Original poster
Travesty poetry, anyone?
Don't try to ask me what it is. I don't fully understand. You can read the explanation if you want, but it just confuses me.
I think it takes random combinations of letters from an entered text and flings them together into some kind of cyber-poem.
So here's one I made using this post from an RP of mine; set to order 4 and 1000 characters:
So yeah...post some of your own here!
Don't try to ask me what it is. I don't fully understand. You can read the explanation if you want, but it just confuses me.
I think it takes random combinations of letters from an entered text and flings them together into some kind of cyber-poem.
So here's one I made using this post from an RP of mine; set to order 4 and 1000 characters:
Ten Minutes Ago In a deciduous forest, in ears tuned to get the forestored
figure finally into it, until a colder well-suited, and growled being somewhat
this eyes and a colder weath met the being nodded, however impatiently,
ears tuned to you are. Withing. He paced impatiently, ears tuned figure
finally into it, until a colossal waste of place. So he would your hours
you succeed, stay when his done as a breeze through the being moved on
that formed when his chilled quietly. Waiting, and growled quietly. Waiting,
waiting, and looked being sun's rays from this the been well-camouflaged
impatiently by magic that kept the condensation through brush, silently
as quietly. Waiting, wait hered for a question mark? You must have to he
wolf, addressing it: "Could you are. Within twenty-four next task will
come white wolf, Irrik, sat of my time. I'll just have bothere you". The
wolf, expecting, and growled being it: "Couldn't have to help this, his
chilled being moved on that kept the moon. The writ
So yeah...post some of your own here!