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Hearing the noise, Minae turned her head. But her head would not stay turned for long, as her worry grew
Vittoria could have let out a sigh of relief when Minae's attention was drawn back to her child. If she wanted to get out of the house, she'd have no choice but to use more magic. She crawled to the side of the fridge then leapt off, darting to the door before using just enough glamour to give herself the height she had earlier along with the color of human skin. Her wings remained along with the natural state of her silver hair which blew back when she opened the door and hurried out, the iron in the doorknob minimally burning her palm. The faery left the door wide open as she ran down the street, her inky black eyes catching sight of a wolf through a bedroom window.
Nakio jumped out of his house and and onto a roof and started to jump rooftop to rooftop. He came a cross a girl running in the streets and jumped down in front of her and ripped out her heart. He swallowed it and went on to the next victim.
Minae, still confused, decided to call an ambulance for klaus- not wanting to take any chances with his finger
The faery dropped her glamour a second before the wolf's nails caught her, the miniature creature quickly taking refuge in a thorn bush. Who decided to let the monsters out tonight? She settled herself deeper between the thorns, careful to not snag her wings on them. "Stupid werewolves. Stupid-" She jumped as a thorn slightly pierced her thigh. "Stupid thorns!" Vittoria's muttering was ceased at the sight of the pretty flashing lights on top of a vehicle that cruised down the street.
Klaus's finger would return to its normal color by the time paramedics arrived, the black spots that had been embedded within the flesh nowhere to be seen. It was a temporary side effect to the faery's bite.
Once the medics arrived, Minae explained the situation and showed them his finger- surprised to see it gone, they knew that Minae was not crazy, so they gave her some children's antibiotics and reminded her of the dosage before leaving. She sighed
She waited for the pretty vehicle to leave before sneaking to a widow of Minae's house, peering in through the glass quietly. The question was how to lure Minae into the forest. The sky was getting dark and she'd soon have to leave the place to- Oh! That's what she'd do! She'd get Minae to leave the house by lighting the lantern at her hip. Almost everyone who saw the light followed then lost themselves in the forest where they soon died, but this woman wouldn't, not tonight anyway.
Minae sighed, giving klaus the medicine. "Good, klaus. You'll be fine..." She mused to her fussy son
She rapped her tiny fist against the window, hoping to get the woman's attention. "Minaaae," She whined. "Minaaae!" Her voice was of a higher pitch now than when she had had herself glamoured. After hitting her fist against the window a few more times, Vittoria lowered herself away from the glass.
Immediately going into defense mode, Minae gripped Klaus and cautiously looked toward the window where her name had been called
The faery almost giggled with her mischief then removed the lantern from her waist, lighting it as dusk blackened into nightfall. The blue flame was bright enough to be seen from a few houses over if anyone were outside to witness it. She brought the lantern up to the glass, the light that reflected off of it concealing the fact she was behind the lantern. "Minae?" She called out again while bobbing from one side of the window to the other.
Minae stared - perplexed at the glowing blue light "....... What?" She pondered, klaus looking over as well
Waking up with blood all over him was not what Nakio wanted to see. He got up and sneakily went to his house and washed up. He put on a new pair of clothes and started his normal day, going to the cafe. He was walking to the cafe when he saw a crime scene. He asked the officer what happened and he told Nakio that a women was murdered. He was shocked, in his mind he knew he did it. He told the officer he had to go and ran home and played down on his bed slowly drifting off to sleep.
"Come out! Come out, Minae!" The blue light began to move away from the window and towards the forest, hovering in midair briefly before continuing to creep back past the trees. "Come see your future!" The voice became quieter with the light partially fading between the bushes. Vittoria was happy to've caught the woman's attention, but would she follow her into the woods?
Tired and not thinking straight, Minae was beyond intrigued, holding tight still to Klaus as she went out the back door to follow the odd, blue light
The faery was suddenly overjoyed as Minae came out with Klaus in her arms. If she led the two far enough... The Will o' the Wisp continued retreating aimlessly into the thicket, pausing once and a while to allow the woman almost close enough to touch the lantern before flying further away. She took the two in looping circles and different directions to get them lost. It was all too easy! Finally, she perched herself on top of a boulder in the dark, her wings twitching anxiously behind her back. They were no longer in Seelie territory, so there was nothing any "good" Fae could do to help. "Minaaae," she cooed once more while slowly dimming the flame.
Minae heard her name but was trying to get back to her senses. "... what am I doing?" She groaned, looking around, seeing some tall city buildings far in the distance. "... i don't know where we are, but we should get back home..."
"MOTHER!" Nakio screamed as he woke up. *Sighs* I need therapy, Nakio said to himself. He got up and went out. He thought of going into the woods for some piece because that's where he belongs, in the wild. He ran into the woods and took a short nap under a tree.
Once the blue flame was all but extinguished, Vittoria slowly pieced together her human height, but not appearance. The air briefly shimmered around her as she stepped off the boulder towards Minae, her grin undeniably ecstatic now that she stood at almost the same height once more. "Hello again!" She held the only source of light up between their faces, the lantern's single flame now a deep crimson illuminating the silver hair falling over her shoulders along with the unusual gray skin pigmentation. Her black eyes bored into Minae's with hope as her six-knuckled hand reached out to grasp the lady by her wrist.
Minae instinctively backed up, grasping Klaus with both hands as the child let out a whimper. "Finger"

"Huh? Finger?" Minae turned her head to face Klaus, still stepping back
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