Neko Archy
Original poster
The Free State Of Aurealia is a small, oceanic nation lying between Rythar of the Five Nations Alliance and the Midnight Consortium. It's position between the superpowers has caused Aurealia no end of strife and political dischord-it overthrew the tryannical government it had as a Midnight member state, only to replace it with a weak and ineffectual republic. Since then a just and firm Monarchy has come into power with the backing of the Five Nations, but even now Midnight-backed rebels seek to plunge the golden state back into darkness and depravity. Tourists are thusly advised to be cautious and alert when touring the capitol's magnificent streets. Notable sites include the Royal Palace and various noble homes built by the undead lords of the Midnight era.
Primary industries include fishing, whaling, and the gold from which the nation derives its name.
-A Citizen's guide to the world: Aurealia
The loss of Aurealia was a minor blow to the The Consortium, at best. Its gold deposits will be missed, but the more pressing (and humiliating) matter is the fledgling dictatorship's partnership with the Five Nations Alliance. To have a member state turn and become a puppet of our rivals so quickly only serves to show how incompetent the Selenim clan was and continues be.
-Modern History, vol. 2, part III
Traveler's Rest is a small farming village right on the border of Aurealia and Rythar, and it's here that our story starts. Or rather, it starts in the Traveler's Rest Inn, a small lodge in the middle of town. There are no customers, yet, but the atmosphere is still warm and inviting; a fire is gently burning in the fireplace, and some pies are out cooling on the counter.