anything he could ask of if it meant keeping his best slave fighting but Otto never asked for much, by the second year of his bondage Otto had stopped speaking choosing to only speak in single words or noises and by the end of the third year he stopped socializing with anyone else. In Otto's mind he was on auto pilot, words and relationships weren't a priority only survival was and for him everyday was a fight to survive. Now this was not to say that Otto let his mind cloud, he read when he could, the only thing Otto asked for were books from technical manuals to long faded fiction. At the end of each day Otto would make it a point to read at least thirty pages of material and make sure he understood what it was that he was reading and if he were honest with anyone this is probably one of the few things that kept him in any form of sanity.

Eight years, eight long years later on Otto's eighteenth birthday his salvation would come. A human naval expedition had been sent on a pirate and slaver hunting mission and had received a great deal of intel on the planet and in the early morning hours of the main compound in which Otto and his master occupied, the few guards Otto's master employed were little match from human marines and fell like wheat in a harvest. Of course Otto's master had his star slave near him, his master had assumed since Otto had not tried to escape of shown any type of disloyalty would protect him but nothing could be farther from the truth. The doors took the marine's a few minutes to breach but by the time they did they found Otto sitting against a wall and his former master's head buried deep in the hearth in the middle of the room, the same hearth that had heated the brand that marked Otto's back. The smell of burning human flesh filling the room making even some of the marines turn away in disgust.

Otto was taken aboard the vessel that had transported the marines and began the process of recovery. He underwent many psychiatric evaluations to ensure he wasn't going to attack anyone or try and take his own life, after he was deemed sufficient came the decision on what to do with him. The doctors concluded that reintegration into civilian life would be all but impossible for the now eighteen year old and as it stood he had the body of a man in his prime that was in top shape for war and fighting and the marines knew an asset when they saw one and asked Otto if he wished to enlist and of course for the silent teen it was less then a thought to make the choice.
For ten years Otto served with distinction in the Human marine corps, a silent mountain of a man that would follow any order given and before Otto knew it he was twenty eight and a captain with his own company, he had recovered for the most part from his ordeals in his early life but still kept quiet preferring to watch and observe. His term of service was almost up and he honestly was finding himself wanting more then just another stent in the marines and he found that in the Navy.

At age twenty eight Otto entered the Human Naval Academy ten years older then any of his peers and being nearly a foot taller then any of his peers but he wasn't as smart and he knew that. The discipline and the physical aspects of it were easy for Otto but the mental training proved to be a challenge but at the end of the day he overcame the challenge just as he had all the other challenges in his life pushing to a high mid tier in his class by the time he graduated his basic training. From ship to ship Otto advanced in the ranks until now eight years later Otto finds himself on the New Berkshire as the ships XO, a duty much calmer then anything in his earlier years.

Otto White young.jpg
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@Dakota K5
Yep, that's approved. The conversation between Aristride and Otto should be interesting.
Alright, I'll have two up here by tomorrow! Can I reserve medic and cook/therapist (though they call it mind healer)? One of them will do both, though he'll tend towards the therapy side, helping with trauma and such.
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Here's my two! I'll make another post for some lore, otherwise this one will be just way too long.

Name: Akina Roszu
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Occupation: Medic
History: Akina was the 9th child of her family and the only girl. Her planet was in the middle of a civil war for most of her childhood and she lost her father and several older brothers to the war. Her mother was a medic in the army and taught Akina most of what she knows, though she was mostly taught the more benign things by her mother. Learning how to cauterize a wound and things like that came from working on the battlefield. She joined the royal forces as a medic not long after she lost her fourth brother, vowing to save the rest of her brothers if it would kill her. Once the civil war had ended, the royals won, Akina found that the calm life that waited for her had become supremely boring. She enlisted a friend she had made during the war, Taiki Haru, and they ventured off of their home planet for the first time to search for the fast paced life she now craved.

Name: Taiki Haru
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Occupation: Cook and Mind Healer
History: Taiki was an only child and was adored by his family until the day their lives were given for the war. He was placed in an orphanage at the age of 9 and became close friends with the resident mind healer, learning many things from him. When he turned of age, he enlisted in the army as a mind healer which enabled him to receive both his certification and a method to repay his parents sacrifice. He never fought on the battlefield and still refuses to ever do it, instead he stayed near the base and helped the soldiers overcome their trauma and become well-adjusted people again instead of terrified prisoners of their own psyche. When the war ended, he followed a friend he had made, now unsure of what to do with his life as there was no longer a war to help with. He followed Akina off of their planet and started a new search of what to do with his life.
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