Socialist policies being enacted in the United States would solve a lot of the problems people are currently freaking out over. Too bad socialism has become a dirty word here thanks to Cold War propaganda.
Children are awful, no exceptions. I want nothing to to with anyone under the age of 13, but many at that age (and older) are also terrible for the same reasons.
Organized religion is an overall negative thing for society. Religious organizations have a long history of doing fun things like fighting against scientific advancement because their ancient book supposedly holds all the answers, covering up heinous crimes done by their members, regularly brainwashing children into mindlessly hating and distrusting people of other faiths, and killing people they dislike in a multitude of horrible ways while claiming it is the only good thing to do (see the Crusades and other holy wars, the Inquisition and other organized purges of heretics, and the long history of smaller scale murders of witches and homosexual and heretics and so on). Personal faith is fine, organized religion is awful.
We should be using the death penalty far more often, not removing it. Anyone who is convicted beyond a shadow of a doubt of certain heinous crimes, with solid scientific evidence to support the charges because just witness testimony is horribly unreliable, has been deemed unfit for further participation in society and should be killed to save us all the trouble. Anything that would carry a life sentence without possibility of parole should be a death sentence instead. Premeditated murder, rape (of the violent sort, not date rape type things because that should just be 20+ years minimum), and child molestation (and the more extreme varieties, especially including those who make child porn) should all be mandatory death sentences if convicted without a shadow of a doubt with forensic and physical proof of the deed. Also, the executions should be a bullet or three in the head, not humane shit that costs a lot of money; they lost their rights to humane treatment when they committed a vile and inhumane act upon another of their own will. People like to say that the death penalty costs more than keeping someone in jail for life, thanks to the extended appeals process and court costs to the state, but if you knock that down to 5 years to appeal and then do the deed with a gun I guarantee it'll cost a lot less than housing and feeding someone for the rest of their life.
Related to the above, saving one innocent man's life is not worth letting 99 guilty men walk free. I would rather have one unfortunate tragedy paired with 99 acts of justice than one act of justice balanced against 99 failures. This applies at significantly lower ratios as well, not just the proverbial one in 100 idea. Human life is not sacred or all that valuable, so losing some good people in the process of getting rid of a lot of awful ones is fine. We seem to have no problem with this exchange in war when we send soldiers off to kill the "bad guys," so why should our justice system be any different?
Men should be able to completely renounce any paternity responsibility for a child they don't want, and by this I mean no child support payments or any shit like that. Women can currently do so by way of abortion or putting the kid up for adoption, but men are currently totally beholden to the whim of the woman. This system made sense back in the day, before women could easily go get a job and support themselves, but now it's just ridiculous and horribly biased against men. Alternatively child support nonsense, including the frequency of women being arrested and jailed for non-payment, should be equalized across the genders if the child support system is going to remain in place.
Hard to tell whether this one is actually unpopular nowadays or there's just a very vocal minority against it, but fuck it, gonna include it. Free speech > your feelings. People should be free to say literally anything they want so long as they are not inciting violence/harassment or harassing someone by doing so. Yes this includes "hate speech" and slurs of all kinds, and it includes free expression such as displaying a Nazi flag. People should be free to express whatever distasteful shit they want, just as you're free to disagree. People being offended is never a good reason to censor someone, and one of the things that the US has done right compared to Europe and other first world nations is not enacting any kind of law to criminalize hate speech.