Twenty-Second Century: The War *Closed*

Jay felt the temperature change as they stepped outside. He zipped up his jacket. It was still a little chilly. He pulled the book from his bag. "It's a translation of the original...some people here tore the original and I don't want it to happen to this one." He explained quietly as he almost fell down the stairs. He sat down, opening the book and waiting until she sat down beside him. "It's in Braille, so I can read it."
Sitting herself down next to him she plopped her bag at h[BCOLOR=rgb(8, 8, 8)]er side as she placed her head in her hands to listen. "Okay! Ill listen quietly then~" she whispered, pressing a finger against her lips. She was quite Intruiged by this all important book of Jays. "I mean this book is really Important to you right? Which means it has to be good" Alice replied, glee filling her voice as she awaited his translation of the brail.[/BCOLOR]
Jay chuckled softly. "More informational than good..." He hesitated, translating the cover page in his mind. "It's not English, so my translations might be a little off... But I know this is the Water Chronicles: Elemental PowerBook." He said quietly as he flipped the page. He traced his hand gently over it. "It was written very long ago, I can't read the date, and explains how to control water. It's kind of like a magic trick book." He said, though his voice wavered. If you watched closely, you could tell he believed this to be real.
Alice froze at those gentlr words, still as they left her speechless. "M-magic?" She whispered, her words making her appear as if she didnt believe a single word of it. "Hey...controlling water and stuff is just fantasy." She stated, lowering her head as she dropped it into her hands. "It isnt real." Even her words were lies but Jay of all people couldn't have the same, pitiful job she did. Right? Her hands tightened their grip on the bench as she grit her teeth. "This really cant be happening..."
Jay smiled weakly as she mentioned fantasy. "Right?" He laughed softly, but it was an empty laugh. He turned his head towards her, his hand stopping on the page. "What can't be happening?" He asked, putting a gently hand on what ended up to be her elbow. His hands were cool. His hand continued to cross the page and he paused. "It says that it's passed down not by generation, but by soul, and it receives a new owner every century." He added quietly, finishing off the page. "Are you okay?" He asked, his hand having found her own gripped tightly to the bench.
She didnt remove her glare from the ground as sighed, fingers brushing the hair from her face. " fine, I just have heard that multiple times." She replied, leaning her head back as she tried to smile, even if he couldn't see it. "Dont worry Jay, I'm just over reacting." Alice murmured, barely raisig her voice to usual heights. "Carry on, tell me more about this legend stuff." Though it made her cringe because of her involvement, she still could see how much Jay liked the book.
"Okay." his faint smile returned, then left. He turned the page. "It's split into sections. This one is control. If you can keep your mind focused, you'll be able to do anything you want with your ability. If you focus on your sadness over anything, then the effect of the water will paralyze your attacker or victim, leaving them defenseless for a few moments." As he said this, he frowned. "I haven't read this doesn't sound very...helpful." He sighed. As he did so, a puddle from last night's rain shifted, as if it was going to rise, but then fell. "Continuing on." Jay said after a momentary pause, "By focusing on any emotion, it will cause different effects. Anger can cause pain or death, as well as emotionless, and happiness can either heal or completely demolish. Sadness could also heal, but it is a very difficult skill to attempt, and very dangerous."
Alice kicked her legs in thought as she would provide a small hum every once in a while as a response to him. How the hell did Jay have a book like that! Of course she had one on her own element, Fire, but she had yet to find out her 'partner' for the task she had long since deemed none of her concern. It was a load of crap after all. Her eyes stared back at the sky as she listened, her head lulling to the side as she huffed, eventually turning to her gaze to Jay. "Hey...Tell me, do you actually control this water magic stuff?" It was general curiosity that sparked the random question, not just because she wanted to see but mostly because she cursed whatever force put the burden on him! Alice's eyes shifted to the brail, lips pursed into a thin line as her eyes seemed to become lidded, thoughts racing. It just couldn't be Jay right? He was far to innocent.​
Jay tensed slightly. " you ask?" He asked, his voice guarded as his hand left the page. The puddle moved up a step, returning to it's original form...only closer. He closed the book, leaving his finger in the page. "You're the first person not to laugh at the book..." He lifted his eyes, looking at what he thought to be her head, though, he was a little off to the left. "Do you...have one like this?" He said, pausing and changing his question cautiously. He didn't want to give himself away, and yet...he thought maybe... Was it possible that she was the other? To him it made sense, but it was also a bit...fictional.
Staring at Jay she smirked slightly, nudging him softly with her elbow as she chuckled. "Relax a bit Jay!" She chimed, reaching over to pat the cover of his book calmly. "I told you, we are friends! I won't laugh at the book!" (Specially since I have my own...). Alice sighed softly, brushing her hands across her hair as she shook her head violently, trying to remove the negatives thoughts that gathered. Looking back to him she hummed, setting her head in her hands. "Do I have one like that..." Tapping her chin softly, humming curiously now before she huffed. "Maybe!~" She replied happily, stretching her legs out now. "I collect a lot of books Jay, even if I don't read them~" Was her strange reply. Why say she was when she refused to take part in the strange legend that decidedly involved her all of a sudden. She really didn't care that much...​
Jay smiled. "I see." He was partially relieved, but at the same time, he was a little disappointed. He still felt alone. "How long before our next class starts? I can't skip it." He said, not moving his gaze. The pain in his chest had completely left, and as he relaxed, the puddle returned to it's original place at the foot of the stairs. Jay's face turned to the sky as it seemed to darken slightly. A large, white cloud had passed over the sun. "Is it going to rain?" He said, almost sounding like a small boy, a larger smile playing on his lips.
Sighing in relief, Alice held a bright smile upon her lips. This way she wouldnt need to bring Jay into this troublesome issue. Her feet kicked off the ground, swaying them with a childlike glee as she hummed. "We have about half an hour I think" she replied, ceasing her movement as she faced him. "Dont worry! I said I would help you Jay" she replied happily, patting his shoulder. She had to hope that whenever she was around Jay she would avoid all the battling dark crap. Peering up with his notice she stared at the sky with a frown. Damn rain. "I feel like it...probably...why?"
"I love the rain!" He said, leaning back against the concrete and closing his eyes, a large smile on his face. "The cool water, the dry air, the soothing noise..." he trailed off a little, stretching as he yawned softly. "It's just so relaxing." He chuckled softly, rubbing his eye and slipping his book back in his bag, setting it aside. "What about you? Do you like the rain?" He wondered what they had in common, but most of all what was different between them.
He loved finding differences in people. It was how he could tell one person from another.
Alice watched him, chuckling herself as she followed his actions as she leaned back. "The rain?" She repeated, brushing her hair away. "Nah...its to cold for me! I much prefer a nice warm fire..." she finished, grinning slightly. "Its just a natural to me." For certain reasons of course. Gazing over to Jay she reached over to poke his cheek, grinning like a mad man. "Whats it with you and water...?" She quizzed, chuckling slightly. "You remind me of my cousin. He is into all that myth and legend stuff. He hates me for it though..." the last part was a whisper, closing her eyes as she yawned. "I should probably get more sleep..."
Jay laughed softly as she poked his cheek. "I don't know, I just like it. It makes me feel better." He said with a soft laugh. "Go ahead. You can use my backpack as a pillow, surely it's better than concrete." He said, scooting his backpack over towards her, his own head rested comfortably on his hands. Another cloud joined the first in the sky and Jay took a deep breath of the fresh, cooling air.
Staring worriedly at him she frowned, dropping her hand back to her side with a hum. "Neh...but If I go asleep how can I take you to class?" She asked, green eyes looking to the sky briefly, noticing the clouds before she shrugged. "Just...wake me up if anything or anyone comes right? I need to protect you after all." She stated, patting his head before shifting upon the bench till her head fell onto his bag, green orbs easily hidden by lids as she smiled slightly. Jay was definitely nice. With a soft yawn she felt herself drift slightly, only into a light sleep that she would easily awake from. Yet it would be enough to stop her yawning and exhaustion. Silently she prayed Jay did not have to deal with anything or anyone while she was out, specially since she had to pick a bone with her dear pal Zachary.​
"Okay." Jay nodded, still smiling happily, his eyes closed, his body relaxed. He shifted, listening as Alice's breathing slowed and she went quiet. Asleep. He hummed ever so softly to himself, an old tune his mom used to sing to lull him to sleep as a child. It was only a comfort now. He listened to the soft wind, the slight chatter that could be heard from classes inside. He could feel the wound, healing itself in his chest. He sighed, softly, happily. It was rare he could hear so much. With it being just after rush-hour, there weren't many cars and it seemed eerily quiet, but he enjoyed it. He could feel the pressure drop slightly and knew it would rain soon. He relaxed, just listening, and smiling, and enjoying the time.
Alice remained still, her chest heaving lightly with her breathing and her eye lids occasionally fluttering in movement until she felt a drop splash against the pale skin of her cheek. Her fingers twitched before green eyes would peer at the grey skies with a deep sigh. "How long..." She whispered, her fingers pressing against her eye lids before she sat up, idly messing up her hair. "It's raining..." Alice had remained out for about twenty minutes, only noticing the falling droplets now. Sitting up properly she seemed dazed as she pouted, sticking her tongue out. "How did I only notice..." She whined, throwing her arms up before she slid from the bench, pulling the hood of her jacket up. Turning to Jay she grabbed both of their bags, tossing them on her shoulders before taking Jays hand. "Ready to go?"​
Jay's eyes flickered open and he gasped softly as she took his hand. He sat up quickly. "I-I..." he trailed off, recognizing her voice, and relaxed. "Y-yeah." He smiled weakly, rubbing a sleepy eye with his other hand as he stood. "Sorry...I feel asleep." He tilted his head back, letting a few cool drops of water hit his face. He smiled. "Yeah, I'm ready to go." He chuckled softly, opening his blank eyes and smiling at her. "How long were we out?" He asked curiously, reaching for his bag.. "Where's my bag?"
Grinning she led him with her, not telling him anything about the bag until they reached the school where the water no longer drenched them. "I grabbed it." She stated, passing him the bag. Classes were bound to end soon so she was leading him then towards his next class, being glad she recalled what his lessons were from the ride here. "I think a good twenty minutes...though its weird that I slept like that considering it rained..." Alice muttered, closing her eyes before turning to him, releasing his hand. "This is your class, we are here early, okay?" Reaching into her pocket to pull out her phone, peering at the time. "Yep." Finishing she turned back to him with a grin. "I promise to pick you up on time, okay? So if anyone bullies you I will catch them and deal with it!~"​