Original poster
I'm not superstitious. Or at least I don't think I am, until I utter something that would tempt fate. "I hope it doesn't rain during the barbeque picnic." Then I end up knocking on wood.
I also get paranoid around the number 666. I'm not even christian! However the social taboo and early indoctrination keeps me looking at it sideways, even though all it was was the address of a Roman Senator. I've even heard the number is wrong.
On the happier side of things I do look for four (or more) leaf clovers and will think a wish should I find one. Same for blowing out birthday candles and the first shooting star.
So what about the rest of you?
I also get paranoid around the number 666. I'm not even christian! However the social taboo and early indoctrination keeps me looking at it sideways, even though all it was was the address of a Roman Senator. I've even heard the number is wrong.
On the happier side of things I do look for four (or more) leaf clovers and will think a wish should I find one. Same for blowing out birthday candles and the first shooting star.
So what about the rest of you?