Well Hello There.


Second Best

Original poster
I joined Iwaku not too long ago, but this is the first time I was able to really take a look.
So... hi.
I hope I can be integrated successfully into the Role Play system =)
I'm not exactly a stranger to Role Playing, but I'm not seriously Adept, either... I just type what I want to, usually, and sometimes my Muse isn't as great as other times.
But I can give you my guarantee that I will be dedicated to the Role Plays that I am in.

And with that, I guess I'm also looking for Role Plays to do... anyone want to play with me? =3
Hallo there Secobe! ^o^ Welcome to the community!
Welcome to Iwaku! Well, if you're ever short on RPs drop me a PM!
Hey, Second...nice to meet you! I'm a newbie too, go figure. Good luck integrating yourself into the RP system, and feel free to PM me for a roleplay.
Secobe! Welcome to Iwaku! We will successfully integrate you! 8D
Excellent... many thanks, Asena!

Yes... very excellent...