
[dash=teal]Gabriel spoke to her, telling her that she saved his life, and that he had received her letter. He told her he was trying not to make her feel guilty for wanting to be with her family, and while it was very true each one of them knew that one day they had to stop traveling. Vorza was the only one who would continue moving no matter what, her life was to the road but that was not what she wanted for the four other girls. Azalea was happy to know that she had found someone worth standing still for, and so had Papina. Now both girls were engaged to brothers and they would be sisters not just in friendship but by marriage. "I guess that kiss wasn't a bad idea after all, it was one of the biggest reasons I returned because I knew nothing would ever compare." Azalea smiled as she held her fiance, playing with the engagement ring around her finger.

"I haven't ever told anyone this before, though I always thought it was quite obvious.."
Azalea started, sighing lightly before continuing. "Papina and I are orphans, we are not actually sisters. Natalina and Keza were runaways who decided to leave their families, but I don't remember where I came from or who my parents are." She wasn't sure why it was so hard for her to talk about, but now Gabriel was the only person she had ever told. "I don't know anything about being a Princess or a Queen, but I am willing to learn if it means I get to stay with you." Azalea kissed the top of his head and closed her eyes that were now feeling heavy. It had been a big night, and she was sure Gabriel was exhausted from all the dancing and surprises. "Sleep, now, knowing that you will wake up and I will still be here."[/dash]

( Meh, terrible post. I'm not sure what you'd like to do, if you want to wake up in the morning or time skip to the next week or whatever. It's up to you. :p )