Vessels of the Gods

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Hey everyone, how's it going? Good? Good! Now I'm going to get right into what I'm here for.
----------------July 14th, Year 2446-------------------
"Titans, Gods, Demi-Gods, mythological beasts and creatures, known by many names over the course of history. " and older looking man said stepping up to a podium. The room full of younger people in their teens, what looked to be going on was an entrance ceremony for a highschool. "You've all been brought here because you were found positive to be the vessel of a god. Many of you probably already know, or don't, but that's okay, you'll learn in due time." the older man said adjusting his tie.

"Many of you may be wondering how we discovered you were a vessel of a God" he said taking a breathe looking over the students, "It was show in your blood, your blood cells seem possess a gene that is only in those who are vessels." he paused again turning on the projector behind him, which showed a magical warfare "As you all know 200 years ago the Gods descended into the material plane for the first time in ages to stop an ancient evil. You also know however they lost, but with that loss" he took a breath, "they gave us a gift. When the gods died their powers were drained from their bodies. They were then placed in the bodies of unborn children. You" he said pointing towards the students. "You're all the children blessed by the gods, and it's your time to rise to protect your world. As you know the Evil still lurks attacking our countries, cites, and homes."

"Many of you maybe be skeptical, but I can assure you, this is your reality" He looked to some of the other staff on stage before nodding his head and in a flash of bright light his appearance changed. Standing there was the same man, however his hair was much longer in length as was his beard. He was much more muscular and his outfit looked to be one of ancient Greece. As he spoke his deep voice rang through the room. "I am Zues, the King of the Gods, and one of the last few sadly" His aura sparked lightning every so often.

"Now will you rejoin me to reclaim what we all once lost?"............


Okay, so basically if you didn't read the flavor text this is basically god highschool. Um not sure what else to say other than tell me if you're interested or if you have any questions then let me know, also sorry if I misspelled anything.

I'm looking for 5 to 10 players for now, as I'm not sure how many people I can handle. If anyone would be down to co-dm that would be helpful.​
I'm interested~
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Thanks for showing your interest, do you have any questions?
At the moment not in particular, I will let you know if any questions arise though.
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I'm interested as well. Also, no questions at this time
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I'm interested. This probably will be my first real RP on this site.
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Down for it, no questions just see where goes then questions come up lol
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I'm so glad that there were even this many people interested, if you have any friends that would be interested in this feel free to invite them.
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I'm interested in this for sure. :)
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Okay, I'll go ahead and set up character sign ups

And if everyone uses discord we can use that for ooc?
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Probably should have added this in the previous post, but this is so you all get the notification. If you wish, you can reserve what God/Demi-god/Mythical beast you want your character to be 'blessed' by. Just let me know what god you'd like and I'll put it on a list. Multiple characters are allowed but you can only reserve one God/Demi-god/Mythical.
I'm all for Discord! :)

Can I call dibs on Werewolves?

If not I'll figure something else out. :)
I'm all for Discord! :)

Can I call dibs on Werewolves?

If not I'll figure something else out. :)
Ahh I should've been more clear, I meant mythical beasts as in something like, Chiron, unless there is one for werewolves that I don't know about.

Edit: you could possibly use Lycaon who was cursed by zues in greek mythology.
Is King Lycaon valid and allowed to be modified to a more modern take on werewolves?