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When dawn broke on the 21st of Frostfall, it found Maelynn already awake. Sleep had not come to her during the night, despite the blankets twisted around her body. She had tried all manner of methods to shut her eyes -she'd read her books, counted goats, pretended to sleep- and yet had not had a blink. The rising sun only taunted her exhaustion; she pulled her pillow over her head to block its winking rays. Maelynn had practiced for this moment, she knew, and yet found herself unable to quell the shivers in her heart. Had all Vigilants felt this way, she wondered. She wished for Brother Hjalmar; he had a knack for calming her down. She wished that he had been the one chosen to guide her on this mission. After all, they had gone to Dawnstar before - and many other places.

But as fate would have it, Brother Hjalmar had been sent near Morthal instead. Rumours had come about of vampires in the swamps and as he had said, monsters were more important than promises. Keeper Carcette had assigned Nanine Caithness as her companion instead. Maelynn knew who she was; she'd taught her how to keep a firm grip on her mace, after all. But as reliable as Caithness was, she was no Hjalmar. She wasn't as kind as he was - Nanine's kindness was that of a rose's thorns. Hjalmar, on the other hand, was far more gentle. And warm, and big, and strong, yet weak enough to put up with her antics - she couldn't lie, some part of her felt a little resentment upon being cheated of his company.

All the same, Caithness was her Sister. The Vigil had stood for her when no one else had and its members had never wronged her - the opposite, really. There wasn't anything wrong about Caithness in particular - she just wasn't him. And besides, they'd never been on such a journey before. She'd taken her on a few runs before, yes, but that had been with a group of other novices. Maelynn took a moment to peek out the window. The sun had grown so much already; it began to sting her eyes. It was almost time to get up, then. She picked up a bucket and some cleaning supplies before heading out the door.

The Hall of the Vigilant was aptly named, for a handful of members had already begun to stir. The tables had been laid out with meat, bread, and drink. The fire crackled merrily while the Vigilants murmured among themselves. If not for the weapons they carried with them, it almost seemed peaceful. Maelynn exchanged nods with a few Brothers and almost sat down for a minute - but today was a special day. Today she would clean herself first.

Keeper Carcette, as usual, was well awake and ready.
"You're up early," she called out over her shoulder. "Don't let the Vigil down, Mae. Be on your guard at all times, even if it is only a... museum."
Maelynn rolled her eyes. "I know, I know."
Ignoring Carcette's stare -for she knew turning around meant another lecture- she hurriedly made her way out of the Hall. She hated using snow-water for cleaning up; it always made her teeth feel like they were broken. On top of it all, she'd have to wait for it to melt (not that she did, her bucket was always more of a slush than water). No doubt that when she returned to the Hall, all the best food would be gone. She wasn't looking forwards to stale bread for breakfast.
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