Villain for Hire...



Original poster
(So here's the deal. My friend introduced me to this site and I wanted to have a character template I could use for most rp stuff in general. I intend to do a lot of solo work but I am more than open to do collabs. So you guys know I am a villain for hire. Note: Work in Progress)

~Name: Aedrith Brooke (Not known to general population)

~Alias: The Tormentor

~Height/Weight: 6'2"/200lbs

~Age: (Rarely lowers his hood but appears in his early forties)

~Eye color: Red/crimson with a glow

~Hair color: Bald/N/A

~Skin Tone: Light brown/copper skin

~Build: Slender and in good shape.

~Personality: A very mysterious villain. Rumors in Golden City persist of a shadowy manipulator who performs acts of dastardly darkness behind the scenes. The Tormentor is the villain's only known alias. The general population speaks of this individual in fear. He commands a large organization of almost cult-like syndicate followers that utilize tremendous powers of darkness. The Tormentor is not someone you want to is rumored if you owe a debt to him, your family and loved ones pay first for that debt. His methodology is extremely cruel.

~Appearance: He rarely appears before people preferring to manipulate from the shadows. But when he does the reports to local authorities are all the same: He wears an attire fo some lost and forgotten cult. The markings are from blasphemous old gods. He wields powers that were long forgotten in the chronicles of history and time. He normally i seen wearing a hood, and a cloak with the same makings as his robe like attire. A signet necklace of a red blood pendant adorns his neck. He always shows up alone, even when his followers are present.

Rumors persist he manipulates powers of fear and blood magic...with dark skill.

Notes: He commands a sizable cult in Golden City that operates in the shadows to torment followers of the light. He can fade in and out of the darkness, shadow walking. His followers call it. His influence is spreading and he is a constant thorn on the side of many Heroic organizations. He is one of the most skill shadowmancers known in that age. He is not someone you want to cross. (Hopefully this works for now but its the basic template I am looking to create a villain for general use in almost anyone's rp. Feedback is welcome, please invite me to stuff...I don't bite...much...)