Turn Century - ARMS

Strider Kai

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Astral Age, 13 - 357: NOVA and the E.S.U.

The year was Astral Age 13 - 357, Humankind has not been kind to their mother planet. As the years continued, Earth's temperatures rose, non renewable resources have nearly run dry, and bickering nations unable to reach a resolution has left Earth in a dire state. Sea levels rose, swallowing large portions of land, and many land and marine animals have gone extinct. To save themselves, humans have constructed space colonies orbiting Earth and Mars have already been established for a few centuries…

All of this fighting led to the strengthening of private companies. One company in particular, known as NOVA, a tech super giant, helmed by than CEO, Zhihuan Jin foresaw with the constant fighting and raising temperatures of Earth, that Humanity's best chance for survival was to transfer the majority of the Human race onto the already established space colonies that orbited around Earth and Mars. As good as this plan was, there was still the issue of dwindling resources. Through NOVA's efforts, the first fully self-sustaining colonies came into existence. Massive colonies that could easily hold half a million people, were projected to hold more as time went on.

These colonies mimicked Earth's own biomes resulting, in lakes, forests and even a weather cycle, with rain and snow. With these man crafted ecosystems put into place, wild-life through moderate control could flourish… These three large colonies, two around Earth and one at Mars were known as the Ternary Orbital Provinces of NOVA, often abbreviated as T.O.P. They also went by the name of O'Neil Cylinders, named after the American physicist Gerard K. O'Neill that developed their design.

NOVA had amassed so much political power, and monetary value that it had grown as a world superpower. T.O.P accepted immigrants from all countries, to bolster their labor force. Many on Earth deemed living in T.O.P and transferring citizenship as a far better choice than maintaining their citizenship of their nations… And so, a large number of citizens spanning from many countries of the world left Earth to live in the T.O.P colonies. Doing this though, meant they would need to forgo their ties with their home country, and thus a divide between those with NOVA and the countries of the world grew.

The governments of the world, though divided in their own right, viewed the now superpower of NOVA as a far greater threat to their security. Many nations believed the construction of the orbiting colonies as a means of constant surveillance; and with the growing rift between the colonies and Earth, fear of attack grew. This led to the formation of their own uneasy coalition known as the Earth Sphere Union, the E.S.U.


Astral Age, 13 - 363: Look to the Stars

The Earth's stability was on a quick decline, some parts of the planet quickly grew inhospitable. Earth's average temperature grew substantially along the Earth's median and so the E.S.U looked to space to establish settlements as NOVA did years ago.

Thankfully, the larger countries that comprised the E.S.U had already begun working on their own space colonies throughout the years. With the bulk of the colonies orbiting the mother planet, Earth.

For now, the E.S.U and NOVA maintained a peaceful, yet very strained relationship. Galactic trade routes were established between the two coalitions, and for the coming years… It was believed that the E.S.U and NOVA would be able to coexist in relative peace.

Astral Age, 13 - 375: Massacre of 003

By now, the human race had mostly assimilated into each other's cultures. That being said, there were still those who did not forget the different atrocities committed on Earth. The earthly celebrations of Christmas had mostly been accepted by most of the different cultures in the colonies as a means to celebrate life with loved ones.

An Assembly was organized in the E.S.U colony of E-003 to celebrate this holiday, attending this Assembly was Benja Maev Dmitriev a former military commander of the then Russian military. Back on Earth, Russia committed heinous crimes against it's smaller neighboring countries… Though the worst to befall it's military might was the country of Syria. Dmitriev was present for the bombings, for the killings and for the tortures of Syrian people… As such, she became a figurehead of hatred for the Syrian people.

A massive explosion rocked the station, followed by another, then another… From among the black of space… The sheen of spacecrafts could be seen, upon their metal, the colors of NOVA.

All attending the assembly, 125,000.. Men, women, children, E.S.U civilians who called the colony home were killed…

For weeks following, reports of debris and frozen corpses were claimed by neighboring space colonies.

An immediate uproar followed, calls for justice rang out, and those who committed the crimes were soon discovered… A small terrorist group composed mostly of Syrian NOVA citizens. NOVA was quick to dismiss the attack as an isolated incident, that they were not behind the bombing… But it was too late, the stone was cast in the already turbulent waters of the E.S.U and NOVA relationship.

Talks of war were on the horizon…
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Astral Age, 13 - 380: The M Particle

Each day that passed marked another step towards conflict between the ESU and NOVA. Yuri Minovsky, a Russian scientist that still called Earth his home, was hard at work on the Nuclear reactor, Kursk 2. As Minovsky worked, he encountered a strange electromagnetic wave effect within the reactor that could not be explained by conventional physics. Following the next couple of months, they were able to identify the cause: a new elementary particle generated by the helium-3 reaction on the inner wall of the reactor, dubbed the Minovsky Particle, or "M" particle.

The M particle has near zero mass - though, like any particle, its mass increases to reflect its potential or kinetic energy - and can carry either a positive or negative electrical charge. When scattered in open space or in the air, the repulsive forces between charged M particles cause them to spontaneously align into a regular cubic lattice structure called an I-field

This I-field will slowly expand and scatter into space… The effect of these particles in open space completely disrupts extremely long distance broadcasts, and is able to nullify long range missile guided systems.

In short, the M particle prevents the launch of Nuclear warheads from long distances, rendering long range warfare and communication extremely difficult.

With this knowledge, and the threat of war on the horizon many colonies installed M Particle dispensers across at different points. With this, they hoped the threat of Nuclear attack would be rendered useless.



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Astral Age, 13 - 382: Assassination of Zhihuan Jin

There was no war, not yet… But there were actions leading up to the eventual conflict between the ESU and NOVA. Galactic Trade routes were shut down, and being able to visit colonies of the rivaling faction was no longer an option. This, along with the growing isolation between the two factions only served to fuel tensions. Already both sides were gearing up for war, producing battleships, developing weapons, and training their military. Things however, were about to get worse…

In spite of evidence of the small terrorist group's sole role in the Massacre of 003, many of the ESU believed the true culprit to be the face of NOVA himself, Zhihuan Jin.

Zhihuan in spite of this was an advocate for peace. A true pacifist, the CEO of NOVA never wanted there to be a war between NOVA and ESU. So desperate in his attempt to broker peace, Zhihuan was able to garner an audience with the ESU council at attempts of forging a peace treaty, and reach an agreement to halt production of highly dangerous weapons. The ESU were willing and a date was set, May 4th, 2287 to meet on colony 002.

Zhihuan however… Would never make it to colony 002. Instead, his shuttle flew right by the orbiting colony, and those who looked on watched in horror as the craft burst into flames upon entry into Earth's atmosphere.

Many in NOVA believed that this was due to ESU extremists.

Astral Age, 13 - 383: The Galactic War

The year was not A.A. 13-383, and after the death of Zhihuan war was now ignited between the ESU and NOVA.

During this time a new CEO needed to be put into place for NOVA, and the man who rose to take on the mantle was Daelan Adler, brother-in law to Zhihuan and husband to Zhihuan's sister, Jun Jin. Whereas Zhihuan was a pacifist, Daelan was known to be quick to anger.

Daelan claimed that Zhihuan's death was a plan orchestrated by the ESU and it's leaders out of fear of NOVA's growing strength. On January 8th, war was declared.

For better or for worse, thanks to the M particle dispensers now installed in all space colonies, the threat of missile attack was no longer a fear… But this meant that warfare would be far more personal and bloody.
Astral Age, 13 - 385: Enter the Mobile Suit

The Galactic War has been raging for two years now, with neither the ESU or NOVA gaining the upper hand. During the early days of the Galactic war, most combat consisted of typical mobile weapons, tanks, planes and ships. Though as the battles continued, NOVA revealed a weapon they have been working on for some time.

The Mobile Suit.

The Mobile Suit was a humanoid like mechanical weapon, consisting of a single pilot within a cockpit. Earlier versions of the NOVA Mobile Suit, also known as Asters though initially slow and bulky, moved with the maneuverability of a human soldier and hosted a wealth of weapons, both close and long range… This maneuverability alone made them a fearsome asset on the battlefield.

Before long the ESU were close to follow, developing their own units known as Terras.

This soon became the standard for both sides of the war, and the armament of the past fell to the wayside to make way for these more advanced weapons of warfare.

Astral Age, 13 - 391: The Einstein-Rosen Bridge

As the conflict between the ESU and NOVA continued, top minds on the ESU space colony 001, Andrew Kupler and his team have made a significant breakthrough. Right outside Mar's orbit existed a wormhole… Or more accurately described a sphere within the cold of space…

Upon closer inspection, and after many tests it was determined that this sphere was a distortion in space time, a fold within the very fabric of space itself, and where did it lead to? It led just 100,000 km away from Jupiter. In 1935, Albert Einstein and physicist Nathan Rosen theorized an idea of bridges through space-time, literal links and shortcuts from one area of space to another. With this discovery, reaching the outer rings of our solar system within a human lifetime became a reality.

Scientists have often speculated that a few of Jupiter's moons held the strong possibility of supporting human life. Dr. Kupler knew his next steps, he wished to travel to Juipter's orbital ring, his sights were the colonization of Jupiter's moon, Europa.

However, war was still waging, with the ESU suffering the heaviest losses… The leaders of the ESU were unwilling to spend extensive resources on Kupler's voyage. With enough persuading, and the promise of a new home for those of the ESU, Kupler managed to garner some of ESU's support and was given a small team of twenty to see to the task.


Astral Age, 13 - 393: Assa, Enter the Seers

Under the leadership of Dr.Kupler the excavation team of Europa landed on the planet proper. Europa was far more Earth like than anyone had thought, a breathable atmosphere, an actual ocean… Wildlife, but more astonishing than those discoveries, was the signs of a past ancient civilization. Judging on the ruins found, this race looked to be far more advanced than the Humans as well.

Within one of the ruins of the cities was an entrance leading underground, and underground was something akin to the large Mobile suit hangers found in most ESU military bases. There, they found within the holding cells spanning stories into the air, three large mobile suits, far more advanced than anything the ESU or NOVA have ever developed.

Scaling the large mechs for closer inspection, and upon human touch the cockpit of one eased to an open. Inside of each of those cockpits, in a deep slumber were young individuals, Humanlike, aside from the horns protruding from their heads.. From the feel of their skin, it looked as if they were put into cryosleep.

These individuals, along with the mechs were brought to a ESU military facility for research under the careful eye of Dr. Kupler. After a few days, these mysterious individuals began to awaken, and with them came the knowledge of the race that called Europa home before the Humans, the Assa.

Though, not much.. Cryosleep for centuries has slowed the minds of these mysterious youths. Much of their awareness of their own history, or why they were in cryosleep was lost due to this...

What they were able to discern though, was that these individuals were known as Seers, and these Seers had a strong connection to each mobile suit they were found in. Along with that, it was learned quickly that each of these machines were fearsome weapons of war.. Capable of mass destruction.. They made the Human made Mobile Suits look primitive by comparison.

Right away, tests began to see how the ESU could use these machines to turn the tide of the Galactic War.


Astral Age, 13 - 395: Soldiers, Enter the Pilots

As the ESU would come to learn… Piloting these Assa Mobile Suits were dangerous. The physical and mental strain caused by just sitting in the cockpit and trying to move the unit would cause cardiac arrest in the strongest of soldiers, and those that managed to tough out the intense physical demands of the suit were broken down mentally… Driven insane.

There were accounts from pilots that the machines spoke to them… Not only speak, but show them horrific images, what these images were? Though the pilots tried to explain, the slip of their cognitive ability led to nonsense. It was almost as if the machines taunted the Humans, twisting their minds into delirium. Using this technology looked to be a lost cause, until one of the Seers recalled information…

These Suits were not meant to be piloted alone...

These Suits needed two, working in unison to utilize the strength of these machines. One of those individuals would need to be the Seer originally found in the machine in those ruins.

With that knowledge the next goal was set, train those deemed worthy by the ESU to pilot these incredible machines… And to match them with a suitable Seer in further pursuit of the Earth Sphere Union's victory.

Mobile Suit Pilots from across the ESU were selected based on their fitness scores and their mental fortitude to pilot the Assa Suits.

With the piloting issue solved, there was still the issue of powering the suits beyond just activation. They needed to be battle ready, with an adequate power source. The current Cores the Suits had lost a lot of power during the cryosleep.

Enter Dr. Kupler, with the help of the Seer's knowledge of the suits, he was able to outfit the Suits with new, more powerful, smaller cores. A shining beacon of the culmination of Assa and Human technology, these powerful cores became known as Kupler Cores.​


Astral Age, 13 - 400: Turn Century - ARMS

Potential pilots were put through intense, extensive training… Throughout the years, tens of thousands of candidates from across the ESU, turned into just thousands… Then hundreds..Until finally just three rose above the rest to claim their spots as the pilots of these advanced suits.

The Pilots were paired with their respective Seers and their units…

During the graduation ceremony, a new wave of hope washed over the ESU.

A Seer turned their head to gaze upon their new partner, before looking forward to take in the unit they'd both pilot for a better future. Lips parted, a single word uttered in recollection…


This word would come to be known as the true name of the units, what the Assa referred to them as, it's meaning in English?


Pilots steeled themselves.

Seers hardened their spirits.

This was the turn of the century… Astral Age, 13 - 400. A new hope for the ESU shined brightly, and the potential for ending this war became very real.

A Pilot, a Seer and their ARMS unit.

Turn Century - ARMS


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Thank you so much for reading through all of that if you did! I know it is a bit of a slog to get through, but I feel like it is very important to establish a universe clearly. It helps leads to less questions later on and help keeps everyone on the same page.

With that said,

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Is a mecha RP with very heavy influences from multiple Gundam series. As of right now, the main cast will be Six Players.

Three Pilots

Three Seers

Of course, as the story unfolds the roster will grow as more characters get introduced. Later on, not everyone has to be an ARMs Pilot of course.

That is a bridge we will cross once we get our six. Also, this being a mecha rp might come with some hesitation from others, which I fully understand. How does combat work? Do I need to know all of the fancy terminology?...

I will do my best to simplify everything as we go, don't let the hard metal exterior fool you. Like many Gundam series, Turn Century - ARMS is about the people involved with this war, the interpersonal relationships they form, friendships, rivalries, drama. All that good stuff!

The Mobile Suits are an added flair to spice things up!

I am also very very new to running an rp, in fact this would be my first. So any expertise would be greatly appreciated! If you are interested in this story please let me know in the thread!

If you have suggestions drop em' for me here as well! Let's get a dialogue going. Once there is enough interest I will draft the character profiles for both Pilots and Seers, as well as reveal information for the ARMs units.
Wow, kudos to you for making such a well thought out and intriguing concept. I think I'm interested.
Hey! Thank you very much! Took me some time writing everything down so I appreciate it. Were you interested in being a Pilot or a Seer?
This looks super cool! It's clear you've really gotten into the nitty-gritty details of what makes the setting tick (like the fact that both the Massacre and the Assassination are both ambiguous enough that it's pretty understandable that both factions turned on the other), and the fact that ARMS needs both a Pilot and Seer sounds like it could be a source of a lot of cool ideas. Count me interested!

If you'll allow me a question: does the dual-piloting of the ARMS require both characters to basically be of one mind when trying to maneuver the mech? As in, disagreements in what to actually do could be a problem when trying to use them to fight? (Unless of course this is a detail you want to keep under wraps for the moment)
Thank you so much for your kind words! Not gonna lie it took some time and research to make sure things still made sense.

I'm happy to see you've noticed that in this war, there is no good or evil side. War much like the real world is far more complicated then that, so I was attempting to make it was neutral as possible. Granted, the characters are fighting for the E.S.U, but the E.S.U is not without their sins in this conflict.

And yes! Regarding the Seers and their Pilots.

Both will have important roles within the ARMs unit.

The Pilot's primary role is to pilot the unit. They are the one in full control of it's fighting maneuvers. They are the ones that do the fighting. For a Pilot to man an ARMs unit they must have amazing fortitude, stamina and willpower. These units are akin to a mixture of EVAs and Gundams, there is a sentience there which means they can reject a pilot if they wish.

The Seer's primary role is to be an anchor for the pilot, as well as keep communication with the ARMs unit. The sentience mentioned before, only Seers can acknowledge it. Each Seer has a very special connection with their unit; and that unit will not function properly without the Seer in the cockpit. Not only that, but they handle the ARMs unit's internals.

One reason why the ARMs units are so dangerous, is because they have self restoration abilities through technology very similar to nanotech. However, for this to operate the Seer must again be in the pit.

So while other E.S.U and NOVA units are damaged in the middle of the fight, or for example loses functionality in an arm, that arm is no good unless they get to a repair dock. ARMs units have the ability to repair that arm mid combat, it will take time, and it depends on the Seer's ability but it can be done.

That alone with fearsome maneuverability and combat capability make ARMs units demons of the battlefield.

With that said, it is possible to beat one it will just take a lot of works and likely more then one other Mobile Suit to do so.

On the note of communication within the unit itself, you are correct! Once in, both the Pilot and Seer have access to telepathy. They can communicate through thoughts alone. There is of course a caveat, a Pilot can choose to block out a Seer's attempt at communication, much like ignoring a ringing phone.

Both the Pilot and Seer need to be cooperative for a successful mission to be carried out. And I am betting on heads clashing while in the suits, this will make things far more interesting in my opinion!

It's all about working on those relationships, growing the characters, growing the trust. One Pilot and Seer might get along from the get go, another pair might completely hate each other... But they are compatible with the suit. All up to the players!

I have so much more in store for the rp, but that will be found out as the story progress~

Sorry for the long winded reply, wanted to be as thorough as possible. :)
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On that note!

Would be a good idea for me to say this now, I'll be taking one of the Pilot slots so as of right now we have...

Pilots 1/3

Seers 0/3

Please let me know if you guys have more questions! I'm also up for some brainstorming
If My character was a seer, then wouldn't they need to act like an alien with different customs? Or did the cryo-damage that made them lose their memories allow them to integrate into human society and their customs?
You are right on the cyro-damage! Seers are very human like, aside from the horns on their head (The horns can come in any way you want by the way.) they can easily be mistaken as human.

The cyro-damage did make them lose their memories. As such, they are more more susceptible to human customs. Though, they do have an air of royalty to them.

In my own head canon the Seers have that regal ancient Egyptian feel to them. You don't have to follow this of course, but the Seers in their society were seen as royalty. So depending on how much memory loss you want to experience, your Seer may know they were important and might act as such.

All up to you!
In my own head canon the Seers have that regal ancient Egyptian feel to them. You don't have to follow this of course, but the Seers in their society were seen as royalty. So depending on how much memory loss you want to experience, your Seer may know they were important and might act as such

I'm suddenly imagining a Seer being offered normal army rations or something plain, and some part of their head just immediately reacts with 'what the hell is this crap,' even if they can't remember what food they used to have, ha.

Speaking of which, how well known are the ARMS and their uses in the E.S.U., or even in the galaxy at large at the start of the story? Are the guys in charge trying to keep things quiet until their sure the ARMS can be used, or are trying to hype them up for propaganda purposes?

Oh, also I'll say that I'm currently undecided between a Seer or Pilot, so I'll see where others land then make a call (though I'll brainstorm ideas for both)
Exactly! Ha, if you want to play a Seer and want to make them like stuck up royalty go for it! It will be fun~

Where out roleplay will start off, it will be right after the graduation ceremony where both Seers and Pilots are paired, by then everyone know who their partner is and their respective ARMs unit.

So in the very beginning, NOVA has no idea what an ARMs unit is and will be in for a surprise when they join the battlefield. Most E.S.U posts around galaxy also do not know about them as this is kept very hush hush. Of course before an ARM unit shows up in conflict that post or soldiers in the fight will be told the ARMs is a friendly.

I bet though, after the ARMs are released to the public it will very much go into hype territory. New powerful units that can destroy NOVA fleets with relative ease would be a huge boon and essentially a big middle finger to NOVA saying, "Mess with us and we can end this war now."

A deterrent if you will

And no worries, take your time, this is still a very new concept. :)