Vigilance: Blood And Justice [OOC/Sign-Ups/Chat]

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It's now finished.
Alright so first thing I notice your CS contradicts with this little tidbit from the Hyperhuman Info.
-"Despite the fact that the 'Hype-Gene' takes a dominant role during the embryo's development, it remains practically undetectable until puberty as it lays in a dormant state until puberty. During puberty, the overwhelming release of hormones awakens the dormant 'Hype-Gene' which then begins to develop super-human abilities within the host."
-Obviously that's going to reshape the first part of your bio. That said everything else looks good to me. So it's only that edit that needs to be fixed.
Alright so first thing I notice your CS contradicts with this little tidbit from the Hyperhuman Info.
-"Despite the fact that the 'Hype-Gene' takes a dominant role during the embryo's development, it remains practically undetectable until puberty as it lays in a dormant state until puberty. During puberty, the overwhelming release of hormones awakens the dormant 'Hype-Gene' which then begins to develop super-human abilities within the host."
-Obviously that's going to reshape the first part of your bio. That said everything else looks good to me. So it's only that edit that needs to be fixed.
Alright, I'll get it done as soon as possible.
  • | NAME: |
    Emma Heleen Naaktgeboren​

    | ALIAS(ES): |

    Ikazia Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL​

    | SPECIES: |

    | D.O.B.: |

    | AGE: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

    Emma has a slim build, standing at 175cm and weighs 56kg. Her blonde hair reaches to roughly her chest which is relative in size.
    For the past two years Emma has been accustomed to wearing a standard uniform of PRCU. Now that she is in a school in the USA she has been able to wear what she likes again. It's just simple standard fashion, nothing fancy, though she has a tendency to wearing high heels nowadays. Her eyes are light blue in color.​

  • | ABILITIES: |
    Space-Time Continuum Distorting Summoning.
Or in layman's terms, a Borrower capable of borrowing anything from any time or location by creating a rift through time and space itself.

    Ever wondered where your phone suddenly went even though you swore it was 'right there' a minute ago, or how you can't find that one favorite CD even though you're quite certain you brought it home after that party? Only to find it right in that spot where you looked ten times a short while later? Or better yet, searching for that eraser, and after ten minutes of looking you find it right in your own hand? Then it's probably Emma's fault.
    When Emma concentrates on retrieving a certain item from a time or location, the item vanishes temporarily from that spot and appears in Emma's hands. She can then use it as she wishes till she sends it back or it fades after a while.​

    | SKILLS: |
    *Emma is a skilled marksman. She has a steady hand and not a lot of problem with clearing her mind to concentrate on the task in front of her.

    *She has a great artistic ability and dearly loves painting, which is why she was sent over to Conquisator University.

    *Allthough she's terrible at concentrating on things, she's great at emptying her mind and not thinking about anything. Though essentially most people don't see the difference between concentrating and an empty mind while doing a job, to Emma it is a clear difference. Concentrating requires actively focussing on something, like remembering an object and bringing it to her. Emptying her mind is shutting out all thoughts and let (trained) instincts take control.

    *Hand to hand combat has been trained to her in her first years of school, so she can use it, though she prefers summoning weaponry.

    *Gag skill: Emma's cooking is so terrible it could be used as poison.​

    Everything she borrows from a different time or space will fade and disappear after a certain amount of time has passed. How quickly depends on the size of the object. Larger objects range between five to fifty minutes, while simple small items can range up to being in her possession for a few hours or a full day. That however is very rare.

    Items from the past or future are more difficult to summon. Objects brought in from a different time period do not fade faster than similar objects from the current flow of time.

    Larger items are more difficult to borrow. Not only do they fade faster, they also cost more energy to collect.

    In order to collect something from a location or time, she has to (roughly) know where the item was put. For small stuff like desk items it's enough to focus on a desk and collect from there. More complex and larger items and past/future items need a more specific focus point. If she were to want to borrow Hitler's gun she would have to know exactly where it was, when it was.
    Also, if an item is in the same room as where she is, she can not summon it to her hands. For that she will have to get up, and walk.

    Space-Time Continuum
    The same object can never exist in the same room at the same time. If she was borrowing someone's phone from the past, and the person walks in with their phone, the phone she is holding will disappear instantly.
    This also means she can not borrow an item that someone is holding right then and there in the same room.​

    Due to the amount of borrowing she does and can do, she constantly forgets to bring her own items, forgets where she puts them, or what really is hers to begin with.

    Physically it's quite straining to reach into a different location or time in order to take something. If she over exerts herself the item will not only not appear, but she could pass out as well. Chances are she could die from it, just as over exertion on sports could kill a person given the right circumstances.

    She can't send items to a different time or location, unless she is releasing an item back to where it came from.
    The effects of the borrowed item do stay when the item has faded/sent back. (e.g.: bullet hole (and bullet if that wasn't borrowed too), cleaned wounds, etc)​

    In a fighting situation Emma will be able to collect whatever she things will be of use. Guns, knives, bandages. She does have to keep in mind that things will eventually disappear again, so in the case of bandages, that it will only be considered a temporary fix till actual bandages are brought in.

    In class she's the go-to person for forgotten equipment. Need a pen? A new shirt till at least the end of class? A deck of cards to play poker that can disappear the moment a teacher walks in? Just ask Emma.
    Even though she doesn't cheat, in theory she could borrow the answers for a test, if she knew where they were kept. That however is a rule of ethics she will not break.
    Another application of her power she will not use is borrowing money, buying something, and letting the money fade after leaving. A strong moral code makes for her not doing things like that.

    Due to her powers' nature, she tends to be more support than offense in a team. Providing backup and materials whenever needed.
    Also, as she can repeatedly summon the same item if it fades (unless she is too tired) Emma makes for an excellent flow of (temporary!) supplies.

    (If for example Emma borrows a bandaid from the first aid kit, and the bandaid disappears after a time, the bandaid will appear back in its place as it was when she borrowed it. This is due to her not being able to send anything into a different location or time.)​
  • | WEAPONS: |
    Having the ability to summon anything she needs, Emma doesn't really have a weapon on her. To be more exact, for the sake of anonymity she doesn't own any weapons.
    Any weapon she owns and uses can be traced back to her, so she has a list of weapons she can use that won't lead back to her.​

    | TOOLS: |
    Emma doesn't carry tools with her as she can summon anything she needs. She has a book (seriously that thing is bigger than Tolstoy's War and Peace combined) that she summons at times if her memory fails her. In it there is a giant list of every item she has seen, where it is/was kept, and when she saw it.
    Her memory for where everything is is quite extensive, but even she forgets stuff. Back when she first discovered her powers she started writing where and when things were in a small notebook. Quickly outgrowing the booklet she expanded it, and expanded it, till it became the size it is today.
Her book is always kept in one and the same place. Though she is thinking about digitalizing it at some point. It's just that she knows it will take a very very long time before everything is copied.
    For certain things like weapons, or handy tools she has a separate smaller notebook that she can borrow. Having to search through the biggest encyclopedia around isn't all that handy in a pinch after all.​

    | ATTIRE: |
    While Emma does wear her normal clothes most of the time, if she ever chooses to go out and play vigilante she will sport a special outfit primarily in various blue shades.
    Due to Emma's power she can place her hand on her own body and summon her outfit that she always keeps in the same place.
Under normal daily circumstances Emma wears her normal clothesm summons her alternative outfit, and then hides her normal clothes in some location.
    If she's heading into battle directly from her current home she'll wear the actual vigilante outfit and borrow her normal clothes so she can send her regular clothes back when the fighting is about to start.
    She doesn't use this method standard because she is afraid her power might wear thin and everything is sent back prematurely, thus revealing her powers to others.
    Her outfit is always the same, except for her mask. It's different every time, and she has a ton of them. It's filigree masks, often in black or blue colors.
    Outfit, Masks.​
  • | BACKSTORY: |
    Born in the fall, Emma was the only child Rick and Anne Naaktgeboren had. They were a moderate, average family living in the southern part of Rotterdam for a few years, then moving to the northern part.
    She was raised as a Christian, but in a community that didn't go all 'Hypes are the spawn of evil' like most other congregations did. Sure, there weren't many Hypes in that church, but she could name two that had been a part for as long as Emma could remember. She herself however didn't directly have contact with them.

    Most of the rest of Emma's childhood was calm, uneventful. Both parents had a job, her mother worked part-time so she wouldn't come home to an empty house after school, went through school like everyone else following the 'basic-VMBO-MBO' route. Or well, she would have gone that way.
    Emma had been a bit of a late bloomer in terms of appearance, but once she did, she was a full bloomer. With that however, her powers awakened and she discovered she was part of the Hype people as well.
    Despite the openness that the church and their parents had about the new species, Emma was afraid that if she became one, the people around her would treat her differently. So she hid her powers, and avoided using them for as long as she could. It didn't really last long.

    Roughly three years ago she was caught using her ability, an item she had summoned fading out of her hands right in the presence of her parents.
    Of course they were shocked, but the damage was far less bad than Emma had initially thought. They didn't kick her out, disown her, call her a spawn of evil, or go announce it to all kinds of people. Instead they simply said that keeping her powers hidden would only increase her chances of getting caught by others, and it wouldn't be good for her to hide who she really was.
    So together they found the contact details of a school that offered protection and training to Hyperhumans, and told her friends she was going to study abroad instead of learning to become a secretary at the MBO level.
    As far as she is aware, her friends still don't know she has the ability to 'borrow' items.

    Emma went to that school for two years, this would be her third, but this year was going to be different for her. With all the activity going on in and around Crescent City they needed people to go and infiltrate in the city. Emma volunteered as her abilities are easy to hide and can't accidentally go off.
    With her being good at art, they sent her to Conquistador University with the instructions to patrol, keep an eye out, not to engage any hyper (or other) activity (which is a rule she'd definitely break), and report back whatever hyper activity she sees so actual SHIFT teams can take care of it. And should she encounter other Hypes that she hasn't been made aware of to report them. Maybe find out if there are Hypes in the school as well.

    She has been in Crescent City for a few weeks now, settling in and pretending to be just another average arts student.
    HELP provided a home for her to stay in for the time being. A moderate apartment in the Los Paraíso district. From here she'll be able to more freely do her job without people wondering why she'd be entering the district while the school was closed. Plus it saved a lot on travel times between home and school.
    In the meantime she misses her team mates back in PRCU and wonders what they're up to now, not being allowed to have contact with them. For safety reasons.​
  • | SAMPLE POST: |
    As the sun was at its peak in the sky, Emma walked out of the building, sporting a brown leather coat, knee highs, and a skirt, the habit reminiscent of her days in P.R.C.U.. She held a round tube in one hand that held a few of her drawings, while her other hand held on to a clearly fading book.

    Feeling how the weight in her other hand was getting lighter and lighter, Emma looked down. Oh right! The book would go back to the library any moment now. Where had that book come from again? She still had to read the last few chapters, so she had to remember. Darn it, she couldn't even remember which row it had been in, let alone the shelf and where in that row it was. Great, that's what you get for having a strainer of a memory, or whatever the English equivalent of that saying was. Writing down the title of the book on the back of her hand with a pen she borrowed from the teacher's desk, she sent the book back to where it belonged. She'd just have to go and find it in the library now.

    Turning on her heels Emma waded her way through the mass of people to head to the general direction of the library.
    "Hey Em!" a voice behind her called. Stopping in her tracks Emma looked to see who was coming her way. One of the guys of her class came walking up to her. For the life of her she couldn't remember his name, how embarressing.
    "Yes?" She asked, figuring that saying the wrong name would be worse than saying no name.
    "So there's going to be a party this weekend, and I heard you're going."
    "I'm going?"
    "Really? That's great! Hey want to go together, I'll pick you up at eight!" He said and already walked backwards intending to leave.
    "Wait, but I-" He was so fast that Emma barely had time to think anything through what was happening.
    "Is eight thirty better?"
    "Great! See you then!" He turned around and darted off to his friends.
    Had Emma just agreed to a date to a party she had no idea she was invited to?
    Stumped Emma stood there for a little while. Right, library.​
  • *Emma hasn't told anyone the translation of her last name. In the Netherlands Naaktgeboren is a fairly common name, but it literally means 'Naked born'. Not really something you'd share with people unless you're drunk.

    *Due to having lived in the Netherlands, and only having had the basic minimum of English that was taught in middle/high school, she speaks with a Dutch accent, and often forgets the correct translation of the word.
    Example of how Emma talks, and the sound of voice she has.

    *It has happened at times that she accidentally spoke Dutch to someone, instead of English.

    *Kind of a scatter brain, and has a difficulty in figuring out what she wants to say at times. This isn't just because of the constant translation issues though.

    *Is a bit of a girly girl.

    *Hates mornings. Definitely a night owl.

    *A disaster in the kitchen. She's more likely to kill herself with her cooking than fill her stomach.​

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@Lord Wraith

I've changed the first part of my character's bio though the overall content remains the same. I just removed some parts saying that his powers started to show upon birth and changed it to 11 years old. Let me know if there are still issues that I need to fix.
  • | NAME: |
    Emma Heleen Naaktgeboren

    | ALIAS(ES): |

    Ikazia Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NL

    | SPECIES: |

    | D.O.B.: |

    | AGE: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

    Emma has a slim build, standing at 175cm and weighs 56kg. Her blonde hair reaches to roughly her chest which is relative in size.
    For the past two years Emma has been accustomed to wearing a standard uniform of PRCU. Now that she is in a school in the USA she has been able to wear what she likes again. It's just simple standard fashion, nothing fancy, though she has a tendency to wearing high heels nowadays. Her eyes are light blue in color.

  • | ABILITIES: |
    Space-Time Continuum Distorting Summoning.
Or in layman's terms, a Borrower capable of borrowing anything from any time or location by creating a rift through time and space itself.

    Ever wondered where your phone suddenly went even though you swore it was 'right there' a minute ago, or how you can't find that one favorite CD even though you're quite certain you brought it home after that party? Only to find it right in that spot where you looked ten times a short while later? Or better yet, searching for that eraser, and after ten minutes of looking you find it right in your own hand? Then it's probably Emma's fault.
    When Emma concentrates on retrieving a certain item from a time or location, the item vanishes temporarily from that spot and appears in Emma's hands. She can then use it as she wishes till she sends it back or it fades after a while.

    | SKILLS: |
    *Emma is a skilled marksman. She has a steady hand and not a lot of problem with clearing her mind to concentrate on the task in front of her.

    *She has a great artistic ability and dearly loves painting, which is why she was sent over to Conquisator University.

    *Allthough she's terrible at concentrating on things, she's great at emptying her mind and not thinking about anything. Though essentially most people don't see the difference between concentrating and an empty mind while doing a job, to Emma it is a clear difference. Concentrating requires actively focussing on something, like remembering an object and bringing it to her. Emptying her mind is shutting out all thoughts and let (trained) instincts take control.

    *Hand to hand combat has been trained to her in her first years of school, so she can use it, though she prefers summoning weaponry.

    *Gag skill: Emma's cooking is so terrible it could be used as poison.

    Everything she borrows from a different time or space will fade and disappear after a certain amount of time has passed. How quickly depends on the size of the object. Larger objects range between five to fifty minutes, while simple small items can range up to being in her possession for a few hours or a full day. That however is very rare.

    Items from the past or future are more difficult to summon. Objects brought in from a different time period do not fade faster than similar objects from the current flow of time.

    Larger items are more difficult to borrow. Not only do they fade faster, they also cost more energy to collect.

    In order to collect something from a location or time, she has to (roughly) know where the item was put. For small stuff like desk items it's enough to focus on a desk and collect from there. More complex and larger items and past/future items need a more specific focus point. If she were to want to borrow Hitler's gun she would have to know exactly where it was, when it was.
    Also, if an item is in the same room as where she is, she can not summon it to her hands. For that she will have to get up, and walk.

    Space-Time Continuum
    The same object can never exist in the same room at the same time. If she was borrowing someone's phone from the past, and the person walks in with their phone, the phone she is holding will disappear instantly.
    This also means she can not borrow an item that someone is holding right then and there in the same room.

    Due to the amount of borrowing she does and can do, she constantly forgets to bring her own items, forgets where she puts them, or what really is hers to begin with.

    Physically it's quite straining to reach into a different location or time in order to take something. If she over exerts herself the item will not only not appear, but she could pass out as well. Chances are she could die from it, just as over exertion on sports could kill a person given the right circumstances.

    She can't send items to a different time or location, unless she is releasing an item back to where it came from.
    The effects of the borrowed item do stay when the item has faded/sent back. (e.g.: bullet hole (and bullet if that wasn't borrowed too), cleaned wounds, etc)

    In a fighting situation Emma will be able to collect whatever she things will be of use. Guns, knives, bandages. She does have to keep in mind that things will eventually disappear again, so in the case of bandages, that it will only be considered a temporary fix till actual bandages are brought in.

    In class she's the go-to person for forgotten equipment. Need a pen? A new shirt till at least the end of class? A deck of cards to play poker that can disappear the moment a teacher walks in? Just ask Emma.
    Even though she doesn't cheat, in theory she could borrow the answers for a test, if she knew where they were kept. That however is a rule of ethics she will not break.
    Another application of her power she will not use is borrowing money, buying something, and letting the money fade after leaving. A strong moral code makes for her not doing things like that.

    Due to her powers' nature, she tends to be more support than offense in a team. Providing backup and materials whenever needed.
    Also, as she can repeatedly summon the same item if it fades (unless she is too tired) Emma makes for an excellent flow of (temporary!) supplies.

    (If for example Emma borrows a bandaid from the first aid kit, and the bandaid disappears after a time, the bandaid will appear back in its place as it was when she borrowed it. This is due to her not being able to send anything into a different location or time.)
  • | WEAPONS: |
    Having the ability to summon anything she needs, Emma doesn't really have a weapon on her. To be more exact, for the sake of anonymity she doesn't own any weapons.
    Any weapon she owns and uses can be traced back to her, so she has a list of weapons she can use that won't lead back to her.

    | TOOLS: |
    Emma doesn't carry tools with her as she can summon anything she needs. She has a book (seriously that thing is bigger than Tolstoy's War and Peace combined) that she summons at times if her memory fails her. In it there is a giant list of every item she has seen, where it is/was kept, and when she saw it.
    Her memory for where everything is is quite extensive, but even she forgets stuff. Back when she first discovered her powers she started writing where and when things were in a small notebook. Quickly outgrowing the booklet she expanded it, and expanded it, till it became the size it is today.
Her book is always kept in one and the same place. Though she is thinking about digitalizing it at some point. It's just that she knows it will take a very very long time before everything is copied.
    For certain things like weapons, or handy tools she has a separate smaller notebook that she can borrow. Having to search through the biggest encyclopedia around isn't all that handy in a pinch after all.

    | ATTIRE: |
    While Emma does wear her normal clothes most of the time, if she ever chooses to go out and play vigilante she will sport a special outfit primarily in various blue shades.
    Due to Emma's power she can place her hand on her own body and summon her outfit that she always keeps in the same place.
Under normal daily circumstances Emma wears her normal clothesm summons her alternative outfit, and then hides her normal clothes in some location.
    If she's heading into battle directly from her current home she'll wear the actual vigilante outfit and borrow her normal clothes so she can send her regular clothes back when the fighting is about to start.
    She doesn't use this method standard because she is afraid her power might wear thin and everything is sent back prematurely, thus revealing her powers to others.
    Her outfit is always the same, except for her mask. It's different every time, and she has a ton of them. It's filigree masks, often in black or blue colors.
    Outfit, Masks.
  • | BACKSTORY: |
    Born in the fall, Emma was the only child Rick and Anne Naaktgeboren had. They were a moderate, average family living in the southern part of Rotterdam for a few years, then moving to the northern part.
    She was raised as a Christian, but in a community that didn't go all 'Hypes are the spawn of evil' like most other congregations did. Sure, there weren't many Hypes in that church, but she could name two that had been a part for as long as Emma could remember. She herself however didn't directly have contact with them.

    Most of the rest of Emma's childhood was calm, uneventful. Both parents had a job, her mother worked part-time so she wouldn't come home to an empty house after school, went through school like everyone else following the 'basic-VMBO-MBO' route. Or well, she would have gone that way.
    Emma had been a bit of a late bloomer in terms of appearance, but once she did, she was a full bloomer. With that however, her powers awakened and she discovered she was part of the Hype people as well.
    Despite the openness that the church and their parents had about the new species, Emma was afraid that if she became one, the people around her would treat her differently. So she hid her powers, and avoided using them for as long as she could. It didn't really last long.

    Roughly three years ago she was caught using her ability, an item she had summoned fading out of her hands right in the presence of her parents.
    Of course they were shocked, but the damage was far less bad than Emma had initially thought. They didn't kick her out, disown her, call her a spawn of evil, or go announce it to all kinds of people. Instead they simply said that keeping her powers hidden would only increase her chances of getting caught by others, and it wouldn't be good for her to hide who she really was.
    So together they found the contact details of a school that offered protection and training to Hyperhumans, and told her friends she was going to study abroad instead of learning to become a secretary at the MBO level.
    As far as she is aware, her friends still don't know she has the ability to 'borrow' items.

    Emma went to that school for two years, this would be her third, but this year was going to be different for her. With all the activity going on in and around Crescent City they needed people to go and infiltrate in the city. Emma volunteered as her abilities are easy to hide and can't accidentally go off.
    With her being good at art, they sent her to Conquistador University with the instructions to patrol, keep an eye out, not to engage any hyper (or other) activity (which is a rule she'd definitely break), and report back whatever hyper activity she sees so actual SHIFT teams can take care of it. And should she encounter other Hypes that she hasn't been made aware of to report them. Maybe find out if there are Hypes in the school as well.
    She has been in Crescent City for a few weeks now, settling in and pretending to be just another average arts student.
    In the meantime she misses her team mates back in PRCU and wonders what they're up to now, not being allowed to have contact with them. For safety reasons.
  • | SAMPLE POST: |
    As the sun was at its peak in the sky, Emma walked out of the building, sporting a brown leather coat, knee highs, and a skirt, the habit reminiscent of her days in P.R.C.U.. She held a round tube in one hand that held a few of her drawings, while her other hand held on to a clearly fading book.

    Feeling how the weight in her other hand was getting lighter and lighter, Emma looked down. Oh right! The book would go back to the library any moment now. Where had that book come from again? She still had to read the last few chapters, so she had to remember. Darn it, she couldn't even remember which row it had been in, let alone the shelf and where in that row it was. Great, that's what you get for having a strainer of a memory, or whatever the English equivalent of that saying was. Writing down the title of the book on the back of her hand with a pen she borrowed from the teacher's desk, she sent the book back to where it belonged. She'd just have to go and find it in the library now.

    Turning on her heels Emma waded her way through the mass of people to head to the general direction of the library.
    "Hey Em!" a voice behind her called. Stopping in her tracks Emma looked to see who was coming her way. One of the guys of her class came walking up to her. For the life of her she couldn't remember his name, how embarressing.
    "Yes?" She asked, figuring that saying the wrong name would be worse than saying no name.
    "So there's going to be a party this weekend, and I heard you're going."
    "I'm going?"
    "Really? That's great! Hey want to go together, I'll pick you up at eight!" He said and already walked backwards intending to leave.
    "Wait, but I-" He was so fast that Emma barely had time to think anything through what was happening.
    "Is eight thirty better?"
    "Great! See you then!" He turned around and darted off to his friends.
    Had Emma just agreed to a date to a party she had no idea she was invited to?
    Stumped Emma stood there for a little while. Right, library.

  • *Emma hasn't told anyone the translation of her last name. In the Netherlands Naaktgeboren is a fairly common name, but it literally means 'Naked born'. Not really something you'd share with people unless you're drunk.

    *Due to having lived in the Netherlands, and only having had the basic minimum of English that was taught in middle/high school, she speaks with a Dutch accent, and often forgets the correct translation of the word.
    Example of how Emma talks, and the sound of voice she has.

    *It has happened at times that she accidentally spoke Dutch to someone, instead of English.

    *Kind of a scatter brain, and has a difficulty in figuring out what she wants to say at times. This isn't just because of the constant translation issues though.

    *Is a bit of a girly girl.

    *Hates mornings. Definitely a night owl.

    *A disaster in the kitchen. She's more likely to kill herself with her cooking than fill her stomach.

As discussed through Skype, Accepted!
@Lord Wraith

I've changed the first part of my character's bio though the overall content remains the same. I just removed some parts saying that his powers started to show upon birth and changed it to 11 years old. Let me know if there are still issues that I need to fix.
Alright, everything looks good. Great work! Accepted.

The IC is now live for all accepted CS's. Looking forward to seeing the other CS's finished up!
Yay *runs over to read
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Is this still accepting?
Cheers. The background for this is not just fairly fleshed out but also well-written and caught my eye. In other words, I'll work on a CS. :)
  • | NAME: |
    Thomas Franklin James Bishop.

    | ALIAS(ES): |

    London, England.

    | SPECIES: |

    | D.O.B.: |
    2nd of March.

    | AGE: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

    Handsome and well-groomed, Thomas looks every bit the businessman he is. Shades of grey can be spotted in his otherwise brown hair, yet their placement - by the temples - is so immaculate one can't help but wonder whether it's dyed. Considering his age, Thomas' body is honed and fit, out-doing most men twenty years younger. Regarding appearance an important part of gaining the favour of others, he has always endeavours to dress smartly and up-scale. Whether it's tailored suits for business or cardigans at home, his clothing rarely lacks thought, and never a steep price.

    Hyperhuman Class: MINERVA
  • | ABILITIES: |
    As a hyperhuman of the Minerva class, Thomas is capable of 'controlling' others. While not powerful enough to use direct mind control, talent and experience has made Thomas capable of planting ideas, thoughts and opinions in others. The degree of which he can do this varies greatly, and there are two main factors; his mental state and that of his victim. If Thomas is angry, distressed or otherwise emotional or under duress, he has a much harder time of using his abilities than when calm and focused. Moreover, if his victim is of a very determined character, they are typically more indisposed to being tampered with. With great effort, Thomas may overcome these obstacles, but that has consequences, as mentioned in the "Limitations" section. If his victim is mentally weak and emotional, however, Thomas may do so much "damage" (depending on point of view) it may as well be called indirect mind control.

    Moreover, while Thomas can't read thoughts, he can get an overall understanding of an individuals stance in regards to the subject matter at hand. By engaging in conversation and asking questions, Thomas is often capable of gauging his partner's intentions and predisposition towards whatever they're talking about. This power is, aside from the limitations mentioned in the above paragraph, further limited by physical distance; it is much, much harder for Thomas to get inside the minds of others that are not present in his immediate vicinity.

    His hype power has also granted him benefits when it comes to mental health. His memory is great (but not in any way superhuman), and his emotions tend to be easily controlled and rarely negative unless he has recently used his powers, in which case he might feel more strongly, generally speaking. His incredible determination and strong will is not just a personality trait, but have been further imbued by his mutation as well. Furthermore, his psychic abilities has left him rather well defended against external threats to his mind, like other psychics for example.

    | SKILLS: |
    Thomas is very, very intelligent and would not have gotten to the position he is in today without his intellect. As his powers are subtle and require planning to come to proper fruition, Thomas' intellect has been paramount to his success. His emotional intelligence is off the charts, and he is quick to learn and put knowledge to use.

    While not a scientific or overall logical genius, Thomas is naturally persuasive and authoritative, even while not using his powers. His determined and ambitious mindset is arguably as much a skill as it is a personality trait.

    Aside from the above mentioned limitations of his power, Thomas has the limitation most "active" hyperhuman powers have; they drain him. Using his psychic powers drains him both mentally and physically, making him tired and sluggish, depending on the effort required to successfully follow through with whatever he just used his powers for. The more he uses his power, the longer he has to wait to recuperate. A very requiring task will drain Thomas to the point of unconsciousness, something he has only experienced a very few times in his life.

    Thomas is not a physical man, relative to many other hyperhumans and even humans. While practicing martial arts in order to stay in shape, Thomas is by no means especially dangerous in a physical confrontation. Although probably capable of defending himself against one or even two regular men, a well-trained individual will bring Thomas down, as Thomas is essentially just a middle-aged human trained in kick-boxing and Brazilian jiu-jutsu. This is assuming Thomas is unprepared, as proper preparation will allow him to use his powers to his advantage.

    Thought planting:
    This is the most simple and least powerful of Thomas' available applications, and allows him to plant a momentary thought or minor decision inside another individual's mind. This could for example be that they suddenly choose to go to the men's room rather than ladies, or switch posture.

    Opinion planting: Far more powerful than the afforementioned power, this, much like the "name" implies, allows Thomas to have his victim form an opinion about something, or even change a current one. How important of an opinion, relatively speaking, Thomas can change depends on how important the subject matter is, and how extreme and/or firm the victim's current opinion is. Moreover, it depends on how much of an effort Thomas is willing to make. For comparison, the most radical change Thomas has ever done over a short period of time was to "force" a very prominent woman to sell majority shares of her company to him, in spite of her despising him and having a strong will. As a consequence, Thomas subsequently suffered a year-long increased heart-rate and inexplicable feinting. He actually regretted his move.

    Mind reading: While not the typical kind of mind-reading per sé, I didn't know how else to proper describe this ability. Thomas can not read thoughts, neither current nor past, of others. I think I explained this application rather well in the second paragraph of the "Abilities" section.

    Disorientation: While most of Thomas powers require him to be cool and collected, an exception is the power here called "Disorientation". While not a very powerful ability by comparison, it nevertheless allows Thomas to slightly disorient his combatant momentarily. It may be through decreased eyesight, loss of balance or whatever else Thomas manages to conjure up that suits him, and attacks the combatants brain. As the effects of this power are much more immediate than those of Thomas' other powers, the consequences are the same, typically resulting in Thomas suffering the same crippling effects as his victim, if to a lesser extent.

    Potentially, Thomas might learn to use his powers more directly, even under duress. This would include the capability of turning his opponent friendly in the middle of a fight, making them lay down their arms. Because he lacks experience in it, this is not something he can handle presently, however.
  • | WEAPONS: |
    Thomas doesn't regularly wear weapons. If he were to wear one, it would be due to him sensing danger. The weapon of choice would be contextual, as Thomas has no training in marksmanship nor fighting with melee weapons apart from sticks.

    | TOOLS: |
    Again, Thomas doesn't use any specific tools in his everyday life. If his cell phone is applicable, that would be it.

    | ATTIRE: |
    His usual clothes. Thomas doesn't have an alter ego, and wants people to know and remember him. This would obviously not have been the case if his powers had been noticeable by humans.

  • | BACKSTORY: |
    Born in London to parents James and Martha Bishop, Thomas moved to New York along with his family at age three. His father was a prominent lawyer who had been hired by a NY based firm, while Martha was a real estate agent. As the oldest child, Thomas had two younger siblings - Joshua and Calvin. The three were close growing up, with Thomas as the obvious leader of the trio. Even from a very young age Thomas felt like he could get people to do what he wanted, though whether this was related to his powers or not he remains unsure of, given that powers tend to develop in the early teens.

    Not the nicest of kids, Thomas earned quite a few grudges as he went through elementary and, later, high school. While being a straight-A student, he was nontheless a bully. Not because he enjoyed hurting others or felt insecure, but because it gave him an immense feeling of control, something Thomas couldn't get enough of. It was an empowering feeling, and it was much easier to stir negative emotions than positive ones. As his powers clearly emerged and became known to him, Thomas felt as if they had been given as a gift - they fit so perfectly with his needs and wishes. He would torment his victims even further, to the point of his own friends backing off as Thomas took things too far more than once. Eventually, Thomas' deeds came back to haunt him as he was brutally assaulted in senior year of high school by the father of one of his victims. James Bishop used his influence to make sure the father got locked up far longer than he should have, but Thomas had realized by this point that he had to be more subtle. Furthermore, merely tormenting lessers was not as excillarating as it had used to be. He wanted more.

    As Thomas left high school, he followed his parents' wishes and enrolled at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University, studying Business Administration. It was here his attention shifted, and his ambition grew. Engrossed in his subjects, Thomas realized business was a perfect place to engage in controlling leadership while gaining both power and wealth, all under the guise of simply doing his job. He showed stellar results in his studies, and became a popular figure in the social circles. Here he met Annabelle Ferguson, his future wife. She studies business like Thomas, and the two quickly became a couple. As Thomas graduated, he had no trouble finding a good job at a large multinational corporation, and as the years went on he advanced to leading executive positions within it.

    When Thomas was 31, his wife Annabelle gave birth to a daughter, Jennifer. Soon after, Annabelle filed for divorce. She knew all to well about Thomas' darker sides, and made it clear she didn't want Jennifer to be brought up with them. A few years prior, Thomas had physically assaulted his wife because their house wasn't "properly clean", a result of severe stress. Annabelle's sister Kathleen had been present, and had called the police. Thomas had eventually been convicted of assault, though his lawyers had managed to convey the judge to give out a suspended sentence. Nontheless, this Annabelle managed to use this incident to gain custody of Jennifer as the couple divorced.

    What followed was a considerably dark time for Thomas. Bent on regaining custody of Jennifer, he began using his powers on his ex-wife, something he had never done before. In fact, she didn't even know he had them, much like everyone else. Slowly, Thomas turned Annabelle from resolute to depressed and emotional. It took him three years, but by the end of the stretch, Annabelle comitted suicide, and Thomas regained custody. By this time, Thomas lived with another woman, Eleanore Wilkinson, daughter to Geoffrey Wilkinson, an industry magnate and old friend of James Bishop.

    After gaining custody of Jennifer, the family moved from New York to Crescent City, where the company headquarters where located. As time went on, Thomas was promoted to CEO of the corporation at the age of 40, the youngest CEO so far of the company. His ambition reached farther than that, however, and through extensive use of his powers he had by the age of 45 major shares in the corporation along with Geoffrey Wilkinson, and the company was rebranded as Bishop & Wilkinson. B&W was an umbrella corporation, owning a multitude of other companies in various sectors.

    Rarely featuring in the news, the corporation nevertheless owned plenty of others far more reputable companies, and at this point Thomas had become a very influential individual indeed, especially in Crescent City. At this point, the only one aware of Thomas powers (at least as far as Thomas was aware) where his brother Joshua. Not even his wife Eleanore, whom he had now married, nor Jennifer knew. However, Thomas had noticed the rising tensions among hyperhumans and humans, and while he hadn't heard of Constantine's Guard, he was well aware that there were people out there bent on making life a hell of a lot harder for hyperhumans. As such, Thomas turned to H.E.L.P., offering to, well, help financially and in any other way he could, while making it known to the top people at the organization that he was indeed a hyperhuman himself. Recently, Thomas has discreetly associated himself with various criminal organizations, including the De Vitis crime syndicate, in order to combat the threat of Urborus, a group who have already cost B&W millions in damage because of their "public service" along with similar threats to the corporation.

    With the recent spike in crime, Thomas has begun to take action. Crime is, unless controlled by Thomas himself, bad for business, and he has very much taken an interest in Crescent City. He likes it. Feeling he has the power to influence the situation, Thomas has taken steps towards increasing the safety in the city. He secretly lines the pockets of the police, allowing them to retain better equipment, training programs and more personnel. All the while, Thomas is looking to find other local hyperhumans and use them against the threats facing hyperhumans and Crescent City alike.

  • | SAMPLE POST: |

  • - As you might have noticed, Thomas Bishop may serve as either (or both) an allied or antagonist to the group depending on the situation. If this does not fit with what the GM has planned, let me know. :)

    - Both parents of Thomas have passed, along with his youngest brother Calvin, who died in a car accident over twenty years ago.

    - Thomas and his wife live in North City, in Kilbride.

    - Thomas holds plenty of dark secrets, the real cause for his first wife's death being one of them.

    • | NAME: | Eleanore Gretchen Bishop-Wilkinson.

      | ALIAS(ES): | Ellen.

      | AGE: | 37.

      | SEX: | Female.

      | CLASSIFICATION: | Human.

      | SUMMARY: | Born to wealthy magnate Geoffrey Wilkinson and his wife Christine, Eleanore has enjoyed a very wealthy and overall easy life. Nontheless, she is head-strong and fairly intelligent, successfully managing Wilkinson Medical, a bio-tech company previously family owned by the Wilkinsons, now under the umbrella of Bishop & Wilkinson. Eleanore is very stubborn and persistent, but far more relaxed than Thomas, seemingly offering a smile way more often. She is completely oblivious to her husband's dark inclinations, partly because of his discretion, partly because of her willful ignorance.

    • | NAME: | Jennifer Martha Ruth Bishop.

      | ALIAS(ES): | Jen, Jenny.

      | AGE: | 20.

      | SEX: | Female.

      | CLASSIFICATION: | Human.

      | SUMMARY: | A stunner, Jennifer has always been the centre of attention. Much like her father, she can be quite stern and self-absorbed, but has the looks and charisma to get away with it. Her relationship with her father is based more on respect than love, while both are true when it comes to her step mother. While not quite as smart as her father, Jennifer seems to be quite capable of making her own dent on the world. Following in the footsteps of her stepmother, Jennifer is a sophomore student at the Kilbridge College Academy, majoring in chemistry while at the same time attending a part time job at Wilkinson Medical, as a research assistant. She lives in a condo in the Tower District of New Lilith, courtesy of her father's wallet.

    • | NAME: | Geoffrey Stewart Lincoln Roderick Wilkinson

      | ALIAS(ES): | Geoff.

      | AGE: | 72.

      | SEX: | Male.

      | CLASSIFICATION: | Human.

      | SUMMARY: | While his father was rich, Geoffrey Wilkinson has increased the family fortune tenfold. He has an impeccable sense for business, and is absolutely ruthless in his practices. An old friend and client of Thomas' father James, Geoffrey and Thomas have known each other for almost thirty years. Geoffrey has been somewhat of a mentor for Thomas, teaching him a lot of tricks and practices Stanford would never even look once at. When Thomas began dating Geoffrey's daughter, the man was less than pleased. When it proved evident Eleanore wasn't gonna listen, Geoffrey was furious. It took years, but eventually Geoffrey came to be somewhat acceptant of the relationship. However, as the years passed, Thomas' ambition continued to rise, as did his wealth, to the point of matching Geoffrey's own. Jealous and threatened, Geoffrey now plots to rid the "Bishop" part from the B&W corporation, something Thomas is astutely aware of.

    • | NAME: | Joshua Benedict Bishop.

      | ALIAS(ES): | Josh.

      | AGE: | 47.

      | SEX: | Male.

      | CLASSIFICATION: | ATLAS class hyperhuman.

      | SUMMARY: | Stronger, tougher, quicker and with a metabolism to surpass any human, Josh boosts some serious self-confidence. While not as strong as the ATLAS hypers solely gifted in strength and endurance, Josh is nontheless capable of taking down any human with ease. He works as personal head of security for Thomas, previously having worked as first a surfing coach, then as a jiu-jutsu instructor, which he still tutors Thomas in. Josh used to be a loner type, but after his son (Ryan, also pictured) some twenty-five years ago, Josh has become a family man, especially after his wife died of cancer. He has a close relationship with his brother, more-so since they are both hyperhumans.

Last edited:
My character sheet is completed, bar a sample post which I shall work on tomorrow. Quickly link to it from here.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Lord Wraith
The link is much appreciated. Likely give it a look over in the morning as I'm just getting off work and either heading out or to bed. Not sure yet lol
My character sheet is completed, bar a sample post which I shall work on tomorrow. Quickly link to it from here.
Sheet looks awesome! Looking forward to a sample post!
Would a 30 days of night vampire guy work as a Magni?
No because Magni are not actually vampires. Due to their attributes, in this universe they have inspired tales of vampires but they don't suck blood or have fangs or sparkle in the sunlight. Without manipulating the Nox, they have no superhuman attributes aside from looking a little different than your run of the mill human.
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Is Pollution Manipulation an acceptable magic? How would you interpret it?
Is Filth Manipulation an acceptable magic? How would you interpret it?
I'd assume you're talking about this. It's entirely possible if you want your character to be specialized in such a thing.
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