Travesty poetry?

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Original poster
Travesty poetry, anyone?

Don't try to ask me what it is. I don't fully understand. You can read the explanation if you want, but it just confuses me.

I think it takes random combinations of letters from an entered text and flings them together into some kind of cyber-poem.

So here's one I made using this post from an RP of mine; set to order 4 and 1000 characters:
Ten Minutes Ago In a deciduous forest, in ears tuned to get the forestored
figure finally into it, until a colder well-suited, and growled being somewhat
this eyes and a colder weath met the being nodded, however impatiently,
ears tuned to you are. Withing. He paced impatiently, ears tuned figure
finally into it, until a colossal waste of place. So he would your hours
you succeed, stay when his done as a breeze through the being moved on
that formed when his chilled quietly. Waiting, and growled quietly. Waiting,
waiting, and looked being sun's rays from this the been well-camouflaged
impatiently by magic that kept the condensation through brush, silently
as quietly. Waiting, wait hered for a question mark? You must have to he
wolf, addressing it: "Could you are. Within twenty-four next task will
come white wolf, Irrik, sat of my time. I'll just have bothere you". The
wolf, expecting, and growled being it: "Couldn't have to help this, his
chilled being moved on that kept the moon. The writ

So some of your own here!
To make things more interesting, I have now made three different ones using order 3 and 250 characters out of this post of Asmo's.
This the Legacy's firstal killain, a band as turned the hose caught themselves.
The Rift Storms beyond second intor of battless to complet ally came to
ships, a be location to survived throught to despaire watchieftain, and
spaired mension we was crewme
This secomple their he Legacy cast Ones as ture of the Torms ter to bear,
Dr Grant, Sozross the Lost thatred meding completing Keyblade-wiel homethird
on Iwaku. With the chunk of The Legacy drew werstated of thesence the Legacy
forwardened on the sacrea
This to demons. We saw the The ends thost soldier, a had perious call othe
lost body - the des world... Now inhabited tyrant, ther Sanctuary and the
story and despace was that the protect Raife lost sour to prophecidespeeding
time two sure and only cult

...Those have a lot of not-words. So I tried a couple on order 5 instead:
This crew began to follow the location, friends to Lamord, and draw to
it all went was near, and space - a Rift Storms tore across time and a
sacred calling to the third of the Three Ships, The storms on the Legacy,
in the Three Ships, The Rift Storm. Ren
This crew of the Rift Town. His name was buried with their voyage through
the Three Ships, hoping time, the angels escaped on its villainous captain,
the chunk of the path of The second ship, The second ships carried in despaired
for our world. A third pe
"Once upon a summers day, you got shot in the face with a golden rod"

once upon a goldenn rod made of with a got in the face with a got in the
face win.once win.once upon a got in the face upon a got in the face upon
a summers day, you got in the face with a summers day, you got in the face
win.once win.once upon a summers day, y

...Apparently there's something else on that website called "diastic reading" here that's supposed to go hand-in-hand with the travesty generator. So I tried that with the thing I made in the first post from one of my RP posts, using the key phrase "wolf talking" and 25 words of output. It gave me this:

wolf talking

colder wolf,
twenty-four task will
looked Waiting,
Within Withing.
waste So well-camouflaged
twenty-four task will
looked Waiting,
Within Withing.
waste So well-camouflaged
Well, this poetry is a travesty, all right. Here's what a brief synopsis of a potential RP turned into.

Original Text: "In a world full of cheese, men and women alike line up to gather cheddar and swiss. Courageous and proud, these adventurers fight for what they believe in: a congealed dairy product."

"In alike line up to gathey believe in: a world full of cheddar and swiss.
Courageous and swiss. Courageous and swiss. Courageous and women a congealed
dairy product.In and product.In alike line up to gather cheese, men and
product.In alike line up to gather cheddar and world full of cheddar and
world full of cheddar and swiss. Courageous and swiss. Courageous and proud,
these, men a world full of cheese adventurers fight for what ther cheese
adventurers fight for what these adventurers fight for what the"

"What the..." indeed.
I tried using the "diastic reading" thing with that and eventually got:

believe line fight for
gathey gather cheese,
to proud,
world believe line fight
for gathey gather cheese,
to proud,
world believe line fight
for gathey
Interesting. I like it!