One I woke up from was when I was fighting this guy who was in my house. We got into a fight and plates were being used, but weren't breaking. We were slamming plates into eachother and I'm like 'WHY! WON'T! YOU! SHOW! PAIN! And why the FUCK aren't these plates breaking! (When I'm in a dream, I sorta go with the dreams physics, I don't question them. Mainly because I'm busy doing epic stuff. Sadly that means I'll never lucid dream DX. I'm the kinda guy that doesn't reject possibilities, even if it's impossible. if I started floating right now, I'd be like "How did gravity shut off???? DX" I wouldn't think I'm dreaming, I'll just go with it and try to find out why later.
So my dad walks in and I'm like "Awwwww yeeeaahhh :D :D :D You're fucked now guy!" And my dad was like "Quit fighting! you'll mess up the house" and just leaves. I'm like "WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!" so I see the guy stand around the next few seconds like "Did he just listen to my dad? Let's hope so o.o" But then he pulls a fast one on me and he punches me which knocks me down but I catch myself with the coffee table. So i'm like "heh, alright, you wanna play dirty? I'll play dirty too." Sooooo I go to jab him but my dream ends and I see my arm in the air in the same jabbing position of when it ended.
One I didn't wake up from, and is my strangest dream, was when I was like 4 or 5. I look outside my window and I see this ice cream truck. Problem? they had the CREEPIEST faces. The driver had a literal pizza slice as a face and the guy next to him had a literal orange as a face. So they stare at me and bob their head back and fourth awkwardly with a stupid smile. But every time I look out the window, they are driving by the opposite direction. So I tell my parents that they're creepy and they're basically like "Don't be bigoted!" And i'm like "NO! THIS AIN'T NORMAL! There's being bigoted! And then there's being legibly creeped out!" (In my 5 year old words XD I didn't know what being a bigot was back then. Yeah, I grew up not knowing what racism was, didn't know what Sexism was. There was no difference between me, and you. Which makes me think that kids should grow up not being told what racism/sexism is. If they know, it's then a concept. If they don't know, then they don't put a line/barrier between people. Along with animals too, I didn't grow up with the concept of "I'm better than anyone or anything" So I grew up with a cat no different than I would grow up if I had say a sister that acted the same as a cat.
And my creepiest was when I was a kid, I had this creepy ass guy chase me through the neighborhood. Who was it? It was this creepy motherfucker from courage the cowardly dog but red
And his face was this creepy part from spongebob
That's SCARY for a kid DX