Two Sentence Challenge #8



It is said that brevity is the soul of wit. There is, without a doubt, a time and place for long paragraphs filled with wondrous descriptions. Other times, however, less is more. What can you create from the prompt using only two sentences?


This time, the theme is:

The blizzard was all he could remember, no matter how hard Sean strained his mind to think back to the events that lead him here.

The cold and white room he found himself in, void of anything aside from a blaring white light, was scarier than being out against Mother Nature.
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Lowell Buckingham stared at the unbelievable sight of the tall, pale-haired boy (a handsome senior classman nicknamed "Blizzard" both for his looks and ice-cold attitude - especially towards females), who had cornered his friend Lysa and apparently was flirting with her, judging by her flustered smiles and blushes.

Lowell slammed his locker door and raced over to the couple because Lysa was the most warm-hearted and sweet person Lowell had ever known, and there was no way he was going to let this unpleasant bastard get anywhere near her – it had nothing to do with imagining how very grateful she would be to him for rescuing her from the situation; absolutely not!
He ran through the blizzard until his knees were weak, hearing behind him some horrid Thing.

He knew his fate was sealed, one of many trapped in the Mountains of Madness.
The snow walled up any means of coming in and out of the dwelling. Now, it was only the spirits of a past too familiar to let slip away.
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I give my servant the Wind a nod of approval, and he smiles almost evilly as he takes in a large breath, exhaling out over the city in a fierce storm of wind and ice. Mortals complained about the Sun in the summer, so I will make sure they miss m
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The snow piled higher and higher as I looked the window. I was thankful that I had flown in here before the cold could kill me, nature fairies never faired well in winter or in bottles.
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A young girl sat with her small legs swinging over the side of a park bench, playing with her spoon and staring at the treat in her hand. She looked up at the woman seated beside her and asked, "Mommy, it doesn't make any wind and there's no snow; why does Dairy Queen call it a Blizzard?"
Looking out the window as her breath fogged its glass on a sighed exhale of breath, "No end in sight." It was not day sixteen of the blizzard and she was now having to gaze out the second story windows to gaze at it.
A blizzard entered her heart as she saw the bodies on the floor- a mother, a father, and two younger brothers. And as her eyes flicked up to the man standing over them, her heart froze with the snow and she released the safety of her gun.
Flurries swirled around her feet with every step and with every step the blizzard raged stronger. The wind blew with a certain determination, making it difficult to see and even more difficult to continue on.
It seemed strange to the young knight, that this bone chilling torrent of white flakes like a thousand frozen blades reminded him so much of facing down the searing breath of a tremendous dragon bately a year before.

Of course... the two opposing forces shared many properties, both being a deadly flow of air, blinding the eyes, ravaging the lungs, and in slaying a man, his skin would blacken and crack open, his body would crumble, and he would be reduced to a stiff, gruesome corpse...