Welcome to Wonderland



Original poster
[fieldbox="Title, blue, solid"]Here is known as Underland, the place where The Red Queen once ruled and Alice slayed the Jabberwocky. Where The White Queen won and time itself was broken and restored. Not long after Alice left, however, a mist fell over the land, the next day gone. It had said to come from over the mountains to the north and covered anything and everything from the smallest dormouse to the largest mountain. What was not understood but later learned was that the mist had caused the world to freeze. Nothing grows, nothing dies and the day is frozen at dusk, just before night. Time himself, is gone.

Resources run low in the land and The White Queen has assembled a party to send north, to find out what had caused the mist and how to end their frozen wonderland. The White Queen has summoned you to her castle, will you answer her call?

- Obviously, Iwaku's rules apply here too.
- Please, if you say you are going to join, then either do so, or let me know that you have changed your mind. That said, if you have joined and are no longer interested, please let me know. I won't get mad, I would just like to know.
- Please use grammar to the best of your ability.
- Post length does not matter to me. Just make a post that others can reply to.
- Only two party members per person. That said, you can make other characters if you feel it to be necessary or if you want to, I don't mind. If you'd like, you can even make an 'obstacle'.
- If you wish to have a deity do not put it in your form. Message me and I will let you know whether your character is compatible. If you do become a deity, please do not tell anyone.

We are all aware that Wonderland has many strange plants and animals that can talk, that said, I still think a basic layout of the land is needed. For the sake of the RP, I'm adding a few things into this world that will be relevant to the plot.
To start, Wonderland is the name of the world and there are only three known locations within this world. Which also leaves much to be explored. To the west is Underland, ruled by The White Queen. To the east is Kyne, ruled by King Rashii. To the south is a small cluster of islands known as the Wild Isles

The White Queen's kingdom is well known for its beautiful yet dangerous plant and animal life. The kingdom itself only reaches to the mountains to the north. Beyond that is the great Na-akii desert that has been rumoured to hold many ruined cities of a civilisation long lost. It is believed that this lost civilisation was where the kingdom originated from, but the King many generations ago thought it wise to burn the documents and outlaw reading. Of course, his rule was short and he was replaced by his son, King Youse the Just. There are two main cities in this land. Crimms, where The Red Queen was born and Marmoreal, the capital and where The White Queen was born.

Kyne is well known for their music, festivities and technology. They are believed to be a peaceful country but are willing to do anything to preserve their way of life. Music and festivities are traditions that have been handed down from generation to generation and are used to teach history to many. Their inventions include mechanical beasts and the first guns to ever be introduce to Wonderland. The land is full of lakes, mount Kafu and forests that stretch from one coast to the other.

The Wild Isles:
The Wild isles do not have a ruler. Rather, there are tribes of locals, each with a chief, that maintain the balance. The main island, Nifula, is well known as the tourist attraction and the main trading location for the isles. The islands are covered with sand and thick jungles that many would be lost in if they were not born there. It is fabled that there are relics from the gods that can be found in the jungles, but none have returned from their searches.

Despite each country having their own gods, each god is so similar to each other that it is understood that they are the same being. For example, the god of chaos in Kyne is known as Rechuva, however this being is called Filla in Underland. There are seven gods in total, chaos, enlightenment, fauna, flora, balance, day and night. These gods are born into the body of a person and reborn into the next as the last dies. In short, they walk among us. It is unwise to tell others if you are one of them.

[Name for Underland]-[Name for Kyne]-[Name for the isles]

Chaos: [Filla]-[Rechuva]-[Reela]
Their domain is over death and war. They are responsible for creating destruction so that new things can be made. Whilst believed to be evil, many forget that change requires chaos.

Balance: [Kei]-[Asumi]-[Kumei]
Their domain is over life and peace. Opposite to chaos they are responsible for bringing change and cleaning up after the work of chaos.

Night: [Ping]-[Nefari]-[Pifarni]
Their domain is over the moon. They control the night and the ocean, the pull of the waves and nocturnal animals.

Day: [Pong]-[Tefari]-[Pofarni]
Their domain is over the sun. Twin to night, they control the rising and falling of the sun. The seasons are control by both of these deities.

Flora: [Trea]-[Jeval]-[Trevea]
Their domain is over anything to do with plants.

Fauna: [Isa]-[Mauul]-[Isuula]
Their domain is over anything to do with animals.

Enlightenment: [Jewla]-[Mezara]-[Ester]
Their domain is over knowledge and understanding. They are believed to be the strongest of all the deities and are the one said to have gifted mortals with powers. They usually inhabit males due to the sheer amount of power it holds.

The species list is here to avoid clashes. For example, if two people were to make a demon, it is possible that these demons are two completely different species in history and description, yet the same due to the name. So all species made by players will be listed here along with a description. You may choose to use one of the listed or make your own.

Canon characters of Tim Burton's version- please note that it is not necessary to play one of these
Tarrant Hightopp - Mad hatter
Iracebeth - The Red Queen
Mirana - The White Queen
Tweedle Dee
Tweedle Dum
Niverns McTwisp - White Rabbit
Thackery Earwicket - March
Chess - Cheshire Cat
Mallymkun - Dormouse - taken
Bayard - Bloodhound

Chaos: not available
Night: not available
Day: not available
Enlightenment: taken

Characters in alphabetical order:

Image: Not Compulsory
Species Description:
Physical Description: Not Compulsory
Equipment: ie, what is in their bag
Place of birth:
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Name: Mallymkun Dorma (Mally)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Dormouse
Species Description: About the size of a normal mouse but can stand on her hind legs.
Skills: Swords, bravery, making sweets.
Equipment: Small sweets, sharpening stone, her sword.
Ability: Shadow jumping. She can step through a shadow like a portal and land up to two kilometres away from the last point.
Place of birth: Underland
Bio: Rather stubborn and cold to those she has just met but is very loyal to those who earn her trust. Despite her size, she is feisty and will fight anyone who is threatening her or her friends.


Name: Carma Latru
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Halfling
Species Description: Halflings are creatures who are half human and half animal. Whilst uncommon in Underland and Kyne, they are common in the isles.
Physical Description: The only indication of being a Halfling is his tail, which is almost always hidden in his pants.
Skills: Archery, climbing, sneak
Equipment: arrows, his bow, rope and a hunting knife.
Ability: Keen eyes. He can see through the eyes of his hawk. Heightened senses.
Place of birth: The Wild Isles
Bio: Born into a strong family he was often bullied by his brothers due to his small size. However, his size was what helped the tribe find new food sources as the neighbouring tribe began to move into their territory. In an attempt to get help from the other countries in terms of resources, the chief's son and himself were sent to negotiate with The White Queen. He also has a hawk named Alazar.

so cool.png
Name: Manuetta Ellie Nay Aberlene (Manu)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Dema
Species Description: Demas are a type of demon that are physically the same as a human at first btu can alter their appearance into a more 'demon' look. Eg, horns, tails and skin colour change.
Physical Description: Her demon look has curled horns that are black in colours, a thin, black tail and grey skin. Otherwise, she looks the same.
Skills: Mechanics, shooting, combat, music and sailing.
Equipment: Flute, tools, two-handed mace.
Ability: Fire manipulation and sound manipulation.
Place of birth: Kyne
Bio: Manuetta was a pirate along side her husband, the captain. Upon reaching Underland for the first time the ship was shot down and she ended up the only survivor. She then spent the next year hunting down the commander who shot her husband and when she killed him, was dumped into the dungeons. This summon is her chance to gain freedom.
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