Video Game Nerds Here

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Has anyone here played Lost Planet 2 yet?
I'm curious.. Anyone ever played Guardian Heroes?

It's an old Sega Saturn game.. I guess a lot of you may be too young? But Oh good god is it brilliant! Me and a Housemate managed to get it and a Saturn last year. Definitely recommend it!
*Too young*

*Just got SC4 cause that's how long it takes me to get games*

Anyone else use the character creator to make their RP characters the best they can?
I wonder if SCIV is still as spam-heavy online as I remember it to be.
Well after having tried to play online today I can say without a doubt that it is once the fight goes far enough. It's not about the skill or even luck you might have. It's all about what moves are easiest to spam together and not letting you either up off the floor or down out of the air. Everytime I was up against someone & started to do well it went from fighting to spamming SO FAST. . . *sigh* It's more fun to fight the damn computer. Unless it's friends/family. >_>
Porg, never had a Sega Saturn in my life (lol PSX). Add to that the fact that my PC can't emulate Sega Saturn games well.

When I say that you need a beefed up PC to emulate Sega Saturn games, I mean it.
Yeah.. Sega always made kinda dodgey consoles (that are piss to bootleg games for if you actually have the console) but they don't half make emulation hard!

We didnt actually buy Guardian heroes.. we bought a saturn and got a chip for it.. took like an hour.. then we just had to do some fancy stuff with the discs..

But oh god it's such a good game..
Well after having tried to play online today I can say without a doubt that it is once the fight goes far enough. It's not about the skill or even luck you might have. It's all about what moves are easiest to spam together and not letting you either up off the floor or down out of the air. Everytime I was up against someone & started to do well it went from fighting to spamming SO FAST. . . *sigh* It's more fun to fight the damn computer. Unless it's friends/family. >_>

._. Yeah... that's why I don't bother with the game anymore; nobody'll play me offline, and the lag and spam ruin online.

I'll just stick with Virtual On; at least I know that it's 'cause I suck that I get my ass kicked in that game.
Sorry to hear that man. I have some family on Xbox 360 so we have a blast with each other.


*Does Happy Dance*
I've played a lot over the years. A lot. I'll stick with PC games, as I'm no longer a console gamer.

Here's a short list.

Elder Scrolls series (Tribunal, Bloodmoon, etc)
Dungeons and Dragons series (Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures, Blood & Magic, Baldur's Gate, etc)
Blizzard games (Warcraft, etc)
GTA series
Dragon's Age

Bonus points if anyone here remembers any of the following:

Dark Ages
Kroz series
King's Quest series