[Trono, Alainn] Which Way is Up

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The maiden knew not how she expected the man to respond, but certainly not in offense. He had passed her test, though now it seemed a pointless ceremony as he stalked away. Something akin to frustration and anger boiled in her chest. Here she had pledged her life to find this...this thing's name and he brushed it off as if her word meant nothing. Then he had had the audacity to suggest that she, Guardian of Rembark, might be culprit! It was beyond what she could handle.

Ignoring the pain pulsing through her wound, she wrenched her only shoe off her foot [the other still lying somewhere on the forest floor] and hurled it towards the man's retreating back. It hit him squarely between his shoulder blades but-- instead of tumbling to the ground like it ought-- it held fast to his shirt, bound by her blood.

"An oath is an oath!" she cried. "I will reclaim my shoe from thee when we meet again. May it serve as a reminder of the pact between you and I until your name has been found. Should you misplace the slipper, however, thy name shall never be revealed. Never!" Her breath came ragged now, her voice hoarse with emotion. That such a show of feeling could erupt from her petite frame was hard to believe. When her passionate feelings subsided she opened her mouth again. "You have free passage in my wood, O Man. Use my blessing wisely."

Her words discharged, the maiden attended her wound. She pressed her palms firmly together and as she did, the gems in her armbands began a subtle glow. She tightened her grip, gave a great, tearful cry, and released her hands. Not even a scar remained on the palm which had borne her wound. Silently she stood, gazing fixedly upon the man.
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