CHARACTERS Wanderer's gaggle of characters that might be used. Or might be stuck in limbo.

The Wanderer

Mysterious Stranger
Original poster
Invitation Status
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Greetings, I am The Wanderer. Been rping on this site for a decent few years now, and now have only decided to throw something out for the sake of remembering what characters I have and the plots I have mind in doing or participating in future rps.

But first, going to start with some of the characters I have made over the years, be warned some are still being fleshed out as I constantly tweak their backstory, abilities, personality or even the character as a whole. And some will be left uncertain, as to make sure I can seamlessly bring them into any rp that is fitting for them.

In fact, here's some history about my very first character. Who started out as a one sided generic zombie masked crazy dude that I doodled when I was in school, now after years of reworking. He's gone from that to being a entirely new character with a backstory, feelings and somewhat depressing. Dropping the whole zombie thing entirely along with the insanity. I still cringe that those days, don't blame me. ;-;

Also I am not really gonna show off images as I am not a real good artist as I've extremely degraded over the years and I cannot remember all of the original artists. So for any images you see and know of the artist, please PM me about the source name and whatever art site they use so I can then edit their credit into this. So most characters will just have rudimentary descriptions of their appearance.

No but seriously, I want to give credit but I can't remember most of the artists.

[General Information]

Name: David Ludlow

Alias: Comedy

Birthplace: Somewhere in Arizona, Mesa

Species: Human-Mutant

Gender: Male

Languages spoke: English, French, Spanish and Vietnamese.


Hair: Brown, long and unkempt. Often kept in a rough ponytail.

Eyes: Brown

Skin: Pale slowly leaning into lightly tanned.

Height: 7'0

Weight: 235 Ibs

Age: [Average depending on the rp I put him in.] 70s, but biologically is still in his early 30s.

Attire: Often always in a brown coat of sorts that is often stitched together with other scraps of cloth, grayish pants that have some small tears around the legs and started to fall apart at the ankles, also covered in stitch work or tape. Leather gloves that have long since begun to crack and just barely kept together with cloth and tape over holes that stich work couldn't fix. Brown boots that have been through years of wear and tear, but is still holding together remarkably well. David also does tend to wear a white metal mask with a simple line smile that looks cracked and paint chipping away to the point the dark grey metal the mask is made from has begun to show.

Voice: Deep and gravelly, almost the equivalent of Keith David and Steve Blum.

Markings: David has odd tattoos all over his body, patches missing from injuries he has healed from, and look to be serving a medical purpose such as: Injection sites, where to cut and other mysterious purpose. Contrasted with a number on the back of his hand that reads "01."


General Information: [+] David has always shown he is someone who will have your back if you have his, willing to dive into literal hell and pull you out at the risk to his own self, no matter how serious or light the situation is, the man is extremely loyal. Sure getting to this point on the scale of friendship is difficult, but the reward is more than worth it.

David's also someone who remains steadfast in a goal he gives for himself, be it building a cabin in the harsh winter forests of Alaska, or pursuing his enemy for years, never resting. Doesn't matter if the odds are literally against him or his allies, David will stand before the enemy and raise his fists to fight. Determination or sheer stubbornness, David is someone who doesn't give up, no matter how damaging it might be.

The man is known for being compassionate. Sure he does seem like a bit of a jerk and passive, but no matter how much it gets buried under reassurances that he shouldn't interfere, or harsh words given by him. The man will always lend a hand to those in need, though said efforts will be often veiled behind grumbles and annoyed mannerisms.

[=] David's known to be a man of the mindset of "Move or be moved." Often taking the shortest paths between problem and solution, often making the situation worse or only delays the inevitable. Combined with his refusal to stand down and the knowledge of his skillset and abilities, this can either lead to good outcomes, or bad outcomes in tense situations.

Another trait noticeable that David has, is the man's empathy. While he can't say he can feel the same as others, he can definitely understand their feelings and actions. This is often how David often make good friends with veterans, homeless and people who lost someone close to them that he can gain a friend or friendly associate, or manage to negotiate with someone.

And of coarse, one has to notice that David tends to be a bit on the distant side of things, often barely letting anyone in past his shell, revealing little about his life or going out of his way to get to know someone. This trait is most likely born from David's worry about his un-aging self and those who get close to him will eventually pass on, and thus the best way to avoid such heartache is simply not gain new friends.

[-] A man of a short temper, David's let his anger get the best of him. Destroying a project or item, which when he calms down, he will remember what he did, which will send him back into a rather infuriated state. The man does his best to control it but each time the wall between calm and fury gets thinner with more cracks than before.

In tandem with his fiery temper, the man tends to hold onto grudges beyond what would be considered healthy. To him, once you cross him, you've crossed him for life. Barely not letting anything go, no matter how big or small the issue between David and the offending party might be. The man will most likely carry his grudges til the end of time.

And as per the man's history, his demeanor is often one saddled with a buried sense of sadness. And despite the man's efforts to not show it, one can spot the signs when he sags his shoulders, sighs and the thousand-meter stare in his eyes as he moves through the day. The man has far too many skeletons in his closet that desperately needs to be released, as they tend to affect his choices in the present, for better or for worse.

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Likes: Nature, books, hunting and being left alone.

Dislikes: Loud obnoxious people, being bothered and most authority figures.

Goals: Simply get by, to last until this ability of his either fails, or he can achieve a permanent end.


Mutation: David's body heals at a faster rate and adapts compared to humans, injuries requiring days heal in hours. Even quicker with an addition, but the body cannot fix on short notice with little to no materials gathered, so it'll use fat or excess muscle mass to replace the damage done. Often causing David to lose weight in mere moments, going from the big musclebound giant of a man to maybe basketball level physique or less. The process is painful, but the addition is artificially added through surgery.

It also slows his aging to crawl even before the additions to said ability. Now it's currently unknown at what age his body moves at without consulting the now missing data of the experiments on him. And is the reason why his body took to the experiments without any sign of rejection.

Circulatory system: To keep his muscles in near perfect shape and at inhuman levels of effectiveness. Someone surgically added a series of 'veins' that are connected to a special organ near his heart that is constantly pumping a much stronger version of adrenaline through David's body. Stimulating the muscles to remain in their shape and ready to go dip into the bloodstream to speed up regeneration.

Enhancements: As mentioned, David's physique is beyond what most humans can manage in their lifetimes, able to break bones just by squeezing with his hands, or perform feats of strength that only a select few could pull. But nothing crazy, he isn't going to be lifting cars one handed or easily do things that superheroes could pull.


David Ludlow was born on April 10th, 1945 to Lucy Ludlow while his father was overseas in the World War. Initially diagnosed with a condition that he was slow to age, the doctors at the time not realizing that David had a mutation that was affecting his body somewhat. Despite this, he had a uneventful childhood. Not getting into too much trouble, made some good friends with the neighborhood kids, went fishing with his dad.

Things changed after David was injured severely from an accident from playing with his friends that had him go to the hospital in the summer of 1961, where a doctor by the name of Jamison Smith, who noticed David's ability to just heal faster than normal, investigating further which revealed the mutation to the doctor. Jamison revealed this to a colleague of his that couldn't be properly identified, who later came to check the mutation out for himself. 'Frankenstein' would request to personally ask the child some questions about his ability in private, unbeknownst to the other medical staff and David's parents that the good doctor would kidnap their child. Taking him away to a hidden lab in Maine, using the densely forested area to keep his actions with David hidden. His intent to create a super-soldier for the then still living remnants of the Reich

Using experimental techniques and tools, Frankenstein began the process of changing David's body to suit the conditions of warfare. Countless chemical injections, surgeries that would've killed any normal person altered David's body to what it is now, but having the side effect of causing damage to his brain that soon was healed by his now enhanced healing ability, but cost him his memory of his past with his family. Only remembering his name, thanks to Frankenstein who took pity on David. At this point, David was officially ready for showing off to people for potential continuation of the experiments, this time legalized for mass productions of others like David.

However, this never came to fruition as a killsquad of a secret organization came to dispose of Frankenstein after mishandling of information made them believe that Frankenstein was intending to build a nuclear bomb and detonate against the US.

Amidst the attack in late fall of 1965, Frankenstein was killed as his lab burned to the ground. David barely escaping into the wilderness, barely able to survive on his own, the mutant wandered from city to city, living among the homeless. Who accepted him as one of their own, not only because of pity but also for the added reason that he was intimidating and could easily handle any threats to their flock. He got on well with a homeless girl by the name of Rose Miller, their friendship budding to something almost close to a brother and sister. The homeless of that community taught David what he needed to survive, and how to defend himself. Which came easily and in handy as he would go on to defend Rose when she was attacked by a couple thugs attempting to collect whatever money she scrapped together. Killing one and crippling the other two.

The effort earned him a stay in jail for assault and murder, with a date in court despite claims from fellow homeless and Rose herself. David was set to go to prison, but someone offered him a chance to get out of trouble, if he signed up for the military to go and fight in Vietnam, the offer being extended by the same shadowy organization that dealt with Frankenstein, but wanted to see how effective David was, and how well weaponizing mutants and other such anomalies like him. David signed without question, on the request the homeless he was associated with got proper homes and jobs, especially Rose. The organization fulfilled this request, and David to be part of what was essentially a classified unit filled with people with abilities thought only possible in comics, and creatures of fiction. Fighting well into the last days of the Vietnam War, and even past it tying up loose ends. Dealing with supernatural and regular threats to the world at large.

With the war over, and David's service done. He went to the home of Rose to reconnect with her, and put the events and horrors he faced during war behind him, and hopefully live out the rest of his days out with his friend. What he found when he arrived at her home was beyond anything horrible that he could fathom. His closest friend was found dead, for she had been slated to testify against a rather violent criminal group, who had her dealt with violently.

This led to David snapping, going out to lead a series of attacks across the country directed at getting back at the group responsible for Rose's death. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years.

And at the end of it all, David left behind a legacy of violence, his friend avenged and the world dubbing him a psychotic serial killer. David went on to go into hiding. Taking residence in Alaska, David hopes to peacefully live out his days, however many they might be.

[General Information]

Name: Rook Model - Zero One

Alias: Rook

Birthplace: [Redacted], Ohio

Species: Android

Gender: Male

Languages spoken: English


Hair: Strangely dark blue in color. Rook's hair is long but barely below his ears.

Eyes: A shining blue color, sometimes literally glowing in the dark or in lowlight environments.

Skin: Pale to the point that he looks ill.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 100 Ibs

Age: Looks to be in early twenties, but only a few months since first activation.

Attire: Always seen in a well tailored suit with a vest and glasses. Rook's attire rarely leaves the formal side of things, at best for casual settings, Rook will be wearing a vest and dress shirt without a tie instead of a suit jacket. His outfits also tend to stay within the blue color spectrum range.

Voice: Light like a melody but with some stiffness to it. [Though for better way to imagine it, basically a lighter toned Daniel Radcliff.]

Markings: A symbol of the Rook chess piece on the side of his neck, and on his wrists.


General information: While a well for knowledge from the databases he can pull from, provided he has clearance for said databases, the android is still a bit naïve when it involves experiencing situations as opposed to learning about them and what to do in them. It's almost human-like of Rook to do this, yet as quick as the nice, polite and naïve android can show up, it is alarming how quick it can go away.

Rook will show off how ruthless an android given an objective can be when carrying out said objective. Never resting, never failing until either he catches the culprit, or solves the crime. Getting the result no matter the impact of choices or outcomes.

[+] Rook has been shown to be very kind and polite, whether it be by programming or his own free will. To the point he will ALWAYS refer to someone by their title. "Mr." "Mrs." "Officer." "Detective." Or some nickname. Though for the nickname to stick, you need to directly let Rook know to refer you by that title. Unless said title happens to be somewhat offensive or vulgar.

Whether by programming or a trait developed over time, Rook is also very neat and tidy. Making sure that his tie is straight, his glasses balanced, and his hair combed. And will even tidy up any room he enters. [Well, any room that isn't out in the field or training.] He will ask if you wish for him to tidy up your room or clothing.

Lastly, he is extremely intelligent. Well beyond what a human can achieve, as per usual with androids and other such robotic types, this being due to his memory unit having at least the basics for most things. However, for further information, he must be connected to an digital archive. Which at that point he can almost turn into your own personal database.

[=] Rook is a bit too literal. Hyperboles, or anything similar, Rook tends to perceive it literally. And if you say things go over his head, he will state that his reflexes can prevent that. Or he can be upgraded to be better. Even jokes about animals crossing the road will lead to Rook stating that the animal wouldn't do that.

Another thing about Rook is that he is a bit too analytical for his own good. Going as far as pointing out details he noticed about someone or something, much to the person's annoyance. He'll even go as far as to state someone look more unkempt than the day before.

While he can convey emotions at times, Rook can be a bit too focused and robotic. While this doesn't seem like bad, but it isn't good either. This can cause him to stand/sit around and not respond to anyone due to him running diagnostics, or going over information, or mission details. And he only snaps out of it when someone interacts with him, which if they were talking to him, thinking he was listening, he will look confused and ask what's going on.

[-] While Rook is intelligent, it tends to be a bit lacking when it comes to magic or supernatural type stuff. Leading him to be utterly confused with how none of it can be explained as something natural. To him, there must be a logical explanation to everything around him in the world, as literally that's how the world should be working.

One of his directives dictate that Rook cannot let a teammate or innocent human fall into harm, which Rook has stated that he was give his life to save another, as a human/comrade's life has more worth than his. This tends to lead to some sorted conversations regarding his sense of self and worth to others, which has caused some people to try and make Rook think more of himself and value his life as opposed to letting another 'model' take over when he 'dies.'

Finally, he tends to be a blunt, sugar-coating little to nothing when it comes to sensitive matters. And if need be, will describe what happened during a mission/investigation to the greatest of detail. He'll even describe a brutal murder to the greatest of detail with a often detached tone to the poor victim's friends or family when they ask.

Sexual Orientation: Asexual

Likes: Chess, tidiness, documentaries and the color blue.

Dislikes: Disorder, trash, tardiness and the color purple.

Goals: To solve the murder of his creator, Thomas Irwin.


Real time analysis - As the name states, Rook can perform an analysis in real time. Meaning there will be no need for someone to come and take samples and deliver them back to a lab. One way he can do this is by using his fingers to touch things. Where sensors and other things analyze a sample, and quickly identify it. The downside to this, is that he needs to make physical contact with samples, and not be distracted when analyzing a scene.

Android physique: Rook doesn't need sleep, food and has superb stamina, endurance and reflexes. However, he is only as strong as a normal human, and if he is critically damaged, he needs repair.

Data Upload - Rook can upload his data/memory to a secured terminal which can be used incase he dies. Acting as a "save point" of sorts. However, if he does die and another model is made. That model will only have the memory that Rook had prior to the save state. And incase the data/memory is destroyed or whatever. Then the next model won't remember a thing that Rook remembered.


Created in a underground facility for the sole purpose of aiding agents and other operatives with dealing in investigative missions or other such missions, Rook is still undergoing testing and yet has to experience real missions that aren't staged or part of a simulation.

As of this moment, he still remains within the facility, undergoing rigorious testing as the eve of his activation as an active field agent is fast approaching.

[General Information]

Name: Daniel Collins

Alias: Graves

Birthplace: London, England

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Languages spoken: English


Daniel stands at 6'0 and weighs about 150 Ibs, featuring a light muscular frame. From the few times anyone has seen Daniel without wearing some sort of mask or helmet, has said that Daniel has light brown hair and pale skin. His body is covered in scars from the various things that have killed him, although no matter how recent the death was, the scars look to be several years old.

His outfits consist of dark colored clothing. If not on duty or training, he has been spotted wearing a long sleeved shirt and black pants and grey boots.

He has been known to be constantly wearing a ballistics mask, modified to have reflective glass placed in the eyeholes to prevent anyone from being able to see his eyes. When he is unable to wear this, he will either be seen wearing a gas mask, or a ski mask with goggles.


When Daniel first joined the Organization, he was known to be a very social person. Things changed after the incident. Now Daniel isn't one to be the center of attention, instead preferring to be in the background, observing and doing things behind the scenes. This has led to many people calling him creepy, among other descriptions. This has also caused those who have not read his file, or haven't known him before, to want to find out the man's secrets. Whatever they may be.

[+] Daniel is extremely loyal, to friends and the organization itself. Although, he won't directly do something for someone, friends or those that gain his respect better expect a gift or two waiting for them, the sender anonymous. Daniel has displayed an uncanny ability to adapt to new situations that may develop. Be it in the field, or outside of it. He makes due with the cards he is dealt and plans around them. Daniel has also been known to be extremely tidy and orderly, as shown by his room. If anyone finds it. Or wherever he goes. Never leaving a mess, and keeping things organized. Be it reports, gear or just anything around him.

[=] If there is one thing that people quickly realize about Daniel is that he is a quiet person. Not to the point of him being a mute, but don't be expecting the man to talk too much outside of giving a report, or giving his teammates important information. He has also been described as being diligent, and will most likely be found either at the firing range, or in a training room, improving his skills. Lastly, he is dedicated to his job. Willing to put extra hours into a report, or gathering information for whatever mission requires it.

[-] Despite his appearance and quiet nature, Daniel has been known to get anxious very quickly. Although he won't show it much, those with a careful eye and attention to detail will notice little things that he does. Lightly drumming his fingers, fidgeting with his gear, or looking around every so often. This can cause him to be distracted, or throw him off from his routine. Which can affect his work. The cause of this anxiety is many things, the biggest ones are: Being the center of attention, being flirted with, or physical contact with anyone. As well as suspicion that the torture he endured may have also had a hand in it. Daniel has also been described to be a bit reckless, this has been attributed to his ability. Which has caused him to go against any type of foe, even when faced with guaranteed death. Caring very little about his own wellbeing. Finally, he is avoidant. If a stranger tries to talk to him, or get too friendly. Best to expect him to quicken his pace, or find ways to distract you and get you off his back.


Ability Name: Rebirth
Description: Upon Daniel's death, and after a few seconds. Daniel will reappear in a burst of light. Albeit a bit dazed. And his previous corpse will remain, though will begin to attract carrions or other such creatures to rapidly dispose of the corpse. And whenever he dies, he reverts to the age of 21.

Strengths: Daniel ability allows him to be sent on missions that could lead to high death count, or using him as bait if need be. As well as being a supplier of blood, among other things.

Weaknesses: While he has the ability to "respawn." He is still a human being. With the strengths and weaknesses of one. And due to the ability reverting him to the body/age that he was when he made contact with the gem. Any sort of implant, or anything like that will be lost upon his rebirth. And any gear he had is left with the previous corpse. Meaning that he has to retrieve his gear. And he can't continuously use this ability. As after the third rebirth, his body begins to experience symptoms related to those who don't sleep within a certain amount of time. This includes: nausea, fatigue, and in some cases unconsciousness.

Daniel was born in Birmingham, England. On November 11th, 2115. To a family that had Irish and British origins, and the large majority of the family were high class business types that flaunted their money and wanted Daniel to follow in their footsteps, sending him to various private schools to educate him in the matters of business. And while he did graduate with flying colors, he didn't follow in his family's footsteps.

Much to their surprise and mild disappointment for some, he signed up to join the military. This choice would somewhat mess with some of his relationships with certain family members. His military career was hardly eventful, the only things he did involved humanitarian and peacekeeping duties, hardly seeing battle. Until, during a mission, Daniel came into contact with what was described as a red diamond after being separated from his fellow soldiers. Apparently, after making physical contact with the diamond, beams of light shot out of it and into Daniel. Which knocked him unconsciousness.

When he awoke, he was in the hospital, and had put the whole incident off as a dream of sorts and as such, didn't report the event. He was later discharged later on after having an IED explode near him, the ordeal cost him a leg.

Thus ending his military career after serving for six years. After this, he bounced from occupation to occupation. When, out of nowhere. Daniel was involved in a car accident that had caused him to go flying through the windshield and cracking his skull open on a nearby pole. That should've been the end for Daniel. But, witnesses said that soon after Daniel's apparent death. Another man just appeared near to where Daniel had died. Wearing the same clothes, but looking younger and not having a prosthetic leg. While the original body just vanished. The Organization became interested when they caught wind of this, and after doing some investigation. Such as checking the DNA left behind from the original Daniel, and that of the new Daniel. Finding a perfect match, the Organization took him in for interrogation. Where they uncovered the incident with the gem, and concluded that the gem is responsible for Daniel's ability. Soon after, he was recruited and made an agent. Ever since, he has proven to be an adequate agent, as well as a side supplier for "items" for other agents, and a volunteer for training someone's powers.

Daniel was briefly assigned to a Senior Agent, codenamed: "Saint." The two were exceptionally partners. With Saint providing Daniel the mentorship he needed and Daniel being the achieving student.

They were deployed on a mission to deal with what was assumed to be a mediocre mad doctor doing some crazy experiments. However, it turned out that the doctor was in partnership with a vampire. Whom easily took down the two agents, and separated them. It is unknown what has happened to Saint. But, Daniel was held captive for the sole purpose of experimentation. Thankfully, the Organization managed to quickly rescue Daniel before too much damage was done. But, was unable to find Saint, the vampire or the doctor. Ever since, Daniel has changed in a way. For good or worse is to be seen. But he has been trying to find his former mentor, and the two that had taken him..

He has been with the organization for ten years, only just reaching rank of Junior agent. Daniel's thoughts of the agency is a simple one. He is loyal to them, and is willing to do whatever is needed for the mission. Provided it does not involve harming innocent civilians.

[General Information]

Name: Otto Kraus





Languages spoken: English












Sexual Orientation:






[General Information]

Name: Nomad

Alias: Nomad




Languages spoken: English












Sexual Orientation:






I'll add in more as time goes on, and once I can effectively transfer the characters from paper onto this.
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