Water Thing to Happen

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Somewhat desperately, Peter took Kieara's hand, and went with her as fast as he could. He thought this for the better - even underwater, eh could tell he was sweating, given how he usually acted when nervous.
Kieara spoke once on down the hall. "Hey are you gonna be ok?" She asked him softly leading him to different rooms and letting him look. "Feel free to ask questions."
Peter waved his hand a little, a small smile visible on his face. Though a touch pale, he looked fine in other regards.
"It's alright, really. It's just... so much has happened today. I'm having a hard time taking it all in."
"Do you need to sit down?" She asked him and looked at him. She inspected him and tried to make sure he was ok.
Peter shook his head lightly, attempting to reassure Kieara that he was fine.
"Don't worry, I'll be alright. Why don't you show me the rest of the castle? I've never been in one before, you know."
She smiled leading him to their library to the balcony and such. Then to a large door at the bottom of the castle. "Down here is my pet."
While he would have liked to spend a little while in the library, browsing their works, Peter remained quiet. Kieara was the one choosing where they went, not him. However, a strange mix of curiosity, and mild fear crept up on him as a pet was mentioned. He assumed it wouldn't attack him given that it wa a pet, but he decided to stay back a little just in case.
She led him down to a door and opened it. Inside resided a large kraken and many tiny squids and octopi. They none seemed hostile.
Though initially frightened, Peter managed to set himself straight and followed Kieara in. he was still having a little trouble using a fin instead of his legs, but he felt that it would at least be better for moving about in water. Peter said nothing - not out of fear, but because there wasn't anything he could say, given that the childlike expression of wonder on his face was enough.
A mimickry octopus se over excitedly clasping onto his arm. She giggled. "That's haji. He's my pet. He likes you." It wanted petted.
Though initially surprised at the octopus clasping onto his arm, Peter managed to not react negatively to the creature. When told it just wanted to be petted, he did so - ableit gingerly. He hadn't petted an octopus before, and frankly, had never expected it to. Octopi rarely ever seemed like the kind of creature that would want to be petted.
She smiled as it made a clicking kind of noise and stayed suctioned to him. Kieara smiled moving over to the Krakken. She gently pet it above its eye and swam to a box opening it. Sardines filtered out into the water and the octopi began eating.
Peter smiled a little at the creatures eating - there was something oddly cute about small animals eating, even if the whole spectacle was not without its fair share of blood. He didn't say anything - he was happy just to watch.
The big one is daddy's." she spoke. "His name is barak. It means gentle one." She told him. It's large eye watched him. It wasnt bothering the little ones eating. The mimickry octopus on his arm went to eat its share before it was all gone.
"Say, Kieara," he asked, "I just need to ask you a little something. How exactly do I get my legs back? I mean, not right now - I'm pretty sure that a human wandering around here wouldn't go down well with others. It's just... I'd like to remember what it's like to have them once in a while."
While he was not particularly looking forward to the answer, if it was anything like how he had gained a fin in the first place. And then, there was also the matter of whether his legwear - or indeed, underwear - would come back as well. He didn't know where it had gone when he had been transformed, but he still valued his decency.
"All you have to do is will them back. Just think it and it will happen." She spoke to him. His clothes would return when he changed as well.
Peter nodded, and continued watching, content to watch the spectacle before him. He didn't fancy changing now, given that someone could walk in at any moment, but he was eager to try it out some time.
Once finished Haji returned to his place on peters arm.
Peter smiled at Haji, and once again began petting the little critter.
"So what is it you people do for fun around here?" He asked, looking to Kieara. "I don't think I'll be going back on land soon, if I can help it, but I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into first."
She smiled. "We mostly just try to make it. It's hard living down here."
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