War for Gods and Races (sign-up / OOC)

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Hm. It doesn't appear for some reason so I'll just post it again. :)

Name: Magia Muicifitra.

Population: Only approximately 35,000,000 in the world, scattered across the globe. Some jobs are Arte Dominus, Council Member, Miner, Fisherman, Farmer, Artificer, Metal Magus, Blacksmith, Inventor, Architect, Engineer, Cook, Carpenter, Scientist, Teacher, Soldier, Dragonworm Tamer and Rider, Giant Bat Tamer and Rider, Bullet-Carver.

Appearances: The Magia Muicifitra are a strong race of humanoids that look no different from half-humans, half-elves. They have inborn lines etched upon their faces, neck, chest, and arms. These lines, as well as their eyes constantly glow with multicolored mystical energy; different shades of pink for males, different shades of blue for females, although color does not affect strength or power. It is merely a signifier for sex. What sets these beings apart, however, are their skeletons and the fact that they lack a stomach. Their skeletons are composed of a mystic, elder god-made metal alloy called Artifithrim that can only be found in their bodies. Nigh-indestructible, these metal bones generate magic instead of marrow and blood. The Magia quite literally have magic in their veins and, fortunately, are only rarely hunted down due to them being living resources for other races. A lively Magia or Muicifitrian exudes bright lights from his torso and "stomach", while an old and dying individual of the Magia sport still-shiny and durable Artifithrim bones and dim to dying lights. These men and women have normal torsos with lines etched upon their skin. Some have two arms made of skin and some are born with an Artifithrim arm or two. These arms are slightly longer than their arms of flesh and can be fashioned into blades, bludgeons, or other melee weapons. The number of Artifithrim arms does not correlate rank or class, but an individual with two Artifithrim arms are more likely to perform better in both battle and the mystical arts than an individual with one. Likewise, an individual with a single Artifithrim arm can perform better in those fields than an individual with none. A Magia's stomach is simply a large space that emanates a bright light with their magic blood. Their torsos and legs are connected by a single, metallic spinal column. Their legs, however, are externally normal have Artifithrim bones inside their legs. Since they are partially made of metal, they live in frigid lands with cold tundras and extremely frozen climates, as the cold hardens metal.

Another subspecies of the Magia Muicifitra, called the Ferr are both biological descendants of the newer Magia. Unlike their Magia compatriots who have Artifithrim endoskeletons, the Ferr have Artifithrim skin and exoskeletons, looking like well-toned golems of steel. They are the physically powerful albeit magically lacking subspecies of Magia. They are sort of like crabs i.e. they are nigh-indestructible on the outside but have normal human organs, tendons, and muscle tissue on the inside. To support these bodily systems they have cartilage inside. Originally, the Ferr were mutant Magia, but as they grew more prominent in their society, they had been accepted in, as well. These Ferr shed their Artifithrim hides once per year, on their birthdays, and they grow another, bigger hide to accommodate their growing bodies for a month, meaning that for thirty days, they look like normal humans. These shed Artifithrim hides are also another source for extra resources. When a Ferr dies, their body ceases to grow Artifithrim skin. The Ferr skin, unlike the Magia bone, are not solid constructs – they are simply thick, natural sheets covering the bodies. They move at below average speed and cam jump about only three to five inches.

The nigh-indestructibility is as follows: Artifithrim is resistant against significant amounts of pure damage, although not immune to intense force. The magical lifeblood of Magia reconstitute any damage to their Artifithrim bones. However, tools, weapons, armor, and buildings made from Artifithrim cannot be regenerated, seeing as the lifeblood of Arc'tectura is the only thing that can regenerate Artifithrim, Arc'tectura's bones. Artifithrim is, as of late, one of the strongest and most durable metals in this world (think Adamantium, Wolverine - it is basically as strong as that, with a lower melting point) but is still susceptible to hammering, molding, and shaping (with enough force), since it is a valuable malleable metal sold in the black market. However, Artifithrim is, like all metals, is a great conductor for heat and electricity, much to Magia's dismay. Artifithrim is also special in that it also acts as a conductor for certain types of magic, and thus, can redirect it (the types of transferable magic cannot be specified as of yet, since there are virtually countless types of magic. Of course, Artifithrim cannot conduct and transfer all types of magic and, if there are too much foreign magic in their bones, they are prone to overloading which is lethal) Arthifithrim's melting point is approximately 5,500 Celcius (about 2,000+ more than the highest melting point of metal here on Earth.) Examples of transferable magic: electricity and fire (they leave Magia hurt, however), energy, light, etc. Examples of magic that cannot be conducted and redirected: ice, hex, hypnotism, necromancy, transmogrification, transmutation and alchemy, earth, water, etc.)

(A femel'hiri. Imagine the light is blue)


(My soon-to-be adventurer, Mithranuil surrounded by Ferr individuals)

(Niv Mechani, the Ferr Arte Dominus of the Magia Muicifitra. Niv Mechani is seen shedding his skin, meaning it's his birthday today. Happy birthday, great leader of the Magia.)

Physiology: The Magia are skilled in modern engineering, architecture, power and energy, smithing, and artificery. Obsessive, keen, and creative, albeit mad thinkers, the Magia amalgamate both metallurgy, science, and magic to create workmanships that are both pleasing to the eye and deadly to the opposition.

Reproduction: Magia couples who wish to reproduce do so through intercourse, much like normal people. However, upon conception, the female must be bedridden for nine months and the male must guide the birthing process (which happens in the light of the femel'hir's shining stomach) by using magic, for about the same time. That is why when two Magia conceive a child, they are basically excused of all their duties and are given necessities such as food by their family or friends. Much like penguins who guard their eggs for two months straight, the mel'chior must constantly imbue the growing Magia foetus with magic until it is a fully finalized baby which is then raised normally. The Magia also have children like normal people and can also have twins.

Culture: These mel'chiori (males, singular: mel'chior) and femel'hiri (females, singular: femel'hir) live in an ecclesiocratic absolute monarchy. They are led by an apotheosised elder God-King, called the Arte Dominus. Traincities are also governed by one member of the council. They are an open-minded, curious people. They are urged by the Arte Dominus and his council to explore and to share knowledge, take risks and build new contraptions every day, as well as continue studying and honing one's skills, whatever field it may be. They are a race of like-minded individuals when it comes to their pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Many Magia and Ferr have contrasting views on other races and the outside world – some are naturally curious as inventors should be, some are neutral, some are complacent and would try anything, and some hold on to the tradition of their elders; keeping to themselves.

Dresscode: They wear armor crafted from the skeletons of fallen kin, fortified by other metals of the world. Casual days include simple robes and cloaks made from fine silk and thick wool.

Religion: The Magia believe their god to be living in each and every one of them, hence the blue and pink light emanating from each individual. Their ancient texts talk about an elder God of the Forge named Arc'tectura, an armour-clad silver skeleton god burning with purple flames. He isolated himself in the cosmos as the war of the gods raged on. Wishing not to partake in the war amongst the Gods, he forged a country out of stone and iron by cooling magma. There, he created miniature versions of himself - human-sized skeletons made of his own material, Artifithrim - out of sheer boredom, as his heart was that of a child's: curious and ever-tinkering. These miniature versions of himself were lifeless. One day, Arc'tectura fell in love with a female elder goddess that showed him kindness. She was the goddess of life and beauty, and she created the purest of humans. After confessing his love to her, Arc'tectura was badly rejected, as a goddess of life could not wed someone unlike her. Wanting to prove himself that he could create something alive and beautiful, Arc'tectura burned these miniature versions of himself with pink and blue flames. They then started to move on their own. Using clay, he created both the torso and legs of the first Magia. The stomach area, however, was where the flames burned brightest, and would always melt the clay around it. Saddened at their lack of perfection, Arc'tectura presented his workmanships to the goddess, hoping they would be enough. However, she still rejected the God of the Forge. Because of his sorrow, he created more of Magia, using himself as their skeletons until he exhausted all the resources of his metallic, skeletal body. He ended up creating a hundred million prototype Magia until he had no more Artifithrim left in his toes up to his chest. What was left of the elder god was naught but his right arm and skull. Currently, their religion is that of, as stated above, an apotheosis. Also, they believe themselves to be the only race that truly are one with their god. The current Arte Dominus is a strong, wise Ferr named Niv Mechani, despite the Ferr's inability to produce magical energy.


Infrastructure: Like the Escarians, the Magia and Ferr are master builders, capable of creating great cities of silver and other metals. They are perhaps top in technology and engineering, seeing as they are live in areas rich in different metals such as steel, iron, titanium, silver, copper, cobalt, uranium, gold, and lead. They also have access to jewel mines and clay pits, since they live in the large cave networks themselves via train-cities. These train-cities are heavily-weaponized lotus shaped train cars (think Zaofu from Avatar: Legend of Korra, can also open and close) built on train tracks that bring all of them to every mine, underground farm, and water reservoir called stations every week for restocking supplies. Some of them live in the stations themselves via underground forts, to defend the mines, farms, and water reservoirs from foreigners. These mines share a network with caves that grant them access to underground water reservoirs as well, where they catch fish with fishing poles or by simply zapping them. They are great at farming underground and eat mostly vegetables that grow in the soil. They also domesticated animals. They do not have cemeteries, as they skin their dead and use the Artifithrim for future use, which is ethical in their society. Along with the artefact creatures (think Magic: the Gathering) they've created to do their bidding, they also live alongside Mole People, who strive to gain equality with the Magia and Ferr (they're not oppressed though, just some racial issues between them). They created magical generators from Artifithrim that can be used to store magical energy and be redirected to any source for energy. Their underground diet consists of moss, liverworts, ferns, mushrooms, algae, various root vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, turnips, beets, bats, giant earthworms, giant bats, cavesnails, domesticated cows, chickens, and pigs, wandering cave mammals such as bears, and cave-dwelling fish. The capital of the Magia people is the Citadel of Loc'mtovos – a giant, purely Artifithrim station commanding all routes of the train-cities situated somewhere deep below the small island below the central area made from the right arm of Arc'tectura, named after the inventor of the train-city and on of the earliest Arte Domini of the Magia. The Magia race believe this is the ultimate safe haven, seeing as they literally live within the arm that shaped them into existence. As stated in their religion, only Arc'tectura's skull and right arm were left behind. Arc'tectura's skull however, stands strong in the coast of the another island, currently acting as a base of operations and docking site for the Magia people's ambassadorial sect (before, it was the one true Capital of the Magia before they were forced to live underground and found Arc'tectura's arm buried deep within the caverns. Perhaps their spirits and blood were drawn to it.) Those who both live and work there believe that peace among the nations is achievable and make global routines via airships. These Magia and Ferr engage in humanitarian missions, ambassadorial peace treaties, and attempt to unite the world without any ulterior motive. They dream of co-creating a United Nations Organization with the other races' leaders. The actions of this group of Magia and Ferr have met different criticisms from their underground kin, since by heart, Magia take mostly to themselves. However, Niv Mechani funds their operations.

(Front of all train-cities)


(Train-city cars)

(The Steel Citadel, Loc'mtovos - Capital of the Magia and the Ferr. This building is sculpted from Arc'tectura's right arm)

(Farm stations and their domesticated cattle. The stations, whether mining, farming, or fishing, all have big saws to destroy rock for bullet-carving)

(Skull of Arc'tectura, Ambassadorial Sect of the Magia Muicifitra)

Ways of transportation: The main transportation are their train-cities. Inside each train-city and Loc'mtovos, there are small roads where people ride two-seater horseless chariots that move via steam and fossil fuels called Chars, Artifithrim hover-discus Ornithopters that fly via the Magia's magic acting as a jet that allows them to stay afloat in the air, a two-wheeled contraption that uses a simple chain and pedal to make its wheels move called Dicycles, and boots with wheels on their feet called Cruisers. Teenage Magia also tear old sheets of rectangular metal and small wheels to them as well. They're a very modernized nation. For those who live in the mines, they have the same horseless chariots and larger basket-like ornithopters that can carry large amounts of minerals. For the Magia farmers that live outside Loc'mtovos, they only have hover-discuses. For the water reservoir handlers, they have steel fishing boats with automated oars.

(An Ornithopter made of Artifithrim. It's big enough to hold four people. They have to stand though.)


(The Dicycle. Some Dicycles have bigger front wheels than others.)

(The purely unarmed ambassadorial airship of the overworld Magia. It is made from other metals. Around it, we see both Magia and Ferr walking within the overground capital of Haven de Arc'tectura. It is powered by steam and coal.)

Magic: The Magia are a unique people due to the fact that their systems, culture, religion, technology, and everyday life is founded on Arc'tectura's magic. Every single person is capable of unleashing mystical energy at the young age of… well, right after a Magia is born. They literally are magic - fuelled by it, utilize it, and have it in their veins. Their magic, however, is not as flexible as the magic of other societies. They cannot perform curses, hexes, transmogrifications, they cannot hypnotize people, open portals, teleport, or the like. Their magic is simply limited to energy blasts, shockwaves, flash bombs, illumination, jet power (for the ornithopters), and magic redirection - purely energy based. It is unlimited in a sense that it cannot cause the Magia to die (although using it too much could leave a Magia mentally drained. To prevent overheating and overuse, the Magia's lifeblood drains them mentally – leaving them susceptible to fainting). Essentially, they are living, self-charging batteries. A Magia that exhausts his or her magic either building contraptions, charging Artifithrim power-generators, or fighting, will grow weaker by the second. That individual then might fall asleep or faint in the middle of their routine. However, food, drink, sleep, and rest can recharge them, depending on the amount. 24 hours of sleep allows Magia to be fully recuperated. The glowing magical source in all Magias' stomachs cannot by any means be extinguished, even underwater. They can only extinguished by time or by the total destruction of a Magia's body. Some Magia, however, are limited to only sparking things or powering their artefacts, while others can create ruinous blasts of pure Arc'tecturian magic energy.

Army: The Magia Muicifitra pride themselves in inventions that could help them in all situations, even war. They have siege tanks that forcefully dig up the land behind them and shape them into large cannon balls and launch them at the opposition, which is great in a cavernous area where there are rocks, metal, and other hard materials (think, Slam Cannon from Generator Rex), mini-zeppelins that drop boulders that can sometimes be drenched in gasoline and lit on fire, weaponized hover-discus ornithopters, ballistas that shoot electric pikes or burning rock javelins, and ground-cannons and blunderbusses that shoot different forms of Arc'tecturian magic whether spread shot, stream, or small albeit continuous blasts. Also, various remote-controlled bombs are scattered around areas with many stalactites. It is in the army that the Ferr have excelled, as their tough Artifithrim hides are assets in the battlefield – with great brutal offensive capabilities and an all-around magic and physical defense, despite their intense lack of speed. Many Magia outside the train-cities also live as Dragonworm and Giant Bat Riders, taming and training them as either siege weapons or tunnel-makers, and aerial units, respectively. Mole People are also exemplary burrowers and can attack from below the enemy, planting landmines below their enemies' feet. They also carry broken stalagmites as clubs. Melee weapons are all Artifithrim swords and shields, and other metal alloy javelins, maces, and axes. Also, the train-cities are heavily armored and weaponized with the same weapons, having additional rock-bullet turrets and guns, as well as catapults. Highly weak against overheating, electricity, high amounts of heat, magnetism, and sometimes, malfunctioning. Truly, the Magia Muicifitra are masters of "underground warfare."

(The material tank. There's a maw behind it that extends, gathers up chunks of whatever material there is behind it, molds it into a ball, and shoots it at high speeds. Fueled by coal.)


(This tank shoots normal steel cannon balls. Fueled by coal and gasoline.)

(These anti-personnel turrets fire small, sharp rocks and scrap metal at high speeds. Both types of tanks have these, as well as the zepplins and the train-cities)


(Mini-zepplins that drop boulders)


(The ballista and Artifithrim magic blunderbuss, respectively. Instead of dragon's heads, they have Dragonworm heads instead.)

(explosives made by the Magia. Wielded by mostly Mole soldiers due to their burrowing expertise, these are either planted directly below the enemy feet as they march on (suicide Mole Bombers), thrown, or detonated remotely. For areas with stalactites, these are stuck on them via clay and are just detonated via pushing the handlebars of these machines:


Background: Ever since their creation, they've been building for themselves, sharing only the helpful bits of technology to the rest of the world (the weapons, however, stay hidden exclusively for themselves). Artifithrim sells high for the black market, and sadly, many Ferr individuals are trafficked in different parts of the world due to their annual Artifithrim shedding. Now, they live deep underground in heavily fortified walled train-cities. They live alongside the Mole People, who were originally tribal in nature, but colonized them and taught them how to read, write, speak, and the like.

Relations: The Magia Muicifitra have little to no form of interaction with other races due to the histories of their exploitation, save for black market dealers that trade with outsider clients. They hold triennial Alympics, with have hover-discus races, duels, clay plate shooting, and other sports, invention fairs, and every New Year, they create sparklers via their magic to stimulate pink and blue fireworks. Magia are also very fond of drinking their signature drink, cave water freshly dripped from stalactites, mixed with magic, pixie dust, fairy blood, and a hint of bat guano - they get drunk off of this.

Legends/Myths: They tell the story of Arc'tectura. They also say that skinned, dead Magia are heard screaming for help when they are melted for their Artifithrim, and the occasional albeit controversial topic of the Magia race being extinct.

The Lands: Purely an extremely giant cave that can house two million men, women, and children. The Magia live deep, deep underground.

Notable beasts: Dragonworms, Giant Bats, Bird-shaped Artefact Creatures (not actually creatures, more like Magia-made toys), and Mole Men.





Location: Wherever the GM allows this race to live in
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@Navi Jay most of it is just the RPers tantalizing each other before the RP xD All important stuff is from the first two posts (or linked from there).

Well then, @Damien Kriez
The nigh-indestructibility is as follows: Artifithrim is resistant against significant amounts of pure damage, as the Magia's mystical lifeblood that flows through their bones reconstitutes them in a quick rate. Artifithrim is virtually unbendable and would require a god's strength to shape it (since the Magia were once figurines of an elder god), or at least an extremely powerful source of force. Artifithrim is, as of late, one of the strongest and most durable metals in this world (think Adamantium, Wolverine.) However, Artifithrim is, like all metals, is a great conductor for heat, magnetism, and electricity, much to Magia's dismay. Artifithrim is also special in that it also acts as a conductor for certain types of magic, and thus, can redirect it (the types of transferable magic cannot be specified as of yet, since there are virtually countless types of magic. Of course, Artifithrim cannot conduct and transfer all types of magic and, if there are too much foreign magic in their bones, they are prone to overloading which is lethal) Arthifithrim's melting point is equal to the heat of the sun's mantle. Armor, weapons, and other tools made by Artifithrim lose its ability to regenerate, since the regeneration comes from the Magia's mystic core. However, it still retains its nigh-indestructability and ability to redirect certain types of magic. Examples of transferable magic: electricity and fire (they leave Magia hurt, however), energy, light, etc. Examples of magic that cannot be conducted and redirected: ice, hex, hypnotism, necromancy, transmogrification, transmutation and alchemy, earth, water, etc.)
Without the magic the metal is just very durable then. Due to them not being the original beings made with their gods body, the artifithrim would logically not be as strong as it originally was. And as they melt their dead the heat-requirement is not at the suns mantel (even if they use magic to create the melting fires, it is highly inefficient and would not be videly practiced by mortals). And regarding the magical systematics and compatibility I'll stop by saying they seem to conduct moving energies.

Magic: The Magia are a unique people due to the fact that their systems, culture, religion, technology, and everyday life is founded on Arc'tectura's magic. Every single person is capable of unleashing mystical energy at the young age of… well, right after a Magia is born. They literally are magic - fuelled by it, utilize it, and have it in their veins. Their magic, however, is not as flexible as the magic of other societies. They cannot perform curses, hexes, transmogrifications, they cannot hypnotize people, open portals, teleport, or the like. Their magic is simply limited to energy blasts, shockwaves, flash bombs, illumination, jet power (for the ornithopters), self-regeneration, and magic redirection. It functions like both fire and electricity combined and is unlimited (although using it too much could leave a Magia mentally drained. To prevent overheating and overuse, the Magia's lifeblood drains them mentally – leaving them susceptible to fainting). Essentially, they are living, self-charging batteries. A Magia that exhausts his or her magic either building contraptions, charging Artifithrim power-generators, or fighting, will grow weaker by the second. That individual then might fall asleep or faint in the middle of their routine. However, food, drink, sleep, and rest can recharge them, depending on the amount. 24 hours of sleep allows Magia to be fully recuperated. The glowing magical source in all Magias' stomachs cannot by any means be extinguished, even underwater. They can only extinguished by time or by the total destruction of a Magia's body. Some Magia, however, are limited to only sparking things or powering their artefacts, while others can create ruinous blasts of pure Arc'tectural magic energy.
Then the magic is not unlimited ;)
I feel sorry for their inability at the more obscure arts, but then again... there are ways. (Should be said that you are using the magic with an energy-origin).

Army: The Magia Muicifitra pride themselves in inventions that could help them in all situations, even war. They have siege tanks that forcefully dig up the land behind them and shape them into large cannon balls and launch them at the opposition, which is great in a cavernous area where there are rocks, metal, and other hard materials (think, Slam Cannon from Generator Rex), mini-zeppelins that drop boulders that can sometimes be drenched in gasoline and lit on fire, weaponized hover-discus ornithopters, ballistas that shoot electric pikes or burning rock javelins, and ground-cannons and blunderbusses that shoot different forms of Arc'tectural magic whether spread shot, stream, or small albeit continuous blasts. Also, various remote-controlled bombs are scattered around areas with many stalactites. It is in the army that the Ferr have excelled, as their tough Artifithrim hides are assets in the battlefield – with great brutal offensive capabilities and an all-around magic and physical defense, despite their intense lack of speed. Many Magia outside the train-cities also live as Dragonworm abd Giant Bat Riders, taming and training them as either siege weapons or tunnel-makers, and aerial units, respectively. Melee weapons are all Artifithrim swords and shields, and other metal alloy javelins, maces, and axes. Truly, the Magia Muicifitra are masters of "underground warfare." Also, the train-cities are heavily armored and weaponized with the same weapons, having additional rock-bullet turrets and guns, as well as catapults. Highly weak against overheating, electricity, high amounts of heat, magnetism, and sometimes, malfunctioning.
Now then, a nice magi-tech army you have here. Would not be a shame if someone... accepted it. (have Silvir and Drougar give their input)
Regarding your race being spread across the globe:
As your race originates from the black lands, but were chased out (by the race currently inhabiting it). They would have come to live all around the globe, with most of them finding that underground cave of yours. And those not living in the underground may very well be hunted for their "magical metal". Regarding the population count, Maybe a third of them live in their underground haven. (still an increase by more than ten times the original amount you had xD).
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Tantalizing you say? Well I do enjoy a good Tantle (OMG thats so not a word..) every now and again.
@Navi Jay then you will fit right in, just let your imaginative creativity flow forth. And then start tantalizing them about how easily your adventurer will crush their puny nations :D
(this is absolutely the way to use this word)
i fixed it again. I modified Dual-Cores to be mischievious instead of indestructable, and the flora is metallic, not mechanical. Fauna is mainly non-sentient Vehichrom.
@Windstormugly You're right I should've specified that the limit is actually dependant on each Magia member, much like how we humans get tired when exerting effort in different rates. They run out of reserves but recharging their energies is more or less the same as us. I think I just used the word 'unlimited' pertaining to the fact that no matter how much they use it, they just get tired, not die. In terms of how hard Artifithrim is, it is originally hard and resistant to denting, even without magic. The magic is only there to fill in existing scratches and cracks and other forms of damage, like regeneration. Without the magic, Artifithrim cannot regenerate from damage, but is still resistant to hammering. And thanks for pointing out the fact that if they melt the dead's Artifithrim bones they too would melt along with it, can I just change it to like, they can only melt it by, I don't know, putting the bones within a container and maybe drawing an alchemic transmutation circle around it and chanting ancient words of Arc'tectura so that only the Artifithrim within the circle would melt instead of them? That way I can lean more into the magical and fantasy-parts with my race. xD So, in regards to population, is 95M too much? How many do you suggest there should be? :)
The Escari Empire is now official located in the orange area, on the main continent. Updated my race section with maps, both cities and military. Note that the military overview is just a rough draft on main camps for the Legions and Navy harbors. I'll wrap up more detail later today.
I don't mind his army it looks good without being to op. As it compared to most others lack speed but has the brute force to back it up :3
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Edited my post again, adding flavor to the history. There are now two "capitals" or at least prominent locations that Magia live in - The Citadel of Loc'mtovos, an underground, purely artifithrim tower formed entirely out of their elder god's arm. The underground Magia believe that living in the same arm that molded them into existence brings good fortune and safety. In the blacklands, a significant albeit way smaller amount of Magia still live there along the blacklands' coast in their elder god's skull. The Magia there are sort of "black sheep" to the entire race, if you count them voluntarily going abroad to various parts of the world doing humanitarian missions and attempting to form peace treaties with the leaders to form a United Nations Organization, black-sheepish.
@Crow seems acceptable. I gladly await your mechanical god among us.

@Damien Kriez I still think the artifithrium should be less awesome, and regarding the melting process I was more concerned by the heat-requirement. And the smiths wouldn't be exposed to the same heat they use to forge their metals now would they xD
Anyways, make it less awesome, if it would get damaged without the magical "blood" repairing it, this means it does get damaged and is then repaired. As to why it is more damageable than you write it of as. Other races wouldn't kill them for it if they couldn't use it ;)
Also, regarding their homeland, I meant that they could have found an underground to live in beneath the little uncolored island just outside the lime-green area. As they got chased out of the black lands?
Finding their dead gods arm there maybe, (countless gods fell dead in the central area during the first god-war.)

@Rion looks good, your army is right in the middle of it now.
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@Windstormugly Took out the regenerative properties and added a numeral melting point, as well as emphasized the fact that it is malleable. Also specified the underground location of the Magia as under the little island! Phew, this is hard work HAHAHA. :)) All good though for my race.
@Damien Kriez Nice, not the island I meant but ok xD
You also didn't have to remove the magical healing of their skeleton (it would be sad for one of them to break his arm and then not healing ;)

Btw, here is my own lovely adventurer:
Name: Dohemd Enslow

Race: Parosuln

Gender: male

Age: 30~

An Acolyte Ryfhol, Dohemd has a three-feet long tongue and grid-covered eyes. He has offered his left arm for his suln, one of them a higher Ryfhol. The arm is covered in Ryfhol wings, shining in all hues of the rainbow.

Personality: Referred to by his friends in the army as quiet, he keeps his thoughts to himself. Preferring to talk with his blades or his fists. He is highly religious due to what happened in his childhood, and has a great relationship with his suln. His higher suln is named Doen and likes to hide in his backpack, nibbling on his food.

Bio: Dohemd was born and raised in Paln, his home-town on the southwest island, next to a big swamp. When he was still a child he was lured out by a Baiter, and didn't return for three months. He never spoke about it, but since then he has been able to navigate the wild like the back of his hand.
When he got old enough he joined the army as part of a heavy front-division. Somehow, he later found himself on the central continent, following a vague foresight by the high-priest he had as a superior while training as a warrior monk.

Profession: Former soldier of the Paln nation. He now takes various jobs as a hunter and surveyor, scouting ahead to find the safest ways and the best locations.
@Windstormugly I didn't? :O I totally misunderstood you. What did you mean then by this: I thought you meant take it out lol. Anyway, nice adventurer!
Anyways, make it less awesome, if it would get damaged without the magical "blood" repairing it, this means it does get damaged and is then repaired. As to why it is more damageable than you write it of as. Other races wouldn't kill them for it if they couldn't use it ;)
Also, regarding their homeland, I meant that they could have found an underground
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@Damien Kriez I meant it to show how the metal was more moldable than you gave it out to be. The healing ability while alive is a given. A race that can't recover from injuries is doomed xD
Also, the island I meant for you is this one:
this one.png
@Windstormugly I put the regeneration back then haha. :) Can you also give me another location for the second capital of the overground Magia who live in their elder god's skull? OH and does that mean my race is finally accepted!!
@Damien Kriez Ya! you are accepted ^^
And didn't they persist in their holy lands? Somehow having come to an agreement with the race that took the black lands for themselves ?
Actually concerned about what drove them away and why that race would let Magia in the black lands AGAIN. :O
They are known as Blood-burners, though their actual name is Fel'ogt. A barbaric race of tribal warriors. Their blood burst into flames once it leaves their bodies, why the name.
Think northern barbarians/vikings. A race that lives for war.
Let's hash it out later or maybe when the story unfolds. Right now, I'm making my adventurer hehe.
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