Vile RP

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KayLove |-/

Original poster
This would be a role-play based off the movie Vile.
If you haven't seen I can easily summarize it for. A group of people get kidnapped and trapped into some house. They hear that they need to torture each other because the brain makes some sort substance/drug when in pain.
They end up getting hurt really bad since they have a certain amount to get to. In the end it turns out one of them are actually working with the people behind it all and that person kills everyone except one that gets away.

Here's how this RP is going to work. Some people get lost in the woods and end up in some abandoned town (they all don't know each other when they get there). In the abandoned town they decide to go into the only house that still appears to be in good shape until morning where they can find their way out easier. They then find out that they are locked in the house and can't get out unless they torture each other so then they can create some substance.
There doesn't have to be any deaths either.

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