Tisiphone; Slave 2 Beauty
Original poster
This is a Totally Spies based RP between @Korra, @Raven, @Zarko Straadi and myself, Tisiphone; Slave 2 Beauty!


A private school for the richest, most elite kids of the world is being plagued by a mystery kidnapper. The students of the school are in constant fear that they will be the next one to be held for ransom or worse- murdered. However that hasn't stopped the daily life of these partiers and travelers. Weekends are still spent on yachts and jets getting drunk and high. In order to stop this unknown kidnapper from taking more of the world's most important political, entertainment and government official's heirs, our three spies must go undercover as cousins to this school and find out what the previous victims' habits were as the families have closed ranks and aren't letting any investigators in to help them.
- (ALEXANDRA) The sweet, curious one with a lot of questions and movie references. Interested in dating but only those who have extremely similar interests (hard rock music, underground bands, etc...) Bit of a klutz, fiercely loyal and slightly introverted. Taken by Raven
- (CLOVER) The fashionable, passionate one with a bit of a temper sometimes and an interest in all things creative arts (theatre, dance etc...) Seriously interested in dating- to the point it's like a hobby chasing crushes. Honest and flirtatious. Taken by Korra
- (SAMANTHA) The smart, innovative one with a knack for English and Science. Not really interested in dating as much as experiencing life. Task oriented and protective. Taken by OP (aka Tisiphone; Slave 2 Beauty)

The private school our plot takes place at is a boarding school by the name of Hollowcreste in the middle of no where forests of Montana. It caters exclusively to the rich and powerful. The students are all the children of politicians, actors, producers, bureaucrats, diplomats, CEOs etc...
The boys are housed on the second floor of the East wing and the girls are housed on the third floor of the East wing. Each room has three students who are allowed to decorate as they wish.
The school offers your regular clubs like poetry, chess, etc... and some not so regular ones like equestrian, yacht, etc...
Your electives to chose from are as follow: Drama, Art, P.E., Swim, Wrestling, Aerobics, Yearbook, Newspaper, Home Economics, Band, Choir, Zoology, Anatomy, Child and Family Studies, French, German, Spanish, Latin, Hebrew, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, and Religious Studies.
Each student takes 6 classes per day, each class lasting 50 minutes with 10 minute breaks in between classes. Lunch is at noon and the campus is closed. No one may take the hour long drive to town for lunch as they are only given an hour to eat. Classes start at 8am and end at 3pm.
The boys are housed on the second floor of the East wing and the girls are housed on the third floor of the East wing. Each room has three students who are allowed to decorate as they wish.
The school offers your regular clubs like poetry, chess, etc... and some not so regular ones like equestrian, yacht, etc...
Your electives to chose from are as follow: Drama, Art, P.E., Swim, Wrestling, Aerobics, Yearbook, Newspaper, Home Economics, Band, Choir, Zoology, Anatomy, Child and Family Studies, French, German, Spanish, Latin, Hebrew, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, and Religious Studies.
Each student takes 6 classes per day, each class lasting 50 minutes with 10 minute breaks in between classes. Lunch is at noon and the campus is closed. No one may take the hour long drive to town for lunch as they are only given an hour to eat. Classes start at 8am and end at 3pm.
Yes we are spies- no that doesn't make you perfect. I gave you a basis for your character but its not that hard to turn them Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu so if the case I'll warn you twice and then I'm finding someone to replace you.
I know this RP is based off a children's cartoon but I would rather you have adept writing. It's still an RP between writers and not children.
If you've read all of this please write 'hahaha like totally' at the end of your personality section on your character sheet.
Assuming there are more than two people who are going to want to be a part of this I'll pick the two best sheets- criteria being most thoroughly filled out, most correctly filled out, most likely to make a great trio, most well written and most interested.
You don't have to make them look like the original three or have their names- these characters are supposed to be OC after all.
I'll be making sheets for the victims and teachers. If you have one you'd like to submit just because you like making character sheets, message it to me and I'll approve or deny it there. I really want to keep this thread for character sheets.
Message any questions to me please so I can edit your questions into this post and answer them for everyone to see without having to skim every post.
I know this RP is based off a children's cartoon but I would rather you have adept writing. It's still an RP between writers and not children.
If you've read all of this please write 'hahaha like totally' at the end of your personality section on your character sheet.
Assuming there are more than two people who are going to want to be a part of this I'll pick the two best sheets- criteria being most thoroughly filled out, most correctly filled out, most likely to make a great trio, most well written and most interested.
You don't have to make them look like the original three or have their names- these characters are supposed to be OC after all.
I'll be making sheets for the victims and teachers. If you have one you'd like to submit just because you like making character sheets, message it to me and I'll approve or deny it there. I really want to keep this thread for character sheets.
Message any questions to me please so I can edit your questions into this post and answer them for everyone to see without having to skim every post.
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