Transmetropolitan CHAPTER 1: STORMFRONT

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They're just a largeish group of volunteers who organize under their label, and work to distribute food rations from home manufacturers as well as protect the park market area, as i noted before. ordinary citizens otherwise, up to you.
I'll throw up something sometime this weekend. Shouldn't be too hard ^^
So here's what I was thinking ((just getting confirmation before I start filling out the CS))

The idea was going to be a small PMC group that is apart of Central Park Municipal Defense, possibly playing a key role in protecting one of the vital areas whether it be some choke point or some storage facility. ((I'll leave that for you to decide boss)) The carry today's equipment; vests, rifles, etc. but with time progressing it's pretty outdated compared to the technology that can dominate theirs, leaving them to focus more on strategy if anything else. They are also not the BA A-TEAM grade group, so a lot of the more 'human' things is expected during a firefight ((panic, cursing, etc.)) Their stubbornness helps keep their fears in-check though, making them one of the more reliable low budget organizations out there.

One of those operators; Raymond Torres will be ze character I am thinking of making~ Eeeh.. GM! Would you like him to be a lead role ((And I play with a couple NPCs)) or would you like him to be a loner or something in that manner?
Any role you'd like is fine. I haven't organized any kind of sub-committee within the central park forces, a they're not really "organized" outside of planned volunteer time slots. but if you'd like to work into that something else, i wouldnt mind. just make sure its feasible and warranted.

All players have their own characters with their own stories. it's up to you.

Some are corporate fat cats with power and wealth. others are solos with a vengeance against the world. and some might be merchants or soldiers for hire who work for the better good.
Okay I'll sew something together then ^^ Can I PM you the drafts before posting the final here?
They call me E.T.[ONLINE]
But In here, I'm Della Mason
I've Roamed these streets for 35 Years
Here's My Card
I Swing To The straight side
I specialize in Getting things from point A to point B. Considering the cargo she is usually carrying this can be a bit more difficult than one would think. Quick reflexes, quicker judgement, and a good memory give her the edge that she needs to stay ahead.
I work for anyone that needs to secretly and securely transport something. In the past she worked a stint for Militech, hooking up their mercenaries with whatever they needed to keep themselves going. Mostly it ended up being drugs, lots of performance ones, but her cash crop was is the recreational area. Now in the city she does runs mainly between source and dealer, but she has smuggled many other things things across boarders.
My cold steel [1] a CZ-75 9mm handgun, it is extremely rare that this makes an appearance as she tends to prefer making tactical retreats
[2] if she is on a run she usually carries some serious military grade smoke grenades, along with one or two tear gas canisters for if she needs to disappear and simply running isn't going to cut it.
[3] a very worn swiss army knife (why mess with the classics)
[4] a hoverboard, this is actually a very special piece of tech that Della had to break a lot of rules to get. Nowadays most of the actual mercs and soldiers favor the Ztech model 13 bike if they are looking for something fast, quiet, and secure. The hoverboards were nice until the mercs started getting heavier upgrades and they realized that having a bit of bulletproof glass between their face and the business end of their targets gun was a nice feature only offered on the bike. This board has the black and green decal that is standard issue for most messengers these days. This inside has some serious upgrades though. The lower end compressors have been replaced with ones that take her from zero to 100 in under five seconds, of course to go with that she has had to improve the hold on the board so the thing just doesn't slip right out from under her feet. Although with that she does have to be careful, at full speed if she makes a sudden stop she will be lucky if only loose both her arms. With 40 feet vertical lift, two powerful electromagnets on the underside, and the ability to remote control the board makes sneaking through the city much easier than if she was to do it on foot.
Here's how it goes Della's story is like most of the sob stories you find. Her parents weren't perfect, they were there, but not perfect. Times were tough and when food became harder and harder to put on the table the young girl of 14 decided to lend a hand. She knew other kids, ants they called them, that ran small deals for people so she had a friend of a friend hook her up with someone. Her first run went well and with the money she earned she was able to put two days worth of food on the table. Fortunately or unfortunately she took to the whole thing. After a lot of practice she could navigate New York blindfolded and memorize any route she learned after only a minute or two. A bit of luck saw her doing bigger and bigger deals until she was smuggling all sorts of goods; drugs, cybernetics, guns, special ammunition, on more than one occasion she even smuggled people around. A good reputation got her a job with Militech for a while but after five years of working that gig she switched back to the cities.
The general size of her runs have gone down at this point but she is making a lot more deliveries than she has in the passed few years.

While New York doesn't hold quite the level of excitement as militarized zones she can't say that she isn't enjoying her stay. She has gotten to connect with some old smuggler buddies of hers, well as connected as they can be, just about every smuggler, when on duty, wears a black safety suit (one that pretty much every hoverboard rider wears to give some protection against falls), gloves, and a dark unmarked helmet, with street clothes thrown over the top if they wish. The only way to distinguish one rider from another is to; forcibly stop them and take their mask, or to link into their channel and learn some call signs. Most riders know each other but only from their boards and their call signs, knowing someone's face in this town could cost you your job and your life.

Unfortunately Della has found herself bending some of her own rules after a little boy named Peter got tossed into her life. As odd as it is she owes the boy her life and she is determined to help him until that dept is paid.

Additives some peace and quiet would be a godsend for Della at this point.

They call me E.T.[ONLINE]
But In here, I'm Peter Mason (of the Procora)
I've Roamed these streets for 12 Years
Here's My Card
I Swing To The straight side
I specialize in Peter knows strange chuck when he sees it. Raised a nomad he has a certain...talent for looking into the weird and unusual things that seem to pop up from time to time. At the moment Della has been trying to keep him busy, so aside from school work he has been learning to garden and after a rocky start he can now stand on a hoverboard for more than five minutes without falling off. Perhaps what is most helpful is his ability to listen for and recognize patterns, this might not seem like much but if you can see the patterns in all of the chatter of the city then you can start to work out patterns.
I work for Della in some ways. Peter's main "job" right now is school but he has sold some bits of information on all things that go bump in the night and some vegetables when the garden has a generous crop. If neither of those things are enough he monitors the more shady chatter that is out there.
My cold steel [1] a subcompact Glock 30. It is a smaller gun so it is easier for Peter to wield. He very rarely has this on his person, Della has simply told him where it is in the house and he knows how to load and fire it, but it is for emergencies only.
[2] when he was younger he caught a bit of shrapnel in his left eye during a fire fight. His family had enough to have it replaced, but it is not the best model. Cosmetically the color is not the same and the iris looks like a camera shutter if you look closely. Mechanically it is nothing to fancy, sometimes it even has problems coming into exact focus with Peter's other eye but it works. The only special feature is one that Della gifted him, an infrared filter so that he can see in low light. The only problem is that since it only is in one eye his depth perception can get a little wonky.
Here's how it goes Peter comes from a nomad family. His life was the road and he didn't mind it all that much. Imitating the caravans of old a family may have a single truck or more and it is rare just to see a group of one or two traveling. Most often you will see packs of six or more moving together, sometimes spending weeks or months in one spot other times they will not stop moving for a week straight. The problem with moving from place to place is that the territory that you pass is not always friendly.

On a return trip to New York Peter's family settled down for the night about ten miles outside of the city itself. The area itself was a neutral zone of sorts, lots of open stalls and different nomad families scattered about. It wasn't long passed midnight when the first shots were fired and everything went to hell. It was hard to say exactly what happened, a lot of different stories still circulate from that day all that is sure is that whatever sparked the argument quickly got out of hand. A fire fight broke out and in all of the chaos Peter became rapidly seperated from his family. Fires sprang up as fuel tanks burst and ignited from campfires, and as bodies began to pile up the boy ran for cover. An old concrete, service tunnel, half exposed from erosion, offered shelter, but Peter didn't realize that the black thing sticking out of a sizable hole in the side was actually a foot until he hand already clambered inside. Turns out the foot belonged to a very unlucky smuggler named Della. She had been making a run, a small delivery, when the fire fight had broken out and after trying to make a quick get away she had ended up with half of her helmet shattered, a bullet in her hip, and a dislocated shoulder.

So the two found each other and as the fight went on Peter tended to Della, bandaging her up and helping her set her shoulder back into place. Neither can really say why he helped, maybe he really just didn't want to share the shelter with a dead girl. When the dust settled and the both decided it was safe to wander out the clans had dispersed and Peter's family was nowhere to be found. Fast forward a year and Peter is still staying with Della, she has promised to help him find out where his family is and if any other kin can be located. So far Della has got nothing, Peter has told her that he is supposed to have some family in the city, at the very least a grandfather by the name of Glyph, but she has only found dead ends and rumors. As a precaution against any hostile nomads that might recognize his family name and still hold a grudge Peter is borrowing Della's surname for the moment, parading as a cousin that has come to stay for a while.
Additives For all of Della's sour moods Peter has become very good at getting her to bend her house rules.
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They call me E.T.[ONLINE]
But In here, I'm Della Mason
I've Roamed these streets for 35 Years
Here's My Card
I Swing To The straight side
I specialize in Getting things from point A to point B. Considering the cargo she is usually carrying this can be a bit more difficult than one would think. Quick reflexes, quicker judgement, and a good memory give her the edge that she needs to stay ahead.
I work for anyone that needs to secretly and securely transport something. In the past she worked a stint for Militech, hooking up their mercenaries with whatever they needed to keep themselves going. Mostly it ended up being drugs, lots of performance ones, but her cash crop was is the recreational area. Now in the city she does runs mainly between source and dealer, but she has smuggled many other things things across boarders.
My cold steel [1] a CZ-75 9mm handgun, it is extremely rare that this makes an appearance as she tends to prefer making tactical retreats
[2] if she is on a run she usually carries some serious military grade smoke grenades, along with one or two tear gas canisters for if she needs to disappear and simply running isn't going to cut it.
[3] a very worn swiss army knife (why mess with the classics)
[4] a hoverboard, this is actually a very special piece of tech that Della had to break a lot of rules to get. Nowadays most of the actual mercs and soldiers favor the Ztech model 13 bike if they are looking for something fast, quiet, and secure. The hoverboards were nice until the mercs started getting heavier upgrades and they realized that having a bit of bulletproof glass between their face and the business end of their targets gun was a nice feature only offered on the bike. This board has the black and green decal that is standard issue for most messengers these days. This inside has some serious upgrades though. The lower end compressors have been replaced with ones that take her from zero to 100 in under five seconds, of course to go with that she has had to improve the hold on the board so the thing just doesn't slip right out from under her feet. Although with that she does have to be careful, at full speed if she makes a sudden stop she will be lucky if only loose both her arms. With 40 feet vertical lift, two powerful electromagnets on the underside, and the ability to remote control the board makes sneaking through the city much easier than if she was to do it on foot.
Here's how it goes Della's story is like most of the sob stories you find. Her parents weren't perfect, they were there, but not perfect. Times were tough and when food became harder and harder to put on the table the young girl of 14 decided to lend a hand. She knew other kids, ants they called them, that ran small deals for people so she had a friend of a friend hook her up with someone. Her first run went well and with the money she earned she was able to put two days worth of food on the table. Fortunately or unfortunately she took to the whole thing. After a lot of practice she could navigate New York blindfolded and memorize any route she learned after only a minute or two. A bit of luck saw her doing bigger and bigger deals until she was smuggling all sorts of goods; drugs, cybernetics, guns, special ammunition, on more than one occasion she even smuggled people around. A good reputation got her a job with Militech for a while but after five years of working that gig she switched back to the cities.
The general size of her runs have gone down at this point but she is making a lot more deliveries than she has in the passed few years.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]While New York doesn't hold quite the excitement militarized zones she can't say that she isn't enjoying it.[/BCOLOR] She has gotten to connect with some old smuggler buddies of hers, well as connected as they can be, just about every smuggler, when on duty, wears a black safety suit (one that pretty much every hoverboard rider wears to give some protection against falls), gloves, and a dark unmarked helmet, with street clothes thrown over the top if they wish. The only way to distinguish one rider from another is to; forcibly stop them and take their mask, or to link into their channel and learn some call signs. Most riders know each other but only from their boards and their call signs, knowing someone's face in this town could cost you your job and your life.

Unfortunately Della has found herself bending some of her own rules after a little boy named Peter got tossed into her life. As odd as it is she owes the boy her life and she is determined to help him until that dept is paid.

Additives some peace and quiet would be a godsend for Della at this point.

They call me E.T.[ONLINE]
But In here, I'm Peter Mason (of the Procora)
I've Roamed these streets for 12 Years
Here's My Card
I Swing To The straight side
I specialize in Peter knows strange chuck when he sees it. Raised a nomad he has a certain...talent for looking into the weird and unusual things that seem to pop up from time to time. At the moment Della has been trying to keep him busy, so aside from school work he has been learning to garden and after a rocky start he can now stand on a hoverboard for more than five minutes without falling off. Perhaps what is most helpful is his ability to listen for and recognize patterns, this might not seem like much but if you can see the patterns in all of the chatter of the city then you can start to work out patterns.
I work for Della in some ways. Peter's main "job" right now is school but he has sold some bits of information on all things that go bump in the night and some vegetables when the garden has a generous crop. If neither of those things are enough he monitors the more shady chatter that is out there.
My cold steel [1] a subcompact Glock 30. It is a smaller gun so it is easier for Peter to wield. He very rarely has this on his person, Della has simply told him where it is in the house and he knows how to load and fire it, but it is for emergencies only.
[2] when he was younger he caught a bit of shrapnel in his left eye during a fire fight. His family had enough to have it replaced, but it is not the best model. Cosmetically the color is not the same and the iris looks like a camera shutter if you look closely. Mechanically it is nothing to fancy, sometimes it even has problems coming into exact focus with Peter's other eye but it works. The only special feature is one that Della gifted him, an infrared filter so that he can see in low light. The only problem is that since it only is in one eye his depth perception can get a little wonky.
Here's how it goes Peter comes from a nomad family. His life was the road and he didn't mind it all that much. Imitating the caravans of old a family may have a single truck or more and it is rare just to see a group of one or two traveling. Most often you will see packs of six or more moving together, sometimes spending weeks or months in one spot other times they will not stop moving for a week straight. The problem with moving from place to place is that the territory that you pass is not always friendly.

On a return trip to New York Peter's family settled down for the night about ten miles outside of the city itself. The area itself was a neutral zone of sorts, lots of open stalls and different nomad families scattered about. It wasn't long passed midnight when the first shots were fired and everything went to hell. It was hard to say exactly what happened, a lot of different stories still circulate from that day all that is sure is that whatever sparked the argument quickly got out of hand. A fire fight broke out and in all of the chaos Peter became rapidly seperated from his family. Fires sprang up as fuel tanks burst and ignited from campfires, and as bodies began to pile up the boy ran for cover. An old concrete, service tunnel, half exposed from erosion, offered shelter, but Peter didn't realize that the black thing sticking out of a sizable hole in the side was actually a foot until he hand already clambered inside. Turns out the foot belonged to a very unlucky smuggler named Della. She had been making a run, a small delivery, when the fire fight had broken out and after trying to make a quick get away she had ended up with half of her helmet shattered, a bullet in her hip, and a dislocated shoulder.

So the two found each other and as the fight went on Peter tended to Della, bandaging her up and helping her set her shoulder back into place. Neither can really say why he helped, maybe he really just didn't want to share the shelter with a dead girl. When the dust settled and the both decided it was safe to wander out the clans had dispersed and Peter's family was nowhere to be found. Fast forward a year and Peter is still staying with Della, she has promised to help him find out where his family is and if any other kin can be located. So far Della has got nothing, Peter has told her that he is supposed to have some family in the city, at the very least a grandfather by the name of Glyph, but she has only found dead ends and rumors. As a precaution against any hostile nomads that might recognize his family name and still hold a grudge Peter is borrowing Della's surname for the moment, parading as a cousin that has come to stay for a while.
Additives For all of Della's sour moods Peter has become very good at getting her to bend her house rules.

Alright, two things: Those hoverboards seem awful power-hungry young lady, just how do those doo dads work? (Some technicaly hocus pocus to explain the mass use of hoverboards would be welcome, just because you're technically introducing a piece of hardware to the RP world, yknow?)
also, i think there might be a writing error in Della's last paragraph, i've highlighted it above. Otherwise this is literally fucking amazing and i love it.

If you don't mind, I think it'd be really cool for Eden and Della to be sort of ackquantences, just, having met at some point before, or going to the same repair booth at central park, something like that. talk to me about it.
FrostedCamel said:
Orange Juice said:
Furasian said:
E.T. said:
TwistedPainter said:

I think we've got enough to start. First I'll be answering any burning questions you may have.

That aren't answered in the:


Q: "How are megacorporations treated in this world?

Most of my cyberpunk experience comes from Shadowrun, where Megas are basically their own nations. Megacorporate property is beholden to corporate laws, corporate rule, and corporate policing."

A: Megas aren't nearly as powerful in that sense in this rp. They're more like the only groups who had enough grits and tinder before all hell to actually come out the other end with something profitable. so they provide everything. they secure their place post-apocalypse by offering the things nobody else can and monopolizing on it. Be it guns or tech or whathave you. the world is as it is. there's really no real power at this point. governments have been torn to bits and pieces. and the only real nations are the ones people assume are there. New york for example. its just a massive collection of survivors and their offspring, and corporations who got to that particular area first.

Q: "which companies hold sway over the country (or perhaps the city)?"

A: "The corporate side of things is mainly up to the players. there is a rough Idea that the big companies mentioned, as well as global ones like WorldSat are under a sort of agreement, but I've yet to work that out."
Q: " Can you elaborate on the power structure in place in the U.S., specifically in New York?"

A: "Power is relatively easy to find.
Cold fusion is used, however, as you might understand, most plants didn't fare well under atomic pressure. One of the reasons New York is the haven at this point is because of its underground plant in Greenwich."
The War
I'll admit there's no standing story for the war at this point. It's mostly phlebotinum.
Q: "what's the situation outside the remnants of the US?"

A: "Other than New York.
Tokyo, Sydney, and London are the only large collectives, each of those sport similar circumstances. there are small ocean-based groups, but nothing more than 200 people or so."

Q: "Does that mean that countries like Russia and China are no more? No Germany? I'm guessing that the Balkan Peninsula is a crater named after Belgrade. With all the large collectives aside from one, there's a bit of an Anglo-centric vibe here. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, it's just weird."

A: "Nah, no intentional white privelage, just. those were the three largest/technologically advanced cities i could think of. If you have a better/more accurate idea, please share. I'm really interested in getting this roleplay to maximum realism, so."
Q: "This might be something for later in the OOC, but some more concrete information on (cyber)technology would be greatly appreciated. Your group descriptions in particular introduced me to a lot of specific terms that could be more clearly explained, such as Neo-Cyber technology, Livemetal, and obscure mentions of certain genetic modifications going on above and below the ocean in the Australian/Asian area. I find these options highly interesting, and beyond curiosity they would also greatly help with shaping characters."

A: "To elaborate on Livemetal and Neo-Cyber.

Livemetal is more like biotechnology, in that, you have what is essentially a human nervous system, outfitted with pseudo-organic parts and pieces.

Neo-Cyber technology is similar in its diversity, but instead of going directly to the brain, the body is outfitted with specialized limbs, when then interface with all varieties of dedicated frames, not unlike MK-I iron man. this option is much more comfortable for some people, as it doesn't require the brain to be directly outfitted with enhancements for anything beyond what the normal human brain does. you simply connect to the ports with your techno-arms and work it.

Livemetal is more organic and H+

Neo-Cyber is more Technology and Iron man.

As for genetics, just about anything you'd like is possible, with the technology now available to reconstruct nerve tissues and what have you, you can really do whatever you want in terms of body mods. though that's really a personal decision.

Just like I don't like tattoos, some people might not like getting a monkey tail installed. These kinds of things became more popular much faster in southeast Asia and Oceania because of increased solar radiation(as a result of decaying atmospheric Ozone."

Q: ".When you say full-body cyborgs, does that mean humanoid and human-sized like Robocop or does it include other kinds of mechanical bodies?" / "No Iron Man as in "no arsenal of highly specialised suits to take on specific threats" or no Iron Man as in "no jet engines in your feet and hands that serve as laser cannons too"?"

A: "Any various types of bodies. though they have to be scientifically explainable. no iron man. unless that's your body." / "No iron man, because, thats not how space works. You just cant fit propulsion systems in your hands and feet. any armor/bodies, need to be physically possible. if you have anything outside the realm of reality, you must be able to explain it with science.

Alternate energies and some more advanced tech such as cold fusion, body enhancement, and smaller electronics, etc. but there is still no such thing as defying physics.

Side Notes
Q: "On a side note, can I go ahead and blindly assume you watched and liked the anime Ergo Proxy?"

A: "yes. I fuckin' love that animu."

And forgive me roleplay gods for being so greedy, but, @Grumpy, If'n you're still up for it, you were interested in this story once, mayhaps you'll be again?
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And naturally no rush on those who haven't put in CS. Quality over quantity.
For all those involved, news has come to ear of a large netrunner front heading towards Militech HQ in greenwich. Corporate head Rudolph Dickerson has contacted local security firms and arms companies in regards to this event, an estimated 72 hours before they reach the area, however a small raid has already supplanted their power systems. a timed explosive is set up in an upper new york power plant, set to go off in roughly 24 hours, this will likely shut off power to the northern end of the city. the upper east and west included. Central park, maintained by a volunteer militia as a trade area will likely be unaffected as a majority of the tent and crate setups are without power to begin with. In-game time is almost totally irrelevant, but for the sake of consistency, we'll call 1 day ingame=1 week OOC.

Feel free to start making introduction/placement posts in the IC thread, don't be afraid to interact and have fun, all of these things make for great stories.
@Romdeaux I sent the first draft! ((I'll add a specific 'something' whenever we get past this drafting phase))
Sorry, I'll scrape a CS together either today or tomorrow. I got a little busy over the weekend. THE DJ ROBOT NINJA MUST LIVE.
Don't rush yourself Twist, aint nobody pushing you to do anything lol.
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They call me Coyote[ONLINE]
But In here, I'm
Aldway Jabari
I've Roamed these streets for 38 Years

Here's My Card
Full gear

Not soo much gear.

I Swing To The Straight end of things

I specialize in Trying to keep those I work with alive as well as ensuring specific jobs get done, whatever it may be.

I work for Crazy Charlie division as an operator and occassional squad leader.

My cold steel Jenson carries around an updated M4 carbine with a foregrip and a red dot CCO attachment for his primary weapon. His secondary is an antique but modernized 1911 as his secondary(Both weapons have flash light attachments with rather long lasting batteries.) Depending on finances, and the importance of the contract/mission, he will carry around other gear such as explosives and heavy equipment. Ontop of that he also wears a heavy vest ((Shown in appearance)) most of the time. That vest has the ability to resist most of the traditional rifle caliber during the old times. With years to pass, it wouldn't be no surprise that the newer weapons being produced by corporations like Militech can puncture his armor, and their armor can resist his bullets which are outfitted with the old US M855 5.56 round (Which is somewhat effective during it's time)

Here's how it goes Jenson was born in a family of warriors, fighters from generation to generation leading up to him with his father being apart of the military during the Martial Law period. During most of his life he lived in a government complex because of his father association with the military, shut out from most of the cruel world with what seemed to be a stable life compared to the unfortunate lives beyond the outer defenses. For obvious reasons though, that came at the expense of other people, and it was something that Jenson's father couldn't accept. While the years passed, the old man taught him how to function as a fighter and a leader as well as the concepts of a warrior mindset, the belief of fighting for everyone else even when they can't fight for themselves. It was what made him a more humble and honest man compared to the brainwashed people around him, but only one thing would satisfy his father when it came to making a true man.

At the age of twenty, he left with his skills and some of his fathers things, entering the world that had been kept away from him for most of his life. It was an overwhelming start, but with his skill set it wasn't impossible for him to fit in, and with his father's vision on life he was able to survive as a self employed mercenary, taking up the scraps that was left behind during the blood bath for open contracts. Each job done though gave him a name, and over the course of 10 years, he began recieving notifications from first the small companies, then the bigger ones. One small group though stuck out from the others, a group that reminded him of what his dad had taught him throughout his child hood. Not long after a couple inquiries and messages back and forth, did Jenson Hightower make the decision to sign up for Crazy Charlie.

Now he works as one of the key operators in the organization, carrying prestiege amongst a group of people crazy enough to fight for things other than money. It had been 7 years since he had started this new operator life, and he had gained prestiege amongst people crazy enough to fight for reasons other than finances... But were they crazy, or simply something of the past; a group of honest soldiers.

Additives The organization Jenson Hightower works for is known at the Crazy Charlie division, an underfunded and underarmed security force that tries to take on some of the burdens associated with preserving specific safe locations scattered throughout New York. Their origination came from the discovery of an abandoned pre-apocalyptic bunker that had preserved a stock pile of weapons before the bombs were dropped. There a small group of veterans were quick to claim the equipment, and soon after the CC division was born. From counter-insurgency to heavy defense operations, the military group has developed a surprisingly positive success rate despite their out of date equipment. It isn't no surprise though that it comes with a heavy price, which earned them their current name; Crazy Charlie. In order to get the finances to fund their operations, the group of soldiers and subordinates occassionally accept contracts or missions from more generous companies, but they only accept them under a specific set of guidelines, so to maintain a poisitive reputation with the locals. They are most definately not the A-team, but they are an effective, and cheap asset to have when it comes to restoring order or protecting specific areas. They are not simply a four man group now adays, but an entire system of volunteers and soldiers scattered throughout the city. It is easy to identify them with the image that they print on their vehicles and sew on the sleeves of their uniforms. Clicky for Imagery!

Some say they are in it for just the thrill of combat, other say they are a godsend, nobody can really round up their intentions though, for everyone came on their own terms.
@Romdeaux being that I'm in the military and currently going through schooling for a job my time is limited to later in the day, which honestly isn't a problem it gives me plenty of time to reply to and add to the IC.

The only problem is that the Navys internet provider fucking sucks, so I have to wait for the Internet on base to get fixed in order to make an IC post on something other than my phone.

Hope it's not a problem.
Will I be okay to post GM lord?
Right-o! I'll post tonight or tomorrow. Now for ze action packed, adrenaline pumping, cursing between your teeth while in immediate panic adventure that lies ahead.

Eeh.. AS YOU ARE ZE GM I ask you: What assets should Jabari have for this event?
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