Vampiron Ale & Inn

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I feel so experienced being able to use it right the first time lol. Still typing up my intro.
Yep. It's almost done.
@AshenAngel xD I already fix it and discovered what the hell I was doing wrong! leeel!
Welp, my post is up.
Great first posts. I'll respond in a moment. Need to find my laptop charger >_>
Not the laptop charger!
Ok I got the charger. Once my laptop turns on I'll post
Appearance or Picture:

Name: Saoirse Nolan (Name pronounced as 'Seer-sha')
Oh but you're not allowed to know that, my name is suppose to be a secret, shhhh.
Just call me Yuki

Age: 21
I am 21 years old, cool right? I feel so old.
Can I change my age???

Race/Species: Human
That's right I'm yes I am human. Unless Assassin counts as a species...wait does assassin count as a species or race? I am confused.

Gender: Female
I am 99.9% female. At least I was last time I checked.
Can that change?

Time At The Tavern: two weeks
I've been working undercover for two weeks at the Tavern...Oh! oops, no don't tell anyone I said that!
No undercover work here, nope, none...hehehe...ehhh

Position: waitress!
Haha I have no idea what I am doing!
just to make sure everyone can follow my posts this is drake's dialouge this is drake's thoughts and this is any NPC dialouge (NPC= Non Player Character)
That's good to know.

Better get my entrance post up now I guess.
good first posts everybody ^_^ and now the worst part of every group roleplay begins, waiting in turns for responses lol
Seeing as we're explaining our colors, blue is Leone talking and red is Tilly talking. Anything in italics is thoughts.
Shinku, its Drake, not Draco. if it was a 1x1, trust me, i wouldnt care, if anything id make a running joke out of it, but since its a group rp thats still accepting. just try to be careful, i dont want to confuse anybody who might join later on in the rp

i hope that didnt sound to dick-ish >_> and i do apologize if it did.
I found your thing! (ok, that sounded... nvm... I'll get to the goods... aaah, I'll stop :angel:)

Since this is my first time "auditioning," I don't know how to do those fancy scripted character sheets (those are awesome, btw!) So here is my humble submission for a maid position :bsmile:



"What? Do you really need my last name?"

Looks like she's in her twenties or thirties...
"Honey, I'm not going to get any younger with you standing there asking me questions like that."

"I come from a long lineage of pirates and warriors. We are known for being large and in charge."

"Voluptuous would be a better word."

Time At The Tavern
A day or two...
"What can I say? I visited the place, and decided to stick around. Working here should be even more exciting."
@Luchi --Zarya--waitress position--accepted. and all you do is copy and paste the CS that i put up and put in ur own information lol.
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the coding is acting up, so i wont be able to give you a character slot until tomorrow when i figure out the problem, but you are accepted @Luchi
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