We're in this War Together (AngelFire and CrimsonMaiden)

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At first she was afraid of what he had done, afraid she was going to evaporate or spontaneously combust or something but then he spoke into it. And English came out! "Oh... Wow... Will you understand me with this now? Can I use it to speak with you too?" She pointed to herself and tried to look curious.
"You try speak." He said. He pressed a button on it and a second Blue orb popped up. "touch." He said through the first one. He pushed it towards her, close to her face. He nodded.
She hesitantly did as he said and touched the orb with a cautious finger. "H-Hello?" It was strange but she could not help being at least a little curious.
Rikyo picked up his orb and nodded, holding it near his mouth. "Take." He said, smiling. He put the machine on the ground and picked the other orb up, handing it to her. His smile disappeared as he gripped his side suddenly in pain. "Hurt! Help!" He said through gritted teeth.
Isis took the orb in shaking hands. "What I said before, there's no one here to help us, we have to go somewhere else to get help." She looked around, her mind racing for something at least to stop the bleeding. "uh, here..." She ripped a piece from her shirt and wrapped it around his side. Not exactly sanitary but it would stop the bleeding. It was a little wierd to tie it while holding the orb, but she manged. Now to get him to a camp or something of the like. "Can you walk? There are no vehicles here so we will have to."
He got down on all fours again and put the translator in the pocket of his jumpsuit. "On my back. it more fast." He said and he swallowed the orb. "Where we are going?" He asked.
"Huh?!" On his back?! Like a horse?! Hold on besides the fact that he's hurt how weird is it go carrying people on your back? She took a deep breath. "I don't know but hopefully the next town has a refuge or someplace like that. Are you sure your body can handle that kind of stress?" She was not comfortable with the presented situation already, and now she was going to take him to a populated area where people would probably try to kill him. The realization twisted her stomach.
"We stay in shadow. No worry." He saw her face when he offered her the ride. "No? No back. We walk." He started off, going towards the broken buidlings. "I need water." He added.
"I don't mean to be rude or anything but walking will probably be better for you anyway," she said, quite relieved. She walked beside him, still holding the orb. He had ingested the orb but i looked like the worst stomach ache ever to her. She wouldn't have to anyway since she could understand him and keeping near this one kept her able to communicate with him. "I guess we could scrounge one of the houses for water before we leave. Follow me."

She led him to a house nearby. "Wait here a moment." Isis ventured inside and looked around for something that could hold water. She found a thermas, not very big but it could hold water. She went to the facet and tried it. The water came on and she washed out the thermas then filled it with water. Isis returned outside and handed the thermas to her alien companion. "Here. Try not to drink it all at once."
"Drink?" He looked confused and sat on his bottom, like a human, and pulled the top of his jumpsuit off. His torso actually looked pretty human-like, except for the color of his skin. He unwrapped his wound. He spat on his hand, rubbed it in his wound, then poured some of the water on it. It seemed to half-heal, scabbed over in a matter of seconds. It wasn't fully healed though, and it still throbbed with pain. Water was very good at healing their skin. He wrapped the sleeves of his jumpsuit around his waist. "Water; healing liquid." He said. He found it odd that they drank it.
Isis watched him in confusion. Oh, so that's what he needed the water for. She folded her arms and waited for him to let her know they could move on. It was...interesting how water had a healing affect on them. So, what did they drink then? There was no time for culture questions, however, because they were still in a heavy battle zone. Luckily all the gun fire and explosions were farther away.

Still, she wondered how she could even get close to the other city or get out of there with supplies. She wouldn't be able to just go in and ask. Supplies were scarce so most were very stingy with their share of things. Well, they- or she- would have to deal with that milestone when they came to it.
Rikyo smiled and stood on his hind legs. "We go now." He said. He wondered what this place was like before the war. He saw all the tumbling buildings and the fires and explosions. What did people do here before the war?
She lead the way to the outskirts of the town. As they walked in hopes of finding a town not too far off Isis tried to come up with some plan to get supplies when they got there. They didn't have anything to dress him in and they would have to remove it anyhow to tend to him. He couldn't possibly make it into a heavily populated place without being seen. There would probably be some form of law enforcement and they would make sure they were human before letting them anywhere inside the town. This was going to be tricky.

Isis looked at Rikyo and sighed aloud. "I can't guarantee there'll be anywhere close by within the day. Maybe we'll reach one tonight, maybe not. If we do we should think of some way to keep you out of sight until I can get things to bandage you up. There will probably be people there looking for suspicious characters and anything that seems remotely inhuman. We'll have to be very careful. You wouldn't happen to have any ideas on how to hide yourself, would you?" It's just to get him some medicine. After this I'm going right back to how things were.
Rikyo's ear twitched and turned back. He heard something. "Animal." he said. He turned around. There was something in the bushes, making them move. He cautiously stepped toward it, standing on his hind legs. He looked over the bush and saw a deer, which looked up and stared with wide eyes. Rikyo took a step back, he's ears turned flat. "What is it?" he asked. He didn't like it very much. He examined it. No claws, thin legs, no fangs. Not a threat, but he shouldn't underestimate beings of another race. That's how the war began, after all.
Isis froze and stared after him. Nothing came jumping out at him so she walked up beside him and peered over the bush too. To her surprise it was deer. "Oh wow... It's nothing to worry about. It's a deer, they are more afraid of you than you are of it. I've never seen one attack a person so..." She allowed herself a small smile. It was cute and she had not seen one so close for a long time. "Come on, let's keep moving. You have to get that wound seen to." His reaction to the animal had reminded her of a kid seeing one for the first time.
"My wound is good. Only need was water." He said. "You said I need to hide?" He asked. He looked around. "What would be a good disguise?"
Isis stared at him with the blankest of expressions. "So...you're okay now? You really don't need my help anymore." She took a few steps back from him. "I guess I 'm glad that you're okay but now we should go our separate ways. You go back to your people and I go back to...nothing." She didn't leave right away though, she stood there anticipating a response.
"I can't go back." He said, with a said expression. He settled down on all fours. He felt loneliness claw at his heart. "We crash, we fight, we die. No return." He drew a circle in the dirt. They never came back from war. They fought until they died, and if they didn't die before it was over, they were killed. There was no room on their planet for homeless veterans. They took back who they needed. Soldiers were expendable and a waster of space back home.
Isis looked at him, her mouth set in a tight line. No return? So he seriously couldn't go back to his people and she was the only one to come in contact with him now. Technically she could just walk away and leave him to fend for himself. This wasn't like happening across a stray puppy though; she couldn't just throw him a bone and then leave. He would, more likely than not, end up getting killed with humans still being the dominant race even in the wrecked area they were in now.

She swallowed then looked back toward the town they had just left. "A disguise... It'll have to be flawless. Let's keep an eye out for things we can use, otherwise I'll get something when we reached the next town." With a sigh she continued forward.
He nodded. "Where do you live?" He asked. Surely, this human had a home. He wanted to learn more about human culture. he wanted to know what they ate,what their houses looked like, anything he could.
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