Welcome to Atlantis

"Of course." He answered the other's nervous question about how large Svell could get. Honestly he hoped that frightening the other was a last resort as he knew the other may not take kindly to it afterwards even if it was done with the best intentions in mind. People didn't often respond favorably to trying to be killed, even if Liam wasn't serious about it.

Backing up Svell stretched his wings, head and body dipping down before launching into the air, powerful wings beating the air as he gained height and headed for the clouds. Liam didn't seem to mind and instead motioned for Alden to join him once more sitting on a grassy patch that had not been frozen. "Hard to say. Size wise he ranks near a 4, our power has never truly been tested but has ranged between a 3 and a 4." He gave, not clear on the parameters but still Alden had a visual aid now, "Showing you is the best way to help you understand quickly, without the years of schooling you would have received. My hope is that seeing how Svell is, how companions are, will help you in calling yours forward. While Svell stretches his wings you can meditate, it's no sure thing but records indicate that may help you connect with and call your companion." And failing that in an hour or so Liam would take drastic measures.
When Liam answered to casually about Svell getting much bigger than he was, he swallowed a lump in his throat. Never again would he address the fearsome dragon as a lizard. Or as small. That was a mistake on his part, but he did rationalize to himself that he did not know of this part of Svell. But as the Ice Dragon stretched his wings and took off into the sky, his eyes followed him until he would disappear into the clouds. Looking back to the dark haired man, he didn't seem to matter much to him whether or not his companion had taken off. It baffled him a bit as no attention was given to the dragon flying overhead, instead, Liam just ushered him back over to join him on a patch of grass that had somehow escaped Svell's fury. But he was filled in on his question, his head tilting up towards the sky for a moment, then back to Liam. Size, around an Alpha 4? Power, Around an Alpha 3? The creature seemed like a beast that was to be feared. Even still, right now, the image of the tiny creature on the captain's shoulders was stuck in his mind.

How could the cute beast, turn into this truly fearsome one? Atlantis was a mysterious place, and this showed he still had much, much, much to learn. Then, a key was revealed. Liam stated that through meditation, it might be possible for him to call his companion forwards. Alden looked a bit unsure. Over the days he had been here, very little time for meditation was permitted. So his form of meditation was limited, and with Svell looming overhead, he wasn't sure he could really focus or not....none the less, he had to try. Moving into a meditation position he had been shown, he closed his eyes and tried to focus. But he didn't know what he should be focusing on to call forwards his companion. All these things were new to him. Despite trying his best, his focus just wouldn't stay and by the time an hour had passed,there was no results to accompany his efforts.
"Ignore him. Svell doesn't take to the skies often." Liam offered before slipping into silence. As it stood Svell was not lingering close and rather pushed higher and higher into the sky until he was a mere speck, and then disappeared entirely behind wisps of clouds.

For a time Liam would be silent, letting the other reflect inward with the hopes that his backup plan would not be needed. The longer it took the more eager Svell came to exact his revenge on the sandy haired male- he wouldn't hurt him but scaring him seemed a fitting response to being called a lizard and little and the likes. No one mocked him! He was a dragon! Grr.

When the timeframe was long passed Liam silently moved to stand, calling Svell down from the skies though the beast that landed was not the same as had taken off. The dragon landing caused the ground to quake and groan under the pressure, legs thicker around than Liam was wide flexing under the beast's bulk. He kept the same shape as his prior form, a traditional English looking dragon with a stocky body, he now stood two stories tall at the ridge in his back, as his neck was long he topped nearly three feet if he stood tall. Enormous wings were tucked up close to his body but had the potential wingspan to cover the entire field and when he roared-well it was a good thing Liam let the guard know what was going on else they'd have feared an attack. His head was now crowned with horns, pointed back to protect his neck and helped give him a regal appearance, so far removed from the cute little being hanging around Liam's neck.

"I had hoped it wouldn't come to this." He gave, trying his best to sound grave, not really that hard sinec he was serious enough most of the time, "Without a companion you are not truly an Atlantian Alden. And only Atlantians can exist on this island, the realm between worlds." As he spoke Svell acted, much like the stories spoke of Dragons breathing fire he breathed ice that flooded around the area, careful never to touch Alden but certainly trapping him in with ice walls.

"As Captain is my duty to eliminate trespassers. For that I am sorry." He waved his hand for Svell, as if giving him the 'all clear' to end it and Svell played his part well, making a big show of breathing in deep as if to unleash cold fury on the other
Alden was pulled from his meditation as the ground underneath him shook and rocked, growling under an enormous pressure. his emerald green eyes opened wide and he turned his head in the direction of where the sound had come from. It was Svell, he had landed and he was even more intimidating that before. But this time, it was a strange mixture of awe and fear. The creature was truly a magnificent beast, and certainly one to be feared. As he roared, he found it within him to unfreeze his posture and scramble backwards. He struggled to get to his feet. Something was off here...this seemed a bit overboard as just a demonstration. His heart sunk and his worst fears were realized as Liam spoke. He said that because he couldn't call on his companion to come to his side, that he wasn't a true Atlantian, and because he wasn't a true Atlantian, he wouldn't and couldn't remain here. Alden would have to die. He was now considered a trespasser. Emerald eyes widened even more and he felt sick.

It couldn't be! His lineage had been clear, both of his parents were pure blooded Atlantians! Words were desperate to slip off his tongue but they just wouldn't! The only clear signs of his distress was his body shaking, his wide eyes, and heavy breathing. It was then Svell breathed Ice at him. The blonde yelped and scrambled out of the way. Then it came again, and he managed escape it once more...but now he was trapped. With no where to run, he felt himself choke up, thinking he was really going to die. His eyes watched the dragon's frame as he went to take a deep breathe. And just as Svell was to unleash the breathe on Alden and give him his icy demise, there was a loud screech from the skies. It was nearly deafening and Alden moved to cover his ears. Just great, there was another one? Wait....

And as he cast his gaze back up, an enormous beast landed right in front of him, give or take two yards. Alden jumped and gave the creature a once over. It had it's large wings spread and stood in a defensive posture. At the shoulder the golden, white, black, and rich brown creature had to have been at least fifteen feet, and his head and neck adding another seven or eight feet to him. It wasn't nearly as big as Svell but certainly not a small creature. It's back half was much like a muscled feline, a lion. And the front half was that of a golden eagle, the front legs were eagles legs, displaying fearsome pointed talons. Alden was unaware of what this was, but before him was his companion, a Griffon. One that was a bit big for his species, but none the less a Griffon. It's golden eyes narrowed at Svell and it flapped it's mighty wings, screeching again in anger. It's long lion like tail lashed behind it in fury. The griffon wasn't happy in the least and it stood it's ground in front of Alden.

Alden got to his feet shakily, but in awe. Was this his companion? It had to be. It was then a single name flashed across his head, seemingly a passing thought. Orion, this was his companion, Orion. He had arrived at last. But it was also clear that if he didn't calm the creature down soon, there would be a confrontation between the two creatures of Myth. Orion thinking his Atlantian companion was in real danger. Still in shock, Alden just stood there, staring, not sure what to do.
Liam felt the presence of another power just before the companion appeared. He had all the training in the world to handle and control the situation to hopefully keep everything going as planned. Svell too knew his part-he'd had his fun but with such a creature appearing he instantly bowed his head low, a sign of submission even if Svell did not retreat from his post.

Similarly Liam took to one knee before the beast, recognizing it for what it was and while it wasn't on pair with Svell it was still a rather potent display of power given its size. Of course, that could very well be the situation that had brought it into being as well.

"Apologies, noble griffin, companion to Alden. He has been awaiting your arrival since his own arrival here. Svell and I mean no harm and meant only to encourage your appearance. You display the traits of an honorable companion, appearing to protect yours from harm and danger." If there was anything to be learned from Svell it was that some companions enjoyed a little ego stroking. Shuold the beast before him react negatively Svell would handle the situation-just because he bowed did not mean he was not the more powerful one.
The noble looking creature, eyed the duo in front of him. His golden eyes not leaving them even for a moment. From the moment he had come into being, a fierce desire to protect the Atlantian stationed behind him filled his mighty form. All the tension in the air had him on edge, but as the dragon bowed his head and his Atlantian Companion took to his knee, Orion recognized it as a form of submission, on both of their parts. He relaxed some and tucked his wings against his back. The words of flattery spoken, would go a very long way with this companion. While he would be loyal to a fault as a companion, but the bird half of him also caused him to be vain. That was right. He was noble, honorable as well. This appeared to satisfy the beast as his feathers ruffled out in satisfaction and he clicked his beak. Turning around he faced Alden. His whole body was nearly pure muscle. He Bowed his head to the blonde haired male and bumped his own companions hand for a pet. Wanting to be touched, wanting to be close to the Atlantian that he now shared a deep bond with.

Alden looked at him and strangely, felt no fear. In fact, he felt a pride. What an impressive looking creature! When Orion came over and touched his very large beak to his hand, he raised it and ran his fingers though the incredibly smooth feathers. They felt pleasant against his skin. Orion looked rather happy, his tail now relaxed, but twitching at the end like a cats, showing his pleasure in being caressed by the man in front of him. He smiled and felt his heart rate slow down, at last. But glancing over at Liam he frowned deeply. It was true, he wasn't very happy with the other man, but he kept his companion satisfied and calm as he continued to stroke him.

"That is what this was all about?" he asked. "D-Did you know for sure he as going to show? What If he hadn't? Would you have really killed me?"

Orion pulled away and looked down at Alden. There was no way he would let any harm befall his companion, seemingly named Alden. So why was he talking like this? Tilting his head a bit, he make a clinking noise to get the attention of the man. The green eyed man looked back to him and he reached out, stepping closer and touched his beak again, stroking if gently.

"I'm sorry Orion...I didn't know when you would be coming, certainly didn't think It would be like this...But I"m glad you've arrived..."

He smiled and Griffion bowed his head more and nuzzled his large head into the hand next to it, once again pacified with the explanation.
With the situation calm Svell finally stepped back, sitting on his haunches as Alden took time to greet his companion. The pair would not be able to speak, at least not spoken words but with time Alden would be able to understand his companion's thoughts and emotions. Much the same way Liam recognized with Svell was upset or offended. For now the massive dragon lowered himself, a lazy creature by nature, to lay in the ice patch he'd created.

Liam moved to rise with a shake of his head, "Of course not. Murder is forbidden here. We only exile. I apologize for deceiving you, the hall of records did dig up a bit of information about helping an adult's companion appear. Only true fright would work so I could not have warned you in advance." Liam gave, explaining his actions even if that did not excuse them.

"We'll leave you some time to get to know one another. Hopefully your companion has a smaller form." Liam didn't bother discussing what ranking the other was at the moment, that could all come later.
Orion continued to revel in Alden's affection. Loving the feeling of the fingers running though his feathers. He didn't pay any mind to the massive dragon settling to the earth. But he was aware of the dragon's presence and wouldn't soon forget it. The blonde man continued to stroke the Griffon in front of him and chuckled a bit as his feathers fluffed out in contentment. Looking back at Liam, he listened to him and sighed, looking away from him. Alden was still angry with him. He knew that Liam had only meant well by the fright, and it had produced his companion...still. Nobody would take kindly to their life threatened. But it also explained why there had been no results concerning companions when the records fell into his hands. Only meeting those golden eyes he nodded at Liam's comment about leaving them be so they could get to know one another. Once the Ice Dragon and the dark haired man left, Orion pulled away and his eagle legs extending out in front of him and his haunches rose into the air as he stretched his muscled body. After he stood up straight and clicking his beak looked Alden straight in the eyes. Both would think of each other strange at the moment, but it was undeniable that neither wanted to be separated again.

"My name is Alden." he said, knowing the creature would understand his words but wouldn't be able to respond in the way that Svell and Liam communicated. Who knew how long that would take...but in any case it was just a relief that he was here right now. "I know we can't communicate very well right now...but I'm going to do my best...alright. Are you hungry?" he asked and smiled. Not having eaten much of his breakfast, he pulled it out of the small bag he had to hold it. The creature made a clicking sounds and looked pleased at the suggestion. It was then that he changed forms. Lifting it's mighty wings, he bowed his head low and covered himself in then. The emerald eyed man then blinked in surprised as the huge creature changed from about twenty three feet in height to the size of a large ally cat. His looks had not changed, he was just a more compact version of the much larger companion that had been in front of him moments ago.

Smiling, he ushered Orion along and they found a warm patch in the sun. Offering up his dried up meat, the Griffon held it in his talons and ripped pieces off of it, swallowing happily. He watched him, and when Orion dozed off, let him sleep for awhile. As he did, Alden practiced his meditation. When Orion roused, they both wandered back towards the town so he could find something more for his companion to eat. Getting some meat in town, since he seemed to have enjoyed that earlier. After that, they headed back towards his temporary quarters, Orion keeping up with him, staying at his heels.
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Always from Alden and his companion Liam and Svell did not immediately return to town. Heavy thoughts weighed on his mind and dispute Svell's reassurance that all would be well Liam wasn't exactly thrilled with the part he had played. Still better him than any other.

Given the situation Svell did not immediately return to his smaller state and instead the pair took a winged flight around the island, checking borders and allowing Svell to further stretch his wings. Liam had no issues remaining on the dragons back (Svell was far too large for him to straddled like a horse) so he stood, carefully balanced and when he needed extra grip ice formed to connect Liam's feet and legs to the dragon's thick scales. It remained to be seen what, if any talent the griffin had-some had them like Svell and his ice, others did not and merely their appearance was all they had.

Eventually Svell reduced in size, though he was enjoying himself so it was a bit flashy. After letting Liam dismount he took to the air again only to dive straight for one of the smaller (but still large enough for him) lakes, the surface turned to ice that could be harvested the next day and out from it the foot long gray Svell slithered out, climbing up Liam's outfit to his normal resting spot.

It would be shortly after Alden returned with his companion that Liam knocked, waiting for the door to open before offering a nod, "I wanted to make sure you both were alright." And that was all, clearly expecting that to be the extent of their conversation. He would bare the other's anger-as was his duty.
After returning from the rolling fields and expansive city, Orion snatched the meat from Alden's bag and he sighed, chuckling a bit. Settling on Alden's pillow, he gripped the dried meat with talons once again and picked at the meat with his sharp beak. Clearly satisfied with his meal, Alden went and pulled off his shoes, setting them at the side of his bed. With a sigh, he remembered the stern look that always seemed to stiffen Liam's features. If only the man would smile, it would benefit him a great deal. But it made him angry too. What if things didn't go to plan, what if one of his plans didn't as he had wanted it. It would have been the death of him. And it kind of stung...he wished Liam wouldn't be so cold. As glad as he was to have Orion now...he couldn't help it. Just as he had unbuttoned the top half of his shirt to change, there was a knock at the door. Going over, he pulled it open and saw Liam staring back at him. His frowned deeper and looked at him expectantly.

"What is it?" he asked. His answer was simply that he was wondering if they were okay. His emerald eyes narrowed at the grey ones looking back at him.

"Am I alright?" he asked. "What do you think?" his tone was cold. Very unlike him. He had no smiles to offer him right now. Unaware he was the Prince, he didn't see a problem expressing how he was feeling right now without biting his tongue. "As glad as I am to have Orion here...The mere threat to my life was not appreciated in the least...Liam."

Seeing some sort of emotion was what he would like from the dark haired man...but he didn't expect it. Certainly not now when he had to deal with Alden's anger.
It was true enough, smiling or otherwise showing any positive emotions wouldn't fit the situation and Liam wasn't prone to such displays anyway. Instead he kept his composure as the other reacted, taking in the name of the other's companion and filing it away for future reference. If there was going to be any future reference anyway.

At the other's heated words he merely nodded, not calling out the other's tone or pointing out his title nor demanding any respect, "I understand." As he'd feared and such made his actions the last resort, the other was reasonably upset with his actions, he didn't seek forgiveness beyond the apologies he'd offered earlier. "I'll leave you be. Your apprenticeships will begin again tomorrow. Good evening." He gave, simply enough with a tilt of his head to excuse himself.
When Liam merely nodded at his words, a fire stirred within him. More Anger. His eyes narrowed more and he listened to the others words before he continued, opening the door wider and making it clear that what he had to say, was not finished.

"No." he said in distaste. "I really don't think you do understand. I got one apology, and I can tell you right now, it didn't seem too sincere to me. It seemed more like it was your duty to apologize, rather than actually feeling bad for what you had to do to bring Orion here." His expression softened a bit and took on a certain sadness. "Since I got here, I've never seen you smile and I wonder if you are truly happy here. This place, It is amazing, every single citizen here lives a privileged life. Imagine not having a meaning to your life...just existing, surviving because instinct tells you too...You seem ungrateful for all you have here and if you are thankful for it...well, frankly, I don't see it. You have every reason to smile. You live in such an amazing world, live in such a beautiful place...you have a truly fearsome, but...loyal companion who seems to care about you an awful lot... Liam..." he sighed.
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"I have seen so much of the world I've come from. I've lost a lot and seen other humans loose much more...the look in your eyes reminds me of them. The expressions on your face...so what I'm saying here is....I'm angry because I want a sincere apology. I'm angry because you seem to take so much for granted. Be angry with me with you want but anything is better than seeing annoyance, unhappiness, or a neutral blank look on your face..." he paused, leaving several long moments to pass before he spoke again. But not contemplating if he had gone too far because...everything he wanted to say was off his chest for now. Except one. "And I won't return to the apprenticeships. I've already decided. I will go back and work with Ray at the farm first thing tomorrow morning..and every morning after that as long as I am needed there. Good Evening." he frowned and turned around, shutting the door behind him.

It took everything in him to not slam it. He was fuming and as he finished changing, he slipped into bed. As he did, Orion who had finished his meal, was curled up on the pillow. He took the spare pillow and smiled a bit, watching him snore softly. His feathers puffed out, his eyes closed as he slept deeply. The sounds of his rhythmic breathing soothed Alden to sleep, and the duo slept soundly that night.