Welcome: to THE DOOR! (scifi/fantasy/modern/everything)

Cool! I'd suggest one of the jump ins- there are quite a few interesting ones.
Alrighty- I was actually just about to ask if you wanted to do a quick one on one, but, its okay if you are too busy and all. Lol.

By the way, do we start in front of the door?
Don't worry about the starting point; you will start nearby- I'll also flesh it out once the RP begins :)
Hmmm... this looks very interesting.
Would I be allowed to have twins as characters? They're identical (and I mean that to the very last letter of the word) and a kind of alien race. I have them in a space rp at the moment, and I think they'd have fun here. :D
Um hello... I know that I'm a bit knew here but I was hoping it was alright if I asked to join? I'd love to try.

Name: No one knows for sure but she has NIKKO written on her back and seems to respond to it when spoken.

Gender: Female

Race: Mech/Robot/Neko?

(there are humans arms in the picture please ignore those as they will not be on my character, she will have only the mechanical arms) NIKKO has a long metal spine like tail that she uses as a whip and to grasp things. She also has two very long mechanical animal looking arms, and boasts mechanical animal ears. She is missing normal ears and can move her Mechanical ears at will.

Personality: She tends to be very shy and quiet when in new surrounds and has a very curious "cat like" sense to explore what she does not know. Also due to her inability to speak she sometimes becomes frustrated and spunky.

Equipment: She has her tail which she can use as a weapon, she also carries a long sword held by a deeply engraved copper sheath. Because she cannot speak she has a strange ability to when extremely frustrated spout a small screen from her arms that will type what she is trying to say in the viewers language. She dislikes using this ability for some reason but it seems to wear her out.

Strengths: She can dig deep holes with her tail and bury herself in them for protection. Also because of the size and length of her arms and tail she can attack beings much larger than her and father away.
Weaknesses: She is prone to many different attacks but so far from what she remembers she doesn't know of certain weaknesses. But she will probably find them (I don't really know what to put here. I guess she will find out along the way?)

NIKKO does not speak, whether it is an inability to or just the lack to speak other languages that people would understand no one knows. Though it doesn't seem the latter considering she doesn't even make noises or sounds at all. Because of the inability she will commonly use hand signals to get across what she means. NIKKO does not remember what happened before the door. She has vague images of white sterile rooms, tall tubes and sand... sand and then nothing.... and then a big door, where a girl has a strange face as she offers her through it. I guess that is considered her background since I hope that more of it would come out along the way ^.^)
@bulletvixen- accepted!

@Flying Gekko- that won't be a problem: just post your characters so I can see them.
Names - Joe & Quain Daror

Gender -

Race/Species -
Uh... hm. What you would call a realy mixed breed.
((Their species survives through DNA absorption. Usually females would go out into space, come into contact with various other alien species and bring back the "samples" in their body. If they can't get back they can choose another mate of any alien race. The gender always alternates (i.e. female with the DNA will have boys, and their children will be girls, etc.) Due to all the DNA in their species it's hard to tell what they originally looked like but they recognise each other by a certain aura/scent. ))
Appearance – Quite human-like (hair on the head, facial hair) but with alien-animalistic features (like long pointy ears) and spikes (which are somewhat colourful) along the back and arms, two tails and some gills on their necks. They can change their skin colour somewhat like a chameleon can. Hair is dark brown with a red tint and they have blue/grey eyes. Lean muscled build and their hind legs are like that of "anthros". Average height.
Background/Personality – They grew up in the trade business and once they were old enough they bought their own ship (dubbed "Spit & Prayers II") and went in the space trading business. They usually take the exciting and dangerous jobs and wouldn't think twice about looking into something that could be interesting. Very curious, have good sense of humour but dislike unfairness tremendously.

Equipment/Strengths -
They have a strong bond/link between them, to the extent that, e.g. if one twin is cut, it will appear on the other one in the exact same spot (but in a more "later" healed stage, so it won't be bleeding). They can also communicate via the mind. Other than that they have the natural ability to grow what one might call a biometal armor from beneath their skin that can cover their entire bodies. It usually comes out in self defense but they can control and manipulate it to form wings, for example, but it takes a lot or resources (so they don't just do this kind of thing). They don't have to eat but need a certain sustenance (which is different for each individual) which is converted into some form of energy to maintain and control the biometal. In their case they need electricity/electrical energy. Their species (or one in the mix) has a spacial awareness about them and they can basically see/smell/hear/feel something all at once when the awareness is sent out around them (not very far though). It can also go through walls to some extent. They have an uncanny understanding of technological things.
When it comes to weapons, Quain has his trusty machete-like blade and Joe usually carries a laser rifle. If you need lock-picking, they can do that with the help of manipulating the biometal into picks on their fingers, the same goes for some tools.

Weaknesses: They can't lie. At all. Ever. Also, as a saying of mine goes: "in that which you are the strongest you are the weakest" and their bond is just that: their strongest and weakest point. If one twin were to die, the other would be left crushed and empty.

Misc: They love chillies.
Colour of Speech – Red and green. Purple if they talk at the same time.
((Let me know if I've gone overboard in anyway...))
Name: (Doesn't have a name)

Age: ? Probably a teenager
Gender: Female

Race: shape shifter (I guess?)

Appearance: http://halfbloodslife2.webs.com/Anime_girl_punk3.jpg

Personality: She is soft spoken. Like various types of animals, she instinctively shies away from new things and then might attack those things if she is not properly approached. If you protect her or keep her alive
(this includes if you feed her), she will be a loyal friend to you forever. She will do what she can to protect herself and others she can trust. If she is comfortable enough with a person, she likes to cuddle and is curious to know them. She will ask many questions.

Equipment: She carries a combat knife with her in case she is too tired to shape shift. She found this with the people she lived with.

Strengths: She can turn into many different animals. She is loyal and is good at defending. She can talk to animals. Good at using her resources and finding food. She has good instincts (exception, see in Weaknesses).

Weaknesses: She is frightened easily; doesn't trust many things; and when she is not shifted, she is physically weak. She can't speak very well because she spent many years with animals. She is easily fooled and follows anyone she trusts the most, which may be someone evil. This is where her instincts become defective.

Before the Door: One day, she woke in a dense forest with no memories. She had no idea where she was or who she was. She stood up and decided to explore her surroundings and unfortunately or fortunately stumbled upon a pack of wolves. She felt a pull coming from somewhere. Out of instinct, she followed it and found her vision had changed. She also found that the ground was higher than she recalled. She looked at her hands and noticed paws there instead. The wolves who looked about to attack her for encroaching on their territory, now looked calmer, but still apprehensive.

She found that she could understand what they said and soon gained their trust. However, as the days passed as her being a wolf, she soon felt fatigue and weakness weighing her down. She shifted back to her original form against her will one afternoon. Oddly enough, the wolves didn't seem to notice much. Even though they didn't seem to notice, she still shifted into a wolf, as she found it was easier to survive this way.

As time passed, she began to take other forms of animals. She had been flying around in the form of an eagle when she flew across a city. This city was actually quite close to where she had lived for years. Had this always been here? With her sharp vision, she saw creatures. She had only seen one of these creatures before. Herself. She flew down to the outskirts of the city where she shifted to her real form discreetly. She hesitantly walked down the streets. Suddenly, a moving object was catapulting toward her. In panic, she froze. The thing swerved and screeched to a halt. She instantly started to run back to the forest, but the person came out of the car and stopped her. He made a lot of loud noises and she stared at him blankly, her lips trembling. The man started to speak in softer tones and he stared at her more gently. The more he spoke, the more words she came to understand. Though, it was difficult. Animals speak much differently than humans. Their speech was more nonverbal and would only let out their voice if they had a strong emotion to convey.

The man shook his head and said one word, "Food?" She stared wide-eyed at him. "Fuh-fuh, food?" she repeated with difficulty. The man nodded. He went to his car and came back with a candy bar and unwrapped it for her. She stared at it apprehensively, until he rolled his eyes taking a bite and then handing it to her. She took a small bite at first and then devoured the whole thing. She had never tasted something like that before. "M-more?" she said pleadingly, stretching out her hands. The man stared at her hesitantly, then nodded his head. "Follow," he ordered. He probably thought she was slight retarded or something. The car ride was frightening and she was shaking like a leave when it was over. The man had gotten out and had to basically drag her inside his house. He shouted some words when the got in and she jumped still frightened from the car ride. A women appeared to her left. The women looked confusedly at them and the shape shifter looked distrustfully at her. The man whispered some words in the women's ear and she nodded. She slowly outstretched her hand to the shape shifter and grabbed he hand delicately. She smiled and spoke softly to her, dragging her upstairs. The shape shifter was tense and was ready to flee or fight if she had to. The women had taken her to a room with soft colors. "Wait here," she told her. The shape shifter froze in her spot until the lady returned. "Water," she said taking a sip from the water bottle before giving it to her. The shape shifter took a sip and sighed contently. "Name?" the lady asked. The shape shifter looked at her blankly, not comprehending. The women sighed. "Sleep," she said pointing to the bed.

She spent several days at this house. She was fed and was taught several things. She was able to fully understand the humans, but still had trouble speaking. She mostly nodded her head and smiled. She liked these people. Sadly, it came to an end and she found herself yet again in a strange and unknown place.
If there is anything else you need added, let me know!
No, you're fine. Ill start this afternoon
hey um. I might be an idiot but did you post it yet?.... i was wondering if you'd update it here first so we know its there... or is it already up and i've just missed it <.> sorry
Oh, sorry. I went straight to bed. I'm starting tomorrow, thanks to the fact I have watch today. This will be like the only time I can write today. :/
Oh, sorry. I went straight to bed. I'm starting tomorrow, thanks to the fact I have watch today. This will be like the only time I can write today. :/
Okies np at all! I just wanted to make sure i wasn't missing it somewhere. I'm sorry, take your time ^^ hope to see you soon.