Vampire X Hunter (Soul + Xsiryn)

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He waited until the last possible second before thrusting his leg out, the metal tipped boot slamming into the vampire's leg, giving Gabriel that added boost to push backwards.

He turned, landing clumsily on his belly, his shirt sticking to his skin. The stake! He grabbed ahold of it and then turned, weapon in hand.
The vampire fell down with a startled yelp, landing on his back, clothes immediately becoming soaked woth dirt and sewage.

He sat up just in time to see the hunter grab the stake. Crap. He was done for. He looked around desperately, there wasn't anywhere for him to go. He was screwed. "Oh, shit..." He mumbled under his breath, using his arms to push himself backwards along the ground.
Gabriel staggered to his feet just as the vampire began to back up, dragging himself backwards. He could have just finished the vampire, staking it and ending its wretched existence, particularly after injuring him to the point where Gabriel was certain he would be out of commission for weeks. And yet he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Consider it a draw, vampire." Gabriel finally muttered as he sheathed the stake, staggering slightly. The blood loss was beginning to affect him and he had to get out, get away from this vampire before he passed out.
He frowned, brows knitting together as he watched the hunter. He was confused. He should be dead, shouldn't he? Not that he was glad he wasn't, of course. But, hunters were supposed to kill his kind, with no mercy, right?

He pulled himself to his feet and shuffled towards the human. If the hunter was giving up, then he would use it to his advantage. His bloodlust was still up, and there was no way he was backing down. His side hurt, and he could still smell the blood coming from his prey.
Gabriel sighed as he limped back to the main junction of connecting alleys. He pulled out the carton of cigarettes, shaking one out and sticking it in his mouth. He needed a smoke so bad but first, his hand went to the blade that was still embedded in his left bicep. He drew in a sharp breath before yanking it out, his teeth crushing down on the end of the cigarette as he exhaled, the scream dying in his throat. Damn blade, he shoved it into his coat pocket. That would serve as a painful souvenir, one that would be a harsh reminder to never let his guard down.

He could hear the vampire behind him once more and he withdrew his stake. "You should have taken that opportunity to flee." Gabriel said in a monotone.
"And you should just lay down and let me feed." He growled in reply, pulling himself up once again onto the alley wall. It was harder this time, the deep scratch made by the stake earlier hurt him. He grunted, standing up and running quickly along the top, slowing down when he was in front of the human, looking down at him. "I'm not stoping. Not until I get what I want!"
Gabriel raised an eyebrow at the man's words and he stopped just meters away from where the vampire stood, blocking his way. "You honestly expect me to let you feed on me?" He asked incredulously.

Gabriel had been a hunter for about six years at this point and he thought he had just about encountered nearly every sort of strange character a hunter could have met. Clearly he was mistaken because here was a vampire who was utterly delusional. That or his blood loss was so great that he was hallucinating this. He hissed lightly as he pricked his finger over the sharp tip of the stake. Nope. Definitely not dreaming.
"Yes. Well... No. But I will... " he frowned, thinking back over what he'd just said. Did it make sense? He didn't know. Didn't care. Did it really matter? No.

He jumped down off the wall with a wince, walking in front of the hunter. He stared up into his eyes, his own still clouded somewhat. His gaze drifted downwards to settle on the stake, watching warily. He'd probably just made a pretty huge mistake. He was now standing less than a meter away from the male, it would be easy for him to reach out and drive the stake deep into his chest. Damn. That was really stupid... He just hoped his reaction time would be quick enough if this hunter did in fact chose to do that.
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Why didn't he just stake this guy? A quick thrust to the chest as long as any part of the wood scraped the heart, the vampire would truly die, leaving the mortal plane forever. So what was stopping Gabriel from doing it? Blood loss for one, he figured. His aim would be off but did he really need to kill this guy?

The vampire came close enough and Gabriel took action, swinging his arm upwards and driving the stake into the vampire's belly. It wouldn't kill him but it was probably enough to paralyze him and buy Gabriel enough time to get out of there, especially if he left the stake in the vampire.

Gabriel didn't bother looking back, instead breaking out into an unsteady run back to the main road. As long as he could get lost in the crowd, Gabriel would be live to see tomorrow and for now, that was good enough for the hunter.
He cried out in pain, falling to the ground. He curled himself up into a ball, body racked with shudders every couple of seconds. He remained like this for quite a while, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes as pain seared through his body. "Crap.. Ah, crap..." He mumbled, balling his hands into fists at his side. He pried his eyes open to look down at his stomach, the stake sticking out like a rather big splinter. Except way more painful. He reached down with a shaky hand and slowly dragged it out, dropping the large, bloody shard of wood to the ground. This sent fresh waves of pain through his body, and he had to clamp him mouth shut, digging his fangs into his bottom lip and biting down on his tongue to stop himself from crying out.

I'll get you, hunter. I'll track you down, and when I find you, I'll make you pay for this! He swore to it. He now had the scent of the humans blood, so it shouldn't be hard in that aspect... The only problem, was the gaping wound in his belly. Ah, yes. Now that would prove difficult. He pulled his shirt off over his head and wrapped it tightly around his stomach, each movement, even the smallest, send more daggers shooting through him, digging into his flesh. A small whimper would escape his mouth every now and then. This angered him. It made him sound weak. It made him feel weak. But then again, he guessed he probably was right now...

Eventually, he managed to pull himself to his feet, taking a few shaky, agonising steps forewards. This was it. He was going after the hunter that had did this to him. He'd make him feel how he felt. After feeding off him, of course. The bloodlust was still there. It had just been momentarily drowned out by the hurt.
Gabriel had stumbled into the walk up, garnering a disapproving frown from the old witch. "You're bleeding on my carpet." She said but she ushered him onto the couch, making him prop his feet up as he laid back.

"Attacked. By a very persistent vampire." Gabriel groaned as she prodded the wound before shuffling off to her station where she began pounding and mashing a mixture of herbs and whatever else.

The witch had no name - or at least she never gave one, although she was frequented by the hunters. Her house was well protected by her charms and spells which meant it worked as a temporary safe house whenever a hunter was injured or in desperate need of shelter. The hunter clan paid her a healthy sum in return. Gabriel had visited her a handful of times over the years, sometimes for himself, others for a fellow hunter. Today it was for himself and as he laid there, Gabriel eventually drifted off to the dull comforting noise of her mortar and pestle.
It took Dusk just short of an hour to pick up the scent of the hunters blood and follow it, stopping just short of his destination. He knew this place. "... Ugh, really?" He groaned, settling himself underneath a tree. Witch. He hated this witch, always helping the hunters. It pissed him off... He'd have to wait now, anyway, for his chosen target to come out, there was no way he was getting in there. Not with the amount of charms and spells this witch had set up, to keep the likes of him out.

He lay his head back against the rough bark with a soft sigh, closing his eyes. This was just great...
Gabriel wasn't sure how long he had been out but by the time he woke up, there was a foul smelling poultice on his arm and he gagged. The witch glared at him sourly from across the living room. "I healed your arm." She announced unnecessarily although he could tell that she was not impressed with his ungratefulness.

"Thank you." He managed before coughing again, his nose burning and eyes watering.

"Few more hours then you go." The witch said dismissively.

Gabriel nodded before closing his eyes once more. He was so tired and since he couldn't leave just yet, he figured he would take the opportunity to rest and catch up on some sleep.
Dusk had been waiting for days for the hunter to come back out. Okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration. It was probably more like... An hour or two? Any way, the point was, he was getting more and more tired of sitting and doing nothing, so much so, that it was starting to get hard to keep his eyes open.

The vampired head drooped again as he drifted to sleep. This time however, it didn't snap back up as it had before. No, it stayed down, as he fell into a deeper state of sleep.

Oh what a state he must look. Sprawled out outside against a tree, his shirt tied around his middle, covered in blood, ribs showing, body and remaining clothes covered in both dirt and blood. What a pathetic excuse for a vampire he was...letting them starve him, then when the chance to feed came along, he let it get away! So now here he was, sleeping, wounded and waiting.
The bandages felt slimy and awkward but that was probably due to the herb mixture that the witch had slathered on his arm before binding it up tight.

"You change it in morning." She said in her strange English. Gabriel nodded, he would have changed it as soon as he could in any case, it was rather disgusting and smelly and he would have taken it off if he could.

Strolling out, he pulled out yet another cigarette, noting he was running low. The tip lit, he took a puff and sighed happily as he ambled off the Witch's front stoop.

Now to get home and rest.
A while later his nose twitched, he could smell smoke. "Hm..?" He mumbled, eyes flickering open. He stretched his arm above his head with a yawn, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He struggled to his feet and staggered forewards a few paces, before steadying himself.

"Oh!" He said happily as he spotted the hunter walking down the path, cancer stick hanging out of his mouth. His eyes tracked the male as he walked, taking in every movement. He was injured, so hopefully it would be easier this time. Then again, Dusk was injured, too. And it fucking hurt.
Home was a little more than a hole in the wall. The apartments here are old and crumbling and the neighbors all have equally tragic pasts and no future to speak of. Gabriel likes it though. Everyone's so miserable and busy with their own lives that they don't notice when he slips in and out of his own square box of a flat.

"Bum yer fer a ciggie, man?" The elderly man sitting at the front of the apartment block asks him. Gabriel nearly rolls his eyes but hands one to him anyway. The old man never buys his own cigarettes but instead he bums them off the folks on the streets. Not a bad idea to be honest, Gabriel thinks that's how he should live when he's old, retired and not-dead.

Gabriel stopped at the top of the stairs, puffing on the dregs on his own cigarette as he dug his coat pocket for his keys. Where were they now?
Dusk followed from a distance, wrinkling his nose at the sight of the apartment. Even some of the alleyways he'd slept in were better than this! He snorted, shaking his head somewhat. "Shit hole." He said simply, making his way into the block of apartments. He cast his gaze swiftly over the elderly man. Easy prey, but no. He had his sights set elsewhere. Plus, old people tasted gross.

He stalked past and up the stairs. He had to pause half way up, leaning against the banister, wincing. His stomach was hurting, the wound starting to bleed again. "Damn.." He breathed, lowering his head to look down at the step he was on.

"Okay, c'mon. Nearly there." He told himself, pulling hismelf up another step. Finally, nearing the top, he spotted his target: the hunter.
"Fucking door." Gabriel grumbles as he throws his uninjured arm and shoulder against it. The warped door groans but gives way, finally revealing the inside of the apartment. Gabriel strides in, slamming the door close and throwing two out of the four locks on the front door. When he first rented this place, his landlord had been insistent that Gabriel use all four locks. Gabriel did follow the man's instructions but only if he was going out for long periods but he was staying indoors so Gabriel didn't care.

He walks over to the window first, cracking it open and tossing the cigarette butt out the window, uncaring about fire hazards or killer litter. Gabriel then shucked off his coat, hanging it by the door way before throwing himself on the couch, groaning when he accidentally jarred his injured arm. "Damn vampire." He murmured before he wiggled, trying to find a comfortable spot on the furniture.
The Vampire waited a little while before aproaching the door. He knocked. Once. Twice. Five times. Yup. He waited. Would he open the door? It didn't really matter if he didn't. He could always kixk the door down, after all, it didn't look extreemly sturdy. He let out a small huff as he waited, shuffling from foot to foot. "Hurry up..."
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