Transform me, save me (( SS and Fliris ))

'Good gracious, did Ann really just tell me about her corsets?' No sisters or experienced brothers to tell him these things, no members of polite society who would chat about these things either. If Johann had been sipping a drink he'd have spurted it. The rest of Ann's tone sounded so carefree and unattached to this world, it was like talking to a visitor from a whole other realm. "The, the forks and things, doesn't everyone know that to begin with? Isn't it just the way it is?"

When the server approached Johann made no mention of the indecent grumble coming from his belly but did request both treats, making the cherry mice a small portion of a trio only. "And my drink is an Earl Grey tea, with-- no, ignore that, peppermint hot chocolate, please. If this is to be my one escape the word is 'frivolous' all the way. And for you, Ann? Oh, this is all one check going to me of course, ma'am," the Asian added to the older waitress.
" The people whom we once called riff raff do not I'm afraid." She watched as he ordered. He was like a small child that had never been to a candy store.
" A white chocolate mocha with an extra pump of chocolate will do." She said out of habit she moved closer to the handsome musician. She smiles and says "So I can't break the ice by asking what you do in your free time seeing as you don't have any." "What type of music do you prefer? I prefer Celtic, Opera, and Classical" she stated sipping the warm and sugary drink that was just handed to her.
"Celtic?" An eyebrow raised. And a smile showed a row of orthodontist-perfect teeth worth more than some cars. Johann leaned forward, curiousity piqued by the runaway whose mysterious ways deepened the more he learned about her. "So you get to be diverse now. 'Scandalous' in my home is finding more merit in Vivaldi than Bach and Mozart, such a narrow scope of difference within the same genre. Mouse?" Holding the recently delivered treat by the stem, he moved to place the quirky little confection on the edge of the saucer on which her white mocha had been served while the waitress lowered the remaining drink and angel food. "It's true, we probably won't finish all, but I thought of you while adding this chocolate trio to the order. I want you to have one of my cherries."

(( Corny but at the rate Annoliese is going I can't resist provoking her. ))
"My family is Irish. Celtic music has always been in my family. When i was little I had a Irish accent but as I got older it faded away. " She said and noticed he was offering her own of his chocolate cherry "mice". "Thank you, I love cherries." She didn't notice she had gotten closer to the tall and handsome boy, well man. "So. Tell me what you like in a lady." She was curious as to what type of girls he liked. He more than likely prefered the well manner, high born, beautiful,and wealthy girls. Not a girl who once had it all but left it behind for freedom.
"Hmmm." Takahashi was practically falling into a daydream at Ann's words and presence. "In Japan, you would either be Gaijin, the foreigner who is looked down upon, or otherwise..." His voice changed from matter-of-fact to fascinated. "...the beautiful exotic foreigner, the way Americans think of Arabian Nights or speaking in romantic French. And well, I wouldn't say there's a type for me." Now he faltered a little. Study partners? Daughters of other socialites who sat at the same tables at banquet functions? Duet partners and small orchestra co-ensembles? "But I think when someone has that glow, you know it," he finished, gazing soulfully.

{Taken, taken, you baka! By a guy who is worth running away from home over! How could you NOT think you're crossing the line? If you were a girl you'd be batting your eyelashes!} With that inner scolding, Johann practically kicked himself, but disciplined himself to showing nothing. There was no chance of this meeting - this wonderfully spontaneous and utter joi de vivre meeting turning into anything - so he couldn't possibly be doing any harm then. Right? On that note he speared a bit of angel food on his fork and slowly, playfully brought it to Annoliese's mouth. "Say aah," he chuckled.
"W-wow" She heard his voice change from a formal, informative one, to a admirable one. She thought back to the last time she had actually enjoyed her time with Austin. The last time she had seen him they had made "Love" that didn't really feel like love. She couldn't remember the last time he had taken her anywhere. He never put any restraints as to what she could and couldn't do. Hell, she could have had another boyfriend and he wouldn't even know. 'I think it's time for me to move on from Austin. Ever since we left the academy and home he has turned into a irresponsible and almost uncaring jerk.' She thought. 'But where would I go? I have no where to live.' She sighed to herself but kept her all so famous "Everything is terrible but I'm not showing it" smile. This boy. He was diffrent. 'I need to get to know him better. Maybe have another "Date".' She thought. She giggled and opened her mouth for the small bite of angel food cake being offered to her by the almost god like boy beside her.
"Well done," Johann chimed after he brushed Ann's lip with the spongy morsel and placed it on her tongue, his own lips pursed like he was holding back giggles of his own. He took a sip of his peppermint hot chocolate and came back with a foam mustache, unknowingly. "Your turn for questions. What's the lucky guy like other than being a football hero?" Did he just say 'lucky guy'? That implies too much! "And- so- what's it like going off into the real world on your own, a couple years ahead of schedule?"
She giggles and grabs a napkin. "You. Um. Have a mustache" She says while leaning forward to dab at the foam around his perfectly curved mouth. "He. He's sweet,but lately he has changed." she faded off the subject. "It wasn't as hard as you think. I had been so well prepared, I had the knowledge and tools I needed. I have a job, and I'm still studying from the academy. I am taking online classes using the libary's computers. I live with Austin and his friend Will. But the apartment is so small and cramped I feel as though-" She cut herself off before she said anything more. She sipped her coffee and ate another small bite of cake.
The Asian youth felt butterflies as the stunning blonde touched his lips close enough for him to take in the highlights in her eyes and angelic lines of her hands. He closed his eyes momentarily with a deep breath that was more of a sigh and moved on.

"Heh. Feel as though you're married already? As though you've got a new brother, Will?" he filled in cautiously, uncertain of Ann's expression as she turned to her desserts.
"And bully for you for continuing with school - you're a success in every measure." He beamed sadly in admiration - all his effort trying to reach "the top" of the music scene, of well-bred society, and to a lesser extent, personal wealth, and here someone was running rings around his accomplishments in categories of real world living he'd never even considered before.
She tried to hide the pain that appeared in her eyes when he spoke the word 'Marriage', but failed. "Austin isn't as great as you would hope is he. And Will is far from pleasant.''She said looking for the waitress then turned back to face him. " I knew if I could finish school away from home I'd be ok. I have a job, but my living conditions aren't ideal. The apartment is so small and when Austin comes home drunk he-" She cuts off from what she was about to say. Remembering the nights he came home drunk and abused her physically and sexually.
The pain in Annoliese made Johann flinch as well. Drunkenness? Some hidden misery? For a moment he was ashamed that the prejudices and class snobbiness that had been drilled into him could be right about this one instance, just when he'd started to think the world of high art was flimsy as paper sheet music.

But groomed manners kicked in: when someone was in disgrace, the courteous thing to do was to turn a blind eye to their blemish rather than drawing attention to it and thus give the person the space to recover in their own good time, whether physical and minor like a spot of tea on one's lapel to raging, hysterical, plate-breaking fights going on under the roof of the estate next door. "He puts his feet up on the coffee table and sings drunken, karaoke-style, off key Celtic and opera?" Johann teased with an encouraging smile he didn't feel, blurting the most absurd thing he could think of to distract the lovely miss out of her mood.

Still unsettled, he glanced at his watch. "How much time did you say you would need to get to the library before your shift?"
"No. I'm afraid when Austin has had alot to drink,he. He abuses me." She finally said. She ate another piece of cake trying not to let her emotions out for the public eye to see. She looked at the clock. " I have 15 minutes until I have to be there but it only take ten minutes from here." She said. She motioned for the waitress to bring the check, then looks back at the handsome boy. "Hey! Would you like to go to a rave with me? I really need to get out of the house and have some fun. " She said with a genuine smile.
Johann Sebastian's face froze and turned ashen. When the server brought their check he stripped some bills from his wallet. The cash given was rounded up hugely, with the teen unable to calculate the simple function of addition much less multiply by a socially appropriate percent. All of a sudden his jaw ached, and with a startle he realized he'd been clenching his teeth the entire time.

So looks like her choice is between betrothal to *some guy* like medieval times or this nightmare. That can't be the only alternatives. "We'll figure something ELSE out." His voice was bleak, expression and manner one of stark concern. "As for the rave, yes." The sheltered boy sounded numb even to himself. Rave, didn't that mean riot or uprising? The classical music prodigy would have agreed to a trip to Mars to get pickled in embalming fluid at this point. He held Ann's hand sadly, one of hers in both of his, and led the way to the front door.
She smiled when he agreed to the rave. "You'll have to dress down for the rave. Maybe a simple Polo and sorts with some comfortable tennis shoes or converses. She flushed when he held he hand and stood and walked with him to the library.
He sighed at the simple matter of clothes, already figuring that he'd have to blend in with whatever it was. But if Ann could put the rest of the situation out of his mind, so could he. Or maybe not. His mind was churning with plans, dredging up proposal after proposal and demanding whether they would generate a solution. Get his parents involved. Authorities. Himself. The other roommate. Hide Ann in one of the guest rooms and help her sneak in and out to work and socialize. Find some other sympathetic teen or recently turned adult to split living quarters for her on whatever the library salary afforded. Read up on recent crimes in the newspaper and give anonymous tips pointing to the football player for every one, fruitless though it would wind up. Learn karate, wasn't that the Asian stereotype he'd been on the receiving end of, once or twice? The last two thoughts caused him to snort derisively, snapping him back to the present.

"Oh yeah? Tell me all about what one of those raves is like," he nodded encouragingly.
She smiled widely and explained how it was so much fun. The almost constanassignt dancing and beyond loud music. She got excited just thinking about it. "Oh and I have this awesome tight black tub top-level" she stopped herself not wanting to spoil the surprise of her sexy outfit. She flickering at the library and started working on one of her online assignments.
"I bet it's marvellous," Johann agreed absently to the tube top - the rigidly sheltered youth not quite sure what that meant. "Is there much else happening besides dancing?" he continued, trying to hide a twinge of anxiety - dancing: not a valued skill and therefore not something learned or practiced whatsoever. Not even sure if he could watch enough videos and mimic often enough by the deadline not to wind up looking like a block of wood whatsoever.
Well there is alcohol involved. I might drink a strawberry daiquiri to get me in the mood to dance but not crazy shot contests. She finished her homework and got up and started to replace some of the recently returned books humming a Celtic hymn as she does so.
Johann stared thoughtfully, feigning interest at the motions of shelving books but truly seeing Ann's actions as little more than a 3D screensaver. On top of everything else, illegal activity, of all things. But if someone like Ann stood up for these acts, could they possibly be wrong? His head spun. Rather, the sheltered one gave the beautiful runaway a cryptic smile and reached for some of the books from her workload. "That tune is charming, keep it up. I didn't see you very much back when we were at the Academy - that is, REALLY see you - but you've got some spirit, Ann."
She replied in a sing song voice "though we had classes on the same floor,we rarely noticed each other." She continued to shelve books and sing, now opening her mouth and letting the words flow someone nothing and angelically from her heart.