Welcome To Slayer Haven (Lore)



Original poster
Slater Haven City.jpg

This is how modern day Slater Haven looks today, a sprawling 21st century gothic metropolis of over six million inhabitants. But back when it was founded, the picture was very different. The city was founded by one J.Marcus Slater, a wealthy European entrepreaneur.
J. Marcus Slater.jpg

J. Marcus Slater

In 1831, Slater decided to re-locate from his home in London and buy off a vast tract of land on the Washington Territory. In addition to being on of the richest industrialists in the world at that time, Slater was also a brilliant scientist and anthropologist. He had very practical reasons for founding his own city. You see Slater was a vampire, a First Blood and member of the species Homo Sanguinarious. Inheritantly knowing one of the fundamental limitations of his kind was being able to freely congregate and thus propogate more of the species, Slater sought to change that and founded Slater Haven in what was to become the U.S. state of Washington. The city's name reflects what Slater had invisioned, a safe haven for more of his vampire kind to meet, congregate and reproduce. The city found success almost immediately as a booming commercial fishing port and seaside industry. It was than that Slater actively began searching for more Sanguinarians to populate the city. This was met with moderate success, but soon inevitably attracted the attention of the Erebans. As the decades passed and the city became more prosperous, it was to be divided between the two main vampire Houses. The Stri'Goi, run by the First Bloods and the Feratu, run by the Erebans.
First Bloods (Homo Sanguinarious)



According to fossil records, the species Homo Sapien Sanguinarious or "Wise Blood Drinker" first appeared on Earth some eleven thousand years ago and are seen as the next stage in Human evolution. The first Sanguinarians probably sprang up in and around the Indus Valley, just at the time when the first permanent Sapien settlements began to emerge. Sanguinarians are believed to be the most recent species to evolve within the genus of Homo.

Their blood feud with the Ereban Vampires began sometime around the 1400's with the emergeance of one Vlad Tepes Dracula, a Wallachian ruler who went to war with the Ottoman Turks. It was also at this time that the formation of the various vampire Houses rose. These dynastic clans sprouted in prominence and spread throughout the world. There are about four vampire Houses ruled strictly by the Sanguinarians, the largest and most powerful being the Stri'Goi House. The Sanguinarians were given the nickname of the "First Bloods" by the Erebus inspired vampires.

Current Global Population- 25 Million


-The average height for a Sanguinarian is about 6'1 for males and about 5'10 for females.

- Sanguinarians have exceptional physical strength as their physiology sees them having muscle density some three to four times that of their Sapien counterparts. An average Saguinarian can lift around two thousand pounds on any given day. They are also about three times as fast and agile as Homo Sapiens. Enhanced reflexes as well as heightened senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight are all natural parts of a Sanguinarian's array of abilities inherent to their species. They also possess an exceptional kind of night vision.

- Homo Sanguinarious are also completely unaffected by traditional vampire weaknesses such as crucifixes, holy water, garlic, silver or sunlight. This is due to them being normal biological organisms, their vampirism arising from natural selection through the process of evolution and having nothing to with any kind of supernatural influences.

- An average lifespan for a Sanguinarian is about one hundred seventy years, with some individuals living as long three hundred and fifty.

-Sanguinarians and Sapiens are similiar enough genetically to permit interbreeding between the two species, resulting in a hybrid vigor known as Homo Sapien Dhampiris.

-Sanguinaraians possess special retractable and elongated canine teeth or "fangs".


Perhaps the greatest drawback to the species of Homo Sanguinarious is their low numbers. They are the least populace of any Human species and this is due to the way their reproductive physiology's are set up. Unlike their Sapien cousins, Sanguinarians cannot just breed with anybody. Exact genetic markers must line up near perfectly between mating pairs to sire any offspring. A Sanguinarian might come across only about four to five perfect genetic mates during the course of their life time, resulting in very low birth returns for the species as a whole. Birthrates are seen to be somewhat higher when interbreeding with Sapiens whom they can successfully mate with.

-Sanguinarians are severely incapacitated in high elevations and/or altitudes.

-Their need for blood arises from the high price their bodies exact for their enhanced abilities. Their bodies burn through iron at an accelerated rate and they are in near constant need for fresh supplies of plasma.

Notable Sanguinarains Thoughout History

Vlad Tepesh III
Atilla The Hun
Genghis Khan
King Nebuchadnezzar I
Thomas Jefferson
J. Marcus Slater