Welcome to the Dark Side

While not happy with the punishment, Xam was eased by the fact the little 'Vagik' wasn't getting away scot-free. Turning away from the man, her attention was brought back to the bartender, folding her hands to rest her head on. "You know what? Forget what I asked for earlier. I'll take two shots of Xenon." Ismere looked alarmed, shaking their head in disagreement. "This one reminds Xam that we need to leave early in the morning." Xam's fist shot out and smacked hard into the blue one's arm, Ismere hissing and rubbing their wounded area.

"Oh hush, I didn't hit you that hard." She mumbled. "And I don't need you worrying about me."

Deciding to leave the matter at that, lest they receive another blow, Ismere shrugged their shoulders in defeat. "Fine, but if you have the credits to spend on Xenon, This One will be wanting Illysian wine." There was an exchange of heated looks, but Xam relented, allowing her partner the pleasure of a fine drink.
Aurelius nodded, getting out two shot glasses and a wine glass. He still felt a bit dizzy, but he still poured the drinks with no problem and slid them over towards the pair. "You guys have names?" he asked, then glanced down at the mess still on the floor. It needed to be cleaned, but he'd rather wait until the end of the night, when he didn't have customers. Then he could sweep it up properly.
Xam smiled, which ended up looking more like a sneer, as the shots were slid over to her, taking one and downing it quickly. The heat of the drink warmed her throat and spread throughout her core, followed by a slight numbing. She set her glass down slowly, not trusting her limbs to follow her commands right away. "My name's Xamantha, but everyone just shorten's it to Xam." The woman gave a small bow as she answered, falling back into old customs. She motioned to her partner. "This thing here is Ismere."

"This one is not a thing!" Ismere responded, the same hissing as before filling the air. Xam covered one of her ears. "Aight, aight! Calm down. It was a joke."

"Please refrain from making said jokes again." Satisfied, the hissing stopped, returning to the dull hum. Xam rolled her eyes once, before focusing back on the bartender. "And you? What do they call you?"
Rincewind shrugged. "I have no idea. It seems I've met everyone these days." Rincewind had a passive spell that would keep him engaged in conversation while he was focused on something else entirely, although sometimes it doesn't work properly. "Have I met you yesterday time?"
"Just Ace," Aurelius replied, chuckling. After a second, he figured he'd add an explanation. "Name's Aurelius Sojornus, but that's a bit long." How he'd acquired the nickname Ace was quite the boring story. When he was younger, he worked with a merc group. Since they were a bunch of gun-wielding 'poets', they called him Ace since his name began with the letter A. End of story.
"Yeah, I think I'll stick to Ace." Xam snickered, running her finger over the rim of her second shot, wondering if it was safe to go for the next. She did not want a repeat of her last encounter with the toxin. "Besides, it suits you better." Deciding she'd rather be safe than sorry, Xam let her hand fall to the table, fingers tapping on its dark top in a rhythmic fashion. "Aurelius is too pretty for you."

"This one believes Xam is pot calling kettle black." Ismere chimed in, lifting their glass of wine up in front of them. The thin white tendrils on their head reached forward, dipping into the deep red liquid. Xam would have struck them again, but it would have wasted the wine she'd eventually be paying for.
"Rather be called that then some feminine nickname like Ari," Aurelius told her, crossing his arms and leaning against the bar. Then his eyes fixed on Ismere after their comment. He couldn't help but chuckle softly. Yeah, they were both pretty messed up, face wise. He looked back at Xam and grinned. "Nah, you're prettier. Least you don't look like a caveman along with the scars."
Xam let herself laugh at the small joke, waving away the compliments. "Aye, maybe I still have that to be thankful about." She raised her shot glass in a small toast, before downing its contents. The same warmth as the first spread through her, settling herself a bit more comfortably on the stool. "Hmmm~ Almost tempted to order a third one." Ismere looked up from their drink, shaking their head. "This one reminds Xam again that they will need to be mobile and lucid in the morning." Xam rolled her eyes, setting the shot glass down again. "Fine, no more Xenon." Satisfied, Ismere returned to their drink.

Sighing, Xam shrugged her shoulders, though there was a wicked edge to her smile. "Doesn't mean I can't enjoy something else. You must have some favourites, Ace. What would suggest?" Ismere made a sound of discontent, but decided not to start an argument with the woman over her alcohol intake.
"Well, I have a couple of suggestions, but if you'll be needing to do something other than moan, sleep, and worship the toilet tomorrow, they're not recommended." Rubbing his chin, Aurelius took a look at his drink stock. He'd tried most of them, except for the ones he couldn't digest. "What kind of flavor are you in the mood for?" he asked, looking back at her.
Xam stretched back slightly, working out a kink in her back. "I think I'll avoid making friends with the plumbing." She returned herself to her previous position, head resting on her hands, leaning forward. "I suppose something... Light with some character, a flavour of its own."

"This one thinks Xam is not referring to a drink." Ismere spoke, laughter in its strange voice gently flitting through the air. Xam was not amused. "And this one thinks you need to bugger off before I cut off your feelers." Attempting to stifle its laughter, Ismere turned away from their partner. Grumbling, Xam ran a hand through her hair. "As long as it isn't fruity, I won't complain. Surprise me."
"Alright, something spicy, then." Aurelius smiled, looking through the rows of liquor bottles. After a minute, he pulled down a particular one. "Longarian whiskey. Aged fifty years. Damn good stuff." He took out another shot glass-no point in mixing the two liquors-then poured the whiskey into it and nudged it towards her. "This one's on the house," he told her with another smile.
Xam lifted the shot glass and examined its contents with a smile. "Well then, much obliged." She took the whole shot, setting the glass down with a small thud. She sucked in a breath. "Woo, that has a kick to it." The woman stayed still a moment, letting the alcohol work through her and settle, before giving Ace a grin. "You're right. Damn good stuff! I might even have a new favourite."
Aurelius chuckled, nodding. "I'd join you, but drinking on the job is frowned upon." He also preferred not drinking his own stock, it always seemed like such a waste. Though, that may just be him. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you two going to be doing tomorrow?" he asked, leaning against the bar a bit. While she was here, may as well get to know her a bit. And her companion, too, of course.
"Pfft, it's your own bar. I'm sure you could break a rule once in a while and no one would mind much." Xam pointed out, but didn't push the topic further. Maybe he was one of those strange people who ran bars but didn't drink. If so, his loss. The question about her activities the next day drew her attention back. "Oh, we're meeting up with a contact in the hopes to find some people." Her cheery mood seemed to die down slightly at the new direction the conversation was turning. "I've been looking for this group a long time. It'd be nice to finally catch up."
"Sounds like there's a story to go with that." Aurelius was merely stating his opinion, not asking for her to share. She didn't seem to be the 'sit down and share our life stories' type of woman. It sounded like she was out for revenge, considering her tone. Something he was familiar with. Sighing softly and mumbling curses under his breath, he poured himself a shot. She was right. Didn't hurt to break a few rules every now and then, even personal ones. He downed the shot quickly, feeling it burn all the way to his stomach.
"There is." She didn't offer any more explanation than that. Her reasons were her own, and something she held very close. Maybe if she had known the man better, she would share. But not tonight. As she watched him pour himself a shot, Xam gave Ace a smile. "There we are! See, that wasn't so difficult." She teased lightly. Ismere made a disgruntled sound. "This one is ecstatic that all will become drunk tonight." Their tone was decidedly sarcastic as they set their finished glass of wine down on the bar counter, the tips of their tendrils stained deep crimson.

"You could stand to loosen up a bit, Ismere." Xam chided. "Take that stick outta your ass an' let yourself 'ave some fun once in a while." The alcohol she had consumed seemed to be taking effect as her words slurred slightly.
Jae sat back, thinking for a moment. "I don't know." She paused, still not able to match his face. "If you don't mind me asking, where do you work?" Maybe I've seen him around work..I've seen him somewhere..
Aurelius chuckled, looking at Ismere. "That's my every night," he stated simply, smiling. "Besides, that little shot won't get me drunk." Tipsy, yes. Drunk, no. Years of youth spent sitting in places like this, drinking until he forgot his troubles had granted the man a pretty decent tolerance for alcohol. Combine that with his size, and...well. Having another shot was tempting. Maybe a bit more than tempting, but the bartender just looked at Xam. "You want any more of this?" he asked, shaking the bottle.
A Five-foot, five inches tall, Cerelian female saunters into the bar.
You couldn't tell she was anything but human, if it wasn't for her bright red hair and too pale skin.
She slides onto a barstool and glances around to the other patrons, scoping out the various faces.
"What can I get you?" Aurelius asked, setting the bottle down. The newcomer wasn't human, that was for sure. Not a species he was familiar with, but he'd find out what she was eventually. Then again, he might not. You never knew. That was what he liked about his job, honestly. The randomness of what he'd see and learn. It was the same reason he had liked mercenary work.