Weekly-ish challenge #14 - ewww

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Hello and welcome to another weekly-ish challenge. I have something slightly more slapstick for you today, mainly because I'm running short of ideas. But don't let that stop you from wowing me with a great post. Remember this is all for fun and they'll be appreciated no matter how much or little effort you put into it.

For those new here (there are quite a few of you this week) every week I sit here and type out a challenge and hope people will respond. Its just for fun and to help people practice without pressure or plot considerations. So there really no excuse for not stepping up and taking 5 minuets to submit your response!

This week's phrase: Son, its time you took a bath.
We'd been traveling for weeks, and even so, most of us managed to keep clean when we rested- washing in nearby streams or ponds. But he wouldn't. We finally figured it was time to do something about it, and two of our guys manged to shove him in to a stream, while the other four of us kept him in the water and scrubbed him with soap. It wasn't sexual at all- we were trying to save our noses.

When we were done, he was clean, but soaked to the marrow.

He didn't seem that pleased.