Unexpected Meeting

"Well then I can't wait to ask you more about that. Well if you look on my card, you'll see the address. I'll see you at lunch time then." Saying goodbye to the male on the other end of the phone, he hung it up before finishing up what work he had on his desk. Calling in his secretary, he made her aware that he would be having lunch with a future potential client and that he may be out for a while, so she had to make sure to inform those who may call for anything. Nodding, she told him about calls that he had while he was busy on the phone and went over the messages that were left for him to reply to.
"See you then," Silas replied before hanging up as well. He had forgotten about the business card he was given! He got it and looked at it, seeing the address of the company. He smiled before getting ready and making himself look presentable but casual - a white, plain t-shirt with some darker jeans and sneakers that pulled the outfit together. He brushed his teeth, made sure his hair looked okay, and waited until it was time for him to leave.

About an hour later, Silas grabbed his wallet and made his way to his car. The drive only took about fifteen minutes for him to get to the building. He checked himself one last time after he parked and finally started walking towards the building. He wondered how all of this was going to turn out. Kyan was six years older than Silas, was a gorgeous and wealthy CEO from a big company, and had pretty much everything going for him. Silas really only wanted this as a fling, and he guessed that Kyan did too since he told the girls that he wasn't really worried about not being married. Once he got to the building, he opened the door and went to a desk with a lady at it.

"Excuse me?" he asked. "I'm here to see Kyan."