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Original poster

(n.) a strong desire or urge to wander or travel and explore the world
  • S t a r t i n g P o i n t
    Date: Friday, June
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Warm/Sunny
    Current Time: Midnight

    Summer break has arrived, and for a certain group of teenagers, the two-month-long vacation will be nothing short of eventful. Today marks the beginning of their much-awaited adventure: their quest for Paradise.

    The excitement in the air is contagious, but there are many complications that need to be addressed. Transportation, food, and money are only the tip of the iceberg. These teenagers also have to figure out a way to evade some ever-watchful parents, guardians, and perhaps even cops long enough to make their escape. They made their plans: tonight, at midnight, while the city sleeps, they will sneak out as quietly as possible from their respective homes. The meeting place will be at Allen's house, where a nice car conveniently awaits... if only they can get away with stealing it, that is.

    But so long as they don't get caught, it's going to be one hell of a ride.
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Jim's Motel & Diner; parking lot

Joan (@FireyCold)
Emrys (@Nemopedia)
Nova (NPC)
Saige (@Princess Misaou )
Vivi (@Pistachio0512 )

Casually inconspicuous
(minus the sunglasses)

Asher woke up the moment he felt the car park. Despite being awake, however, he kept his eyes closed. It's always been something he did in the mornings. His alarm would wake him, he'd hit snooze, but unlike most people out there, Asher doesn't go back to sleep. Instead, he lays there on his bed, listening to the sounds around him. There was the sound sizzling sound of bacon on a hot pan as his mom cooked breakfast for that day; there was the sound of their neighbour's dog, barking at his master to wake up; and many more. It sounds a little creepy, but he likes listening to the world around him wake up, just for a few minutes till the snooze of his alarm is over and it begins to ring again.

Sometimes, he liked to imagine what it'd be like to wake up in the country side. What sounds will he hear? Will the birds be chirping as described so colourfully in books? Will he miss the sound of cars driving past their place, off to who knows where? Will he like it? Asher was never quite sure if he'd like it. This summer was his chance to find out.

Today was no different. His mind was awake, but his eyes were still closed. Asher heard Allen's. It came out sounding tired and rather sleepy. He felt his brow twinge, annoyed by this. If he'd just let one of them take over the wheel last night, then he could've at least gotten himself some shut eye. He heard Allen mention that they were out of gas, soon followed by the sound of the car door opening--Allen's, he assumed. Up until that point, Asher had a pretty good mental image of what was happening around him. Then he heard the sound of another door opening and that mental image turned confusing. It seemed that someone else from the back exited the vehicle. He didn't hear the person speak so he couldn't tell who it was that left with Allen.

He heard the slam of one of the doors closing; it was almost as if the person wasn't aware of their sleeping companions inside the vehicle. Asher could only think that this was Allen's handiwork--the boy never did seem to care much for his companions. He sometimes wonder why and how the rich boy even manage to stay around in their little circle of friends as long as he did. Maybe someone in the group was the reason? Either way, Asher didn't really care. Allen was that person in the group that he never really liked all that much.

It was then that Asher began contemplating on whether or not he should 'wake up'. He weight out his options. On one hand, he could go on and savour the morning sounds from inside the vehicle. On the other, he can wake up and... and..., his thought trailed off as he realised that there was no actual pro into him waking up at that exact moment. Everything was still peaceful, why wouldn't he want to savour it while he can? Asher knew very well that the moment that Joan wakes up, this peace and quiet would shatter quicker than The Flash.

So he sat there, eyes closed, arms folded, and head leaning on the seat's headrest, preparing himself to tune into the morning world outside the vehicle, when he felt someone shove him. He felt his body begin to slide to the direction he was pushed. His head slid off the headrest and landed onto the window he sat beside with a resounding thud. A groan left his lips. Looks like it was time for him to 'wake up'.

Asher slowly opened his eyes and blinked them a couple of times. As he did, he heard a voice, feminine and sweet, speak up. "Good Morning," she said. He slowly turned to where he heard the voice come from. "Jordan and Allen aren't back yet?" the voice spoke once more. So it was Jordan who left with Allen. Interesting. He never had the impression that the two were close. Quite frankly, he never thought that someone in their group would actually be able to tolerate Allen--maybe Nova, she seemed to be such a patient person after all.

His eyes squinted as they slowly adjusted to the morning light that seeped in through the open door and windows. Asher may have been mentally awake for a while now, but his eyes were still shut till mere moments ago. "We should probably get going right? I don't know what could be taking them so long, we went in at the same time..." Once he could finally see clearly, he ran a hand through his hair. He saw Saige, standing by the door just behind Emrys.

He thought about her last words. Went in at the same time? So she left with them? Where did they go?. It was obvious to him that wherever they went, there must've been a shower there. Her hair was still damp, and she looked fresh and clean, as if she didn't just spend the night with them in the car. What about the others?

As if on cue, Joan moved from her place at the back to the seat by the open door. She took the phone that Emrys was handing her and silently began to read whatever was written on it. His eyes shifted to the passenger seat. There he saw Nova, mumbling in her sleep. Someone needs to wake her up, he thought as he turned his head back to Joan. Asher watched as she reacted to each of Emrys' messages. He didn't know what the messages were, he couldn't properly see from where he was. Her reactions were amusing to him, especially the last bit when she said "Nahhh..." followed by "I think I drooled on you though." Telltale signs that Joan fell asleep on Emrys' shoulder last night.

Asher followed Joan as she exited the car. Soon as he was out, he looked around to see where they were. The sign that he saw told him they were at a diner and motel. He could only assume that Allen and Jordan went ahead, took a room for themselves, and slept like kings. To him, it definitely sounded like something that Allen would do.

"Alright, up! Everybody up!" Joan exclaimed loudly. It seemed that she didn't realise that he'd already been awake. He chuckled silently at this realisation and decided not to tell her--not yet anyway. He turned to Emrys and Saige and greeted them a simple, "Morning." He was about to ask how long had they been awake, when a loud noise interrupted him. It made him wince and turn to where it was coming from. There, at the driver's side, was Joan, repeatedly presses down on the car's horn. "Jesus Jo! Are you trying to make us deaf or what!" he yelled out from where he stood by Emrys and Saige. A scream was heard from the passenger side where Nova had been startled awake. Poor girl. Thankfully, their ears were saved by someone calling out to them. Asher turned towards this new voice and found Vivi approaching them with her luggage in tow.

He watched the exchange between the Joan and Vivi as the former approached the latter. When Joan mentioned eating the cat he grabbed the night before to take with them to the trip, Asher couldn't help but react. "Hey! Cats are friends, not food." He paused and turned to look inside the open vehicle behind him. "Speaking of cats, has anyone seen him?" A slight frown began to form on his face in worry. He could've scampered off and came across a maniac like Joan who ate him alive, or worse, he could've followed Allen to who knows where. "I'm gonna go check inside. See if he wandered off there. Maybe we could catch breakfast while we're at it." Without waiting for a response, Asher dashed towards Jim's, hoping to find the black cat.
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[glow=#5CB3FF]Emrys 'Ashlan' Jernigan[/glow]

Location: Jim's Motel & Diner
Outfit: This looks decent, right?
Interacted with: Asher, Saige, Joan, Nova & Vivi (@darkflames13, @Princess Misaou, @FieryCold & @HaoHaou)
Mentioned: Everyone part of the plan

"Good morning," surprisingly it was Saige who greeted him first. Despite the fact that she had been gone when he woke up, it showed how the rest was slow to wake up. Or were no morning people.

Immediately the girl launched into a conversation, asking questions that he couldn't answer quickly enough as his phone was still held by Joan. Parting his lips Emrys shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he had no clue either. It was a common reaction from him, as few seemed to have the patience to wait for him to write out everything. He knew it could be mistaken for apathy, but the boy had long since accepted the fact that he wasn't going to speak anytime soon. Not that he got any chance to gather his wits for it.

"Who the fuck is Ji-" as per usual Joan dropped the first f-bomb of the day, gaining the male's attention as he watched her annoyance grow. 'Exactly,' his mind went, feeling the same sort of irritation bubbling up. When the female made them out for bastards Emrys just grimaced, agreeing again silently as he took back his phone. They were very much indeed, for stopping at a random place and stepping into the motel without discussing it first. What if this would put them in financial ruin?! Sometimes the boy felt like he was the only one who really worried about their spending.

"I think I drooled on you though, oops." Patting his shoulder Emrys knew that it was a joke, just as the snoring had been. However, he couldn't help but turn his eyes towards his shoulder swiftly to make sure there really was nothing. An act of reflexes, as annoying as it was and the boy internally groaned at himself for reacting instead of playing it off coolly.

All in that while Asher had remained silent, crawling out of the car to stand with the rest. Emrys threw a look into the car to check if the cat was still there from last night. Squinting his eyes he didn't see it, making him smirk a little. 'Good riddance,' he thought, believing that the cat had already ditched them. Or so he hoped, they really couldn't afford another mouth to feed. Long he couldn't enjoy his triumph, however, as Joan started pressing in the claxon, causing the boy to nearly jump out of his skin.

"Jesus Jo! Are you trying to make us deaf or what!" Asher expressed Emrys's thought, followed by a scream from Nova who fell out of her seat. There really was never a graceful moment with Joan around and the mute shook his head in disapproval. How many other souls they must have woken up because of the ruckus they were causing. Wasn't it still early morning? Emrys could just imagine the amount of complaints there would be coming in at Jim's speaking of a rowdy group of teens on the parking lot.

To make matters worse another voice popped up behind him as well. One that was familiar, yet unexpected as the company wasn't there last night. Emrys stared at the approaching Vivi wide-eyed, Joan and Asher both joining in to greet her while bickering with each other. 'How?' he asked himself, his lips parting again to speak, but holding himself at the last second. Instead he pulled out his phone again and started to type, making haste to turn it towards the female.

'How did you find us so soon?'

A wave of paranoia swept into his mind. If Vivi managed so easily to find them, imagine what child's play it would be for the authorities once the adults would find out about their disappearances. Their adventure had barely started, yet, the doom scenarios were already there.
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