Original poster
Regular Player Submissions: CLOSED
Guest Player Submissions: OPEN
Guest Player Submissions: OPEN
Genres: Horror, Action, Drama, Mystery, Scifantasy
In the year 2073, a handful of police departments have adopted the use of Psychic Interfacing Agents, or PIAs. These psychics can access a subject's conscious and subconscious, exploring it like a landscape to effect various changes and gather intelligence. They are being employed to deal with the worst and most heinous of the city's criminals who are otherwise evading the police. Thunder City has its own PIA team that tackles the worst and most dangerous cases.
The story follows the detectives as they solve various crimes and try to manage their own lives and place with a skeptical and sometimes fearful society as well. There are some conspiracy theorists who say the Lemurians are manipulating everyone for some great end, and others who say there are psychics destabilizing weak or susceptible people, causing them to descend into psychosis.
Due to the nature of the RP, which might include graphic violence, substance abuse, and possibly other dark subject matter, I would prefer adult players over teen ones. However, there will be no explicit sexual material; those belong in a PM or a libertine thread.
I am looking for aggressive players at the adept level and above who are willing to:
have flawed characters capable of failing, making mistakes, hurting people, and then trying to fix it
do more than react to the plot; help create and drive it (including creating locations, engaging in actions with consequences, initiating interaction, and etc.)
collaborate with me/other players when building plot and character interactions (including initiating these collabs)
post frequently, 2 times a week at minimum, with minimum posts at about 8-10 lines excluding short dialogue. There is no max post length limit.
If you fall below the posting minimum or harass other players, I may ask you to leave the game. I may also ask you to leave if you godmod, sandbox, Mary-Sue, or do not interact with the environment/plot/characters.
For guest players:
Once I've approved your plot, you must post twice a week and generally keep the plot moving. If you fail to post for a week, or post below the minimum for two weeks, I will take over your plot and character(s).
Everyone, please feel free to:
Create locations
Create side and background characters
Help shape the world and plot
Please don't:
Tamper with the established psychic mechanics
Suggest magical or technologically far-advanced widgets
Do things that violate common sense without the consequences
Characters (these traits may overlap):
All main characters must be 23 or over (excluding subjects).
At least 2 women
Someone good with tech
One or two people decently good with guns and hand to hand combat
Someone on the inside with a secretive community or conspiracy theorists
Someone with a drinking/drug problem
At least one person whose relationship with friends, family, and/or a romantic partner has suffered because of the job
At least one person who hates the way society treats psychics
At least one person whose family couldn't accept their gift
[tab= World Info]
The roleplay takes places in Thunder City, a slightly run down rendition of New York or a similar city. There are a few broad geographic locations in the city that will be important. Thunder City is an international hub of business and trade on the southwest coast. Some people make crooked money off of promising immigrants a green card.
The Heights: Middle-ish income apartment complex near the precinct's PIA division. Some buildings are a bit nicer than others, and it's a very large complex. Has a business office, a gym, a pool, and a laundry center.
Thunder City PIA Division- Where the PIAs get briefed, work, and go in for routine care and testing. Otherwise known as TCPD, run by Captain Rosa Murez and Doctor Neil Abraham.
Shake City- A burger/fry/shake joint near the Heights and TCPD. Delightfully polychrome and greasy.
AC Comics- Comic and general geekery story. Smells like old paper and new carpet. Run by Joe, who wears a Green Flashlight fandom tie.
Geraldine Jackson Library- A public library with extensive historical documents and genealogy records. Also has a wifi and coffe café called Outlet.
Jazz'd- Jazz club, tapas bar, all around swanky and expensive place. A lot of deals happen in the business suite upstairs.
Belle Harbor: The shipping and warehouse district. A heaping helping of fishy shit happens here.
Floor Mart: Basically everything you need for cheap. Why shop anywhere else? Really, why?
Parker Tower: The biggest, tallest mall in Thunder City with prices to match.
Technology is slightly more advanced than ours, but not by much. If you browse tech gadgets that are above $300 on Amazon, you'll get a good idea. No holograms, teleporting, or flying cars. Voice-activated tech, wireless charging, tablets, and fitbits, etc.
No one is sure how people began developing psychic abilities, but in 2012 the first psychic was officially discovered in India, and from there cases began cropping up at an exponential rate. This dropped off around 2050, but in 2052 the rise of psychotic crimes began to steadily increase.
Telepath (TP): Able to read minds. The closer and more in physical contact they are with someone, or how willing/psychic the other person is, the better they can read the connection.
Telekinetic (TK): Able to affect the immediate environment through their powers, including moving or destroying objects and people.
ESPer (ESP): Able to read the environment broadly, meaning they can catch flashes of past and future events, see slightly beyond physical barriers, and catch broad-spectrum thoughts of people nearby.
Medium (M): Able to channel those not in physical bodies. This can be the dead, those astral traveling, or psychics projecting from somewhere else. Mediums also pick up strange signals from shadowed being called Lemurians that transmit seemingly random numbers and images of a burning bird, a flask, or a combined sun and moon, among others.
Some Lemurians seem to become attached to certain mediums, for better or worse (usually worse). Lemurians also are known to interfere with other psychics on occasion, although only Mediums can discern this. The how and why are unknown since Lemurians don't communicate directly with anyone.
Most psychics encompass one of two of the above categories the most strongly, although Mediums tend to show the least diversity in skills; ESPers show the most. Together, all four types come together to construct a workable way of interfacing with someone's dreamspace. Telepaths gather the information needed to construct it, ESPers create the environment, Telekinetics help create (and bend) physics, and Mediums allow for interface with semi-sentient personality shard in the spaces as well as the transport of consciousnesses into the space. So, the psychics help construct a space for them to interact with the features of the subject's mind in a visual and tactile way, but the subject populates and controls it in the way a computer controls what a monitor displays.
Physical Description:
Psychic Type:
Welcome to Nightvale
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