UNSC vs Insurrectionists?

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It's 2553, and humanitIt's y has triumphed over one of it's most testing of times. The Human-Covenant War is over with only a small fraction of fanatics holding tight to what's left of the "Great Journey". Roughly a few months ago, whole planets went dark and we believed it to be an old enemy. However right we were, we did not expect the culprits to be the Insurrectionists. The UNSC Ariadne, a patrol ship, self-destructed due to a reactor failure while orbiting Venezia, the insurrectionist's last know base of opperations. This is what helped spark our chemistry again. Their tactics have grown since last combated, they're good. We'll give the bastards that. With multiple strike attemps against them, we discovered they were being assisted by covenant fanatics, most likely as pawns for a greater purpose, and that proposes a problem. If those covies know the rebels are sitting on something that can help them, that makes it the UNSC's job to find out what and deal with it. You're seasoned soldiers-- Marines, SPARTANs, ODST, and our newly gained allies, the Sangheili. Your squads are the best of the best, and have been chosen because we believe a group as strong as you can bring down the Insurrectionists with proper organized tactics. SPARTAN Fireteam Aegis, Sangheili Reaver Squad, ODST Fireteam Delta of the 114th Troopers platoon, and Marine Fireteam Majesty of Aplha Company. You'll serve aboard the UNSC First Light frigate, and you ship off in a few hours. Get yopur weapons, get your armor, and get to work.

You and many others have been slected to be apart of an assault on the Insurrection's last known base of operations. You are backed by the UNSC's new arsenal and new allies! Jump in as a Marine apart of Fireteam Majesty apart of Alpha Company, an Elite apart of Reaver Squad, an ODST of Fireteam Delta of the 114th Troopers Platoon, or as a SPARTAN-IV of Fireteam Aegis!

If you're ready to sign up, the OOC Thread is here! We're happy to have you! Please xpress any interest or ideas you have!
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