well, here i am...



Original poster
What do you prefer to be called?
Well, I prefer to be called jynx. I've gone by it for years.
Boy, girl, or a mystery?
for now its a mystery. It isn't about gender, is it? Its about personality... And I've got quite a few of those!! ^^
How old are you?
Older than a high schooler, younger than your arthritic aunt Edna.
Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?
Bingo! If I had confetti I'd throw it in the air, but all I can do is blow this kazoo... Did you hear it? Its the sound of happy!!
Do you like group RPs or just a single partner?
Either is great :3 opportunities for intrigue are abundant in either setting. But I do love intimate encounters when done with style :p
Do you like stomping on crunchy leaves?
Who doesn't?!
SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?

I tip my head back and I'm staring at the stars, just pissing this night away!! I been praying for something' from above to come down and saaaave me. Its been a long one, working for the man all daayy.

That's it!!! Ready... Set.... Go!!!! :3
Welcome to Iwaku.

I'm October nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you October ^^ thanks for the welcome
Hi there Alias also known as Jynx! :D Welcome to the site!
Welcome aboard Iwaku Jynx! I'm sure with such a fancy reply to those questions, you'd feel right in here so have fun and enjoy your stay!
Welcome and here i just throw some confetti did you see it its so pretty
My aunt Edna is dead. Thanks, jerk.

Just kidding. About you being a jerk, that is. My great-aunt Edna actually did die a few years back. XD Or at least I hope she did. If she's still in that coffin after all these years... man, that's a horror story. And just in time for Halloween!

^this is why everyone thinks I'm a weirdo.

On a more serious note, welcome to Iwaku. If you can stand my not funny and very morbid sense of humor, feel free to start up a conversation. I'm almost always up for a new RP. ^^