Unpopular Choices we make in Games (Possible Spoilers)

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In Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life in one play through I married Muffy and hated the son so much he ended up running away because I neglected him and refused to touch him. There was a cutscene where I had the option to hit him.

And I did.

Then I felt guilty and deleted the file and pushed it to the dark recesses of my mind. But I've played through that game fully twice (Celia and Nami) and started about 5000 other files that I never got through.
I think these are the most controversial opinions I've had in video games, but choices I'm not so sure.

I actually really like Tidus from FFX and Carth Onasi from SW:TOR. The infamous laugh scene in FFX also doesn't make me hate Tidus or the game, but actually appreciate it as how it was used for storytelling. *GASP*

I guess I'm pretty boring when it comes to actual choices I make in games. I try very carefully to save 'all' parties in RPGs if those situations come up, and usually just be a pretty nice player.

EDIT: Oh I have one. I made a miqo'te in FFXIV who is both not lesbian ((At best she's heterosexual with a very weak demisexuality curve)) and is actually pretty obtuse when it comes to sexuality in general. That's REALLY unpopular!
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I'm not sure what will constitute as unpopular, but here are some of my actions and decisions. I almost always play the typical "good guy" in games, even for several playthroughs of the same game. I typically only change up my class. Most people seem to find it boring, but I honestly enjoy it. I then eventually do one single evil bastard run. While they're fun at times, they make me feel dirty afterwards.

In general:
-With video games, if I know the story needs to reach a certain point no matter what happens, I meta game. I meta game the shit out of it, which most people seem to think is a big no-no. I let what should be big, morally questionable decisions become "I can still win without sacrificing my morality for what should be a clear advantage. So since I don't need it, I won't do it."

Mass Effect series:
-I let Ashley die and save Kaiden. Every time. Most people I know save her instead because she's a woman. I spared her once for the achievements related to her, but I find her completely unlikable. Ashley discriminates against the majority of my crew. You are not welcome here. Sure she gets "better" in later games, but I don't have the patience for her. Kaiden is my space bro. After Garrus, of course.
-I don't care for Jack. She's violently unstable and I don't do the whole crazy = hot/exciting thing. That being said, I still make nice and be friends with her. Every single time. I even make her and Miranda play nice when you're given an option to pick a side. I can't help it since I can at least understand why she is the way she is. That still doesn't make me like her much.
-Don't get me wrong. I like the Geth. I like Legion. I saved both the Quarians and the Geth. Still, I choose the Destroy ending without fail. They may have consciousness, but they are still machines. The galaxy can remake them and the new ones won't know the difference. Fusing everyone with machines alters everyone against their will (most likely) and I have no interest in controlling the Reapers. It's a necessary sacrifice in my eyes.

Dragon Age series:
-I don't like Zevran. Not only does he attempt to kill you, then admit to only being loyal to the flow of cash; he also betrayed me towards the end of my first playthrough. I later learned that had I not killed him right away in that fight, we could have talked it out and he'd join back up. My taste for him had already soured. I was good to that shitty little Crow and how did he repay me?
-I can't help but side with the Mages in DA:2 every time. Even my warrior that speced into Templar joined their side. They may have destroyed one circle (and by they I mean Anders) but they're an oppressed group of people. How many mages lives have the Templars ended simply because a mage might be dangerous? The actions and results of a few should not condemn them all.

Borderlands series:
-My favorite character to play as in 2 is Axton. I don't like the way that the Rubi pistol, and later the Grog Nozzle became such a core part of Salvador's end game that it's really the only way for him to keep himself alive. Axton can use anything and everything at all levels of the game. He may not have the highest DPS, but so what. DPS is not the be all end all for deciding on a class.

I'm not sure what else to delve into right now.
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