Wake up married to the person above you 00;

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I offered pancakes and you just jumped into the trunk, Myrn.
**Sits coquettishly on the hood**
I made french toast instead. c__c Sorry. *sets a tray onto Octy's lap*
My darling wife. Do you have a map? Because I'm lost in your eyes.
My precious hubbu, are you lost?
Because heaven is a long way from here.
-Blinks a couple times, staring at my other half before taking a moment to pump my fists high in the air.-
YESSSS CUTE GIRL. >:'D I win I win I win I win I win I win I winnnnnn.~
Well, I am not a cute girl...but if you can make a decent breakfast I'll stick around.
*in Russian* "Would you like me to make you some dumplings?"
Oh, Coti. I knew your music would bring us together someday. <3
I have absolutely no problem with this.
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