Uh what hi



Original poster
Hello? D: wat
I'm Ayesthine/Ayes/etc. I followed Pi (Beprisque) to these forums because of her magical girl RP which I am tentatively a part of. I've *technically* been roleplaying since... uh, 2008 or something gross, but I was ten and it was on a dragon adoptable site (which I may or may not still be a part of sorry not sorry).
I'm fairly well-seasoned in most aspects of roleplaying, but character creation, setting design, and world building are definitely my favorite aspects of the whole process. I mostly roleplay because I like to hang out with various people I've met, and creating stories and acting out scenarios is one of the ways I can keep in contact with them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hello Aysthine, welcome to Iwaku! Enjoy your stay ^ ^
Welcome to Iwaku!
Yes hello that is me hi Ayes welcome to the forum even though I am 0% qualified to say that myself!!
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Hallo Ayes! ^o^ Welcome to us!